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Backend - Piattaforma Proiezioni Climatiche per il Nord-Est

Climate Projections Platform for North-Eastern Italy - Backend structure for support future climates indicators and models outputs web service platform

Piattaforma Proiezioni Climatiche per il Nord-Est


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IT License.
Creative Commons License

Commissioned by & Data credits to

Designed and developed in Italy by
INKODE soc coop

Structure: Docker services


Django, Django Rest Framework (DRF), and GeoDjango are used together to build web applications that require geospatial data processing and API development.

Django is a popular web framework for building Python-based web applications. It provides a lot of built-in features, such as an ORM for database interactions, a templating engine, and a powerful admin interface, which can speed up development time.

DRF is a Django package that provides tools for building RESTful APIs. It extends Django's built-in views and serializers to provide a more flexible and powerful way of building APIs. DRF is widely used to build APIs for web and mobile applications.

GeoDjango is a Django package that adds support for geospatial data processing to Django. It allows developers to store, retrieve, and process geospatial data in the context of a Django application. GeoDjango provides many GIS-related tools, such as spatial indexing, geographic data models, and geospatial functions.

By combining Django, DRF, and GeoDjango, developers can build web applications that can store, process, and serve geospatial data through RESTful APIs. This can be useful for a variety of applications, such as mapping services, location-based services, and data visualization tools that require geospatial data processing.

In this application, Django framework and packages are used to:

  • provide REST APIs to the frontend
  • scan NetCDF files provided by Thredds and handle the attributes of climate projection models.

Root directory: backend


PostGIS is a spatial database extender for the PostgreSQL relational database management system. It allows you to store, query, and manipulate spatial data such as points, lines, and polygons, as well as geospatial data formats such as GeoJSON and KML. PostGIS adds support for geographic objects, allowing spatial queries to be run in SQL. It provides a wide range of spatial functions and operators for performing geometric operations such as intersection, union, and buffering, as well as distance calculations and projections. PostGIS is widely used in geographic information systems (GIS), web mapping applications, and other spatially enabled applications. It is an open-source project and is actively developed and maintained by a community of developers around the world.

In this application, PostGIS is used to query all available climate projections, manage administrative users, and geographic locations.


Nginx (pronounced "engine-x") is a high-performance, open-source web server and reverse proxy server. It is designed to handle large amounts of traffic and to act as a load balancer for web applications. Nginx can serve static files quickly and efficiently, and also supports dynamic content generated by backend applications such as PHP, Python, and Node.js. In addition to its role as a web server, Nginx can also be used as a reverse proxy, which allows it to distribute incoming traffic among multiple backend servers, improve the reliability and scalability of web applications, and provide additional security features such as SSL/TLS encryption and HTTP authentication. Nginx is free and open-source software, and its development is supported by Nginx, Inc. and a community of developers around the world.

In this application, Nginx is used as a proxy-pass for other web services.

Config directory: docker/nginx

NodeJS (proxy Thredds Data Server)

A NodeJs server-side proxy application can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as load balancing, caching, and security filtering. For example, a load-balancing proxy can distribute incoming requests among multiple backend servers, improving the scalability and availability of web applications. A caching proxy can store frequently accessed data in memory or on disk, reducing the load on backend servers and improving the performance of web applications. A security filtering proxy can inspect incoming requests and filter out potentially harmful requests or data, protecting web applications from attacks. Node.js is a popular platform for building proxy servers due to its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to handle large numbers of concurrent connections efficiently,

In this application it acts as an intermediary between clients and Thredds Data Server servers, allowing users to access a subset of THREDDS data and services without authentication. It receives requests from clients and forwards them to Thredds Data Server, and then sends the response back to the client.

Root directory: backend


Martin Vector Tile Server is an open-source vector tile server that allows users to serve vector tiles over the web. It is built for MapLibre, an open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps, and supports a variety of data sources, including GeoJSON, PostGIS, and Shapefile.


GIT BRANCH: develop

Required tools for development

For development on your local machine, you need to install the following tools:

  • git
  • docker
  • docker-compose -f
  • a text editor or an IDE (Eg. Visual Studio Code)

Prepare the Environment

Starting from the root of the project, clone the backend repository, move on develop branch and clone frontend repository inside this project

git clone
cd Arpav-PPCV-backend
git checkout develop
git clone

Copy .env.example in .env and customize it with your local settings both for the backend and the frontend.

NOTE: .env's file are used to set the environment variables for the docker-compose -f file and the running services, to configure the backend and frontend services, the PostGIS database, Nginx web server etc..

For Frontend Arpav-PPCV, follow the instructions in the frontend file to start the frontend

NOTE: Both Arpav-PPCV-backend & Arpav-PPCV (the frontend) have a different .env file configuration with different variables

Run docker-compose to start it up

docker-compose -f build --no-cache
docker-compose -f up -d

Build images & start containers:

docker-compose -f up --build -d

Make django migrations:

docker exec -ti backend.api python makemigrations users groups forecastattributes places thredds

Migrate database:

docker exec -ti backend.api python migrate

Create a Super User to access the Django Admin interface:

docker exec -ti backend.api python import_super_user

NOTE: this super user is intended for development in local environment, default credential are:

  • username:
  • password: inkode

To create base layer attributes as Variables, Forecast models, Scenario e etc. Run:

docker exec -ti backend.api python import_attributes

To collect all Municipalities (from the geojson) and define geographical boundaries:

 docker exec -ti backend.api python import_regions

Scanning selected Threeds folders and copying metadata:

docker exec -ti backend.api python import_layers


  • to update already imported layers, run the command with the --refresh flag
  • to fully clean layers and & re-import them, run the command with the --destroy flag

If everything is ok and you followed also frontend README instructions, you should be able to access:


Clean build & start containers

docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d

Build images & start containers:

docker-compose up --build -d

Make django migrations:

docker exec -ti backend.api python makemigrations users groups forecastattributes places thredds

Migrate database:

docker exec -ti backend.api python migrate

Create a Super User to access the Django Admin interface:

docker exec -ti backend.api python createsuperuser

NOTE: prompt for username, email, password

To create base layer attributes as Variables, Forecast models, Scenario e etc. Run:

docker exec -ti backend.api python import_attributes

To collect all Municipalities (from the geojson) and define geographical boundaries:

 docker exec -ti backend.api python import_regions

Scanning selected Threeds folders and copying metadata:

docker exec -ti backend.api python import_layers

Re-build & deploy frontend:

cd ~/Arpav-PPCV-backend/Arpav-PPCV/;git pull;cd ..;docker-compose build frontend;docker-compose up -d


  • to update already imported layers, run the command with the --refresh flag
  • to fully clean layers and & re-import them, run the command with the --destroy flag

Stop & destroy containers (note using -v will remove the volumes)

docker-compose -f down

SSL certificates

SSL certificate are mounted in the nginx container as a volume. The certificate files and the private key should be placed on paths listed on .env file by envars SSL_CERTIFICATE and SSL_KEY, note that certificate needs to be bundled with the full chain.