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Mapper parameters

Key Description Default
mapper.image.repository Mapper image repository. otterize
mapper.image.image Mapper image. network-mapper
mapper.image.tag Mapper image tag. latest
mapper.pullPolicy Mapper pull policy. (none)
mapper.pullSecrets Mapper pull secrets. (none)
mapper.resources Resources override. (none)
mapper.uploadIntervalSeconds Interval for uploading data to cloud 60
mapper.excludeNamespaces Namespaces excluded from reporting [istio-system]
mapper.extraEnvVars List of extra env vars for the mapper, formatted as in the Kubernetes PodSpec (name and value). (none)

Internet-facing traffic reporting

Key Description Default
enableInternetFacingTrafficReporting Whether to report internet-facing traffic to Otterize Cloud. This is a temporary flag that will soon be enabled by default. false

OpenTelemetry exporter parameters

Key Description Default
opentelemetry.enable Whether to enable the OpenTelemetry exporter, which exports Grafana Tempo-style metrics for your network map. Configure the OpenTelemetry SDK using mapper.extraEnvVars (e.g. OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT). false
opentelemetry.metricName The name of the OpenTelemetry metric name exported for the Grafana Tempo-style metric. traces_service_graph_request_total

Sniffer parameters

Key Description Default
sniffer.enable Enable sniffer deployment. true
sniffer.image.repository Sniffer image repository. otterize
sniffer.image.image Sniffer image. network-mapper-sniffer
sniffer.image.tag Sniffer image tag. latest
sniffer.pullPolicy Sniffer pull policy. (none)
sniffer.pullSecrets Sniffer pull secrets. (none)
sniffer.resources Resources override. (none)
sniffer.resources Resources override. (none)
sniffer.tolerations Tolerations override. (none)
sniffer.priorityClassName Set priorityClassName. (none)

Kafka watcher parameters

Key Description Default
kafkawatcher.enable Enable Kafka watcher deployment (beta). false
kafkawatcher.image.repository Kafka watcher image repository. otterize
kafkawatcher.image.image Kafka watcher image. network-mapper-kafka-watcher
kafkawatcher.image.tag Kafka watcher image tag. latest
kafkawatcher.pullPolicy Kafka watcher pull policy. (none)
kafkawatcher.pullSecrets Kafka watcher pull secrets. (none)
kafkawatcher.resources Resources override. (none)
kafkawatcher.kafkaServers Kafka servers to watch, specified as pod.namespace items. (none)

Istio watcher parameters

Key Description Default
istiowatcher.enable Enable Istio watcher deployment (beta). false
istiowatcher.image.repository Istio watcher image repository. otterize
istiowatcher.image.image Istio watcher image. network-mapper-istio-watcher
istiowatcher.image.tag Istio watcher image tag. latest
istiowatcher.pullPolicy Istio watcher pull policy. (none)
istiowatcher.pullSecrets Istio watcher pull secrets. (none)
istiowatcher.resources Resources override. (none)

Cloud parameters

Key Description Default
global.otterizeCloud.credentials.clientId Client ID for connecting to Otterize Cloud. (none)
global.otterizeCloud.credentials.clientSecret Client secret for connecting to Otterize Cloud. (none)
global.otterizeCloud.credentials.secretKeyRef.secretName If specified, the name of a pre-created Kubernetes Secret to be used instead of creating a secret with the value of clientSecret. (none)
global.otterizeCloud.credentials.secretKeyRef.secretKey If specified, the key for the clientSecret in a pre-created Kubernetes Secret to be used instead of creating a secret with the value of clientSecret. (none)
global.otterizeCloud.apiAddress Overrides Otterize Cloud default API address. (none)
global.otterizeCloud.apiExtraCAPEMSecret The name of a secret containing a single CA.pem file for an extra root CA used to connect to Otterize Cloud. The secret should be placed in the same namespace as the Otterize deployment. (none)

Global parameters

Key Description Default
global.allowGetAllResources If defined overrides allowGetAllResources.
global.telemetry.enabled If set to false, all anonymous telemetries collection will be disabled true
global.telemetry.usage.enabled If set to false, collection of anonymous telemetries on product usage will be disabled true
global.telemetry.errors.enabled If set to false, collection of anonymous telemetries on application crashes and errors will be disabled true
global.telemetry.errors.endpointAddress If set, overrides the default endpoint address for anonymous telemetries on application crashes and errors (none)
global.telemetry.errors.stage If set, overrides the default stage for anonymous telemetries on application crashes and errors (none)
global.telemetry.errors.networkMapperApiKey If set, overrides the default API key for anonymous telemetries on application crashes and errors (none)
global.commonAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects {}
global.commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects {}
global.podAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed pods {}
global.podLabels Labels to add to all deployed pods {}
global.serviceNameOverrideAnnotationName Which annotation to use (in the service name resolution algorithm) for setting a pod's service name, if not the default. Use this if you already have annotations on your pods that provide the correct service name.

Common parameters

Key Description Default
debug Enable debug logs false
allowGetAllResources Gives get, list and watch permission to watch on all resources. This is used to resolve service names when pods have owners that are custom resources. When disabled, a limited set of permissions is used that only allows access to built-in Kubernetes resources that deploy Pods and Pods themselves - Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, ReplicaSets and Services. Resolving may not be able to complete if the owning resource is not one of those. true