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Deploying the Authorization Code (Authcode) Sample Application

The Authorization Code OAuth2 grant type is the most commonly used for web applications deployed into Cloud Foundry.

This sample application integrates with the UAA using the authorization code OAuth2 grant type. This sample application relies on the Pivotal Single Sign-On Service to automatically register this sample application as an OAuth2 client of the UAA and the Spring Cloud SSO Connector to automatically consume those configurations.

App-specific OAuth2 client configurations are made using the environment variables section of the sample app's manifest.yml file.


  1. An operator must have installed the Pivotal Single Sign-On Service
  2. An operator must have configured at least one plan for the SSO Service that is visible to your Org.
  3. The person using this sample app must know login credentials for a user in this plan. For new plans, an operator may need to create a user.

Step 0: Deploy a sample resource server

The goal of applications obtaining tokens using the OAuth2 authcode grant type is to be able to use those tokens to perform privileged actions on another service fulfilling the role of a resource server. This sample authcode application is meant to obtain tokens for use with the sample resource server application which implements a simple TODO application.

As a result of this relationship between the authcode client application and the resource server, having pushed a sample resource server app is a required prerequesite for working through the rest of this tutorial. Follow these instructions to deploy a sample resource server if you have not already done so.

Step 1: Create an identity service instance

Using the CF CLI, login and target the space where you'd like the sample app to reside.

Using the plan created as part of the Prerequisites, create a service instance in your space

cf create-service p-identity <plan-name> <service-instance-name>

The name of your service instance can be whatever you like.

Step 2: Update authcode manifest.yml with the location of the sample resource server

The manifest.yml includes a configuration block called env. This section is used to list environment variables that will be available to the deployed application.

In the env section of manifest.yml, you must update the value of RESOURCE_URL with the location of your deployed resource server application. Replace RESOURCE_URL: https://resource-server-sample.<your-domain>.com with a real url.

NOTE: You must leave off the trailing slash (/) in the RESOURCE_URL.

Step 3: Update authcode manifest.yml with the name of your identity service instance

The manifest.yml includes a configuration block called services. Your app will be bound to any service instances you list in this section when it is pushed.

Replace p-identity-sample-instance in the services block with the name of the service instance created in Step 1.

Step 4: Deploy Sample Application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Build the jar for our sample application:

./gradlew clean build

This should result in the creation of an artifact build/libs/authcode.jar. Next push the authcode sample app:

cf push --random-route

Running cf push should result in

  • The app being bound to the identity service instance, which results in the creation of a new client registration for the sample app in the UAA.
  • The OAuth client id and client secret from the UAA are provided to your application through the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. You can view these values yourself with cf env authcode-sample.
  • When the app starts, the spring-cloud-sso-connector reads VCAP_SERVICES and translates configuration from p-identity into the configuration needed by to make the sample application OAuth-aware.

You can verify the app is successfully running by viewing the output of cf apps. You can visit the authcode app by navigating to https://<authcode-app-url> where authcode-app-url is the route output from cf push or cf apps.

Testing the TODO application

You can test this sample application with users who have the and todo.write scopes for your plan. An operator can create these users with these permissions using the steps here.

To create the resource and permissions, an operator must follow these steps. After the resource and permissions have been created, you need to update the authcode-sample app with the previously created scopes on the App dashboard.

Bootstrap Application Client Configurations for the Pivotal Single Sign-On Service Instance

Beginning in SSO 1.4.0, you can use the following values your application's manifest to bootstrap client configurations for your applications automatically when binding or rebinding your application to the service instance. These values will be automatically populated to the client configurations for your application through CF environment variables.

When you specify your own scopes and authorities, consider including openid for scopes on auth code, implicit, and password grant type applications, and uaa.resource for client credentials grant type applications, as these will not be provided if they are not specified.

The table below provides a description and the default values. Further details and examples are provided in the sample application manifests.

Property Name Description Default
name Name of the application (N/A - Required Value)
GRANT_TYPE Allowed grant type for the application through the SSO service - only one grant type per application is supported by SSO authorization_code
SSO_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS Allowed identity providers for the application through the SSO service plan uaa
SSO_REDIRECT_URIS Comma separated whitelist of redirection URIs allowed for the application - Each value must start with http:// or https:// (Will always include the application route)
SSO_SCOPES Comma separated list of scopes that belong to the application and are registered as client scopes with the SSO service. This value is ignored for client credential grant type applications. openid
SSO_AUTO_APPROVED_SCOPES Comma separated list of scopes that the application is automatically authorized when acting on behalf of users through SSO service <Defaults to existing scopes/authorities>
SSO_AUTHORITIES Comma separated list of authorities that belong to the application and are registered as client authorities with the SSO service. Authorities are restricted to the space they were originally created. Privileged identity zone/plan administrator scopes (e.g., idps.write) cannot be bootstrapped and must be assigned by zone/plan administrators. This value is ignored for any grant type other than client credentials. uaa.resource
SSO_REQUIRED_USER_GROUPS Comma separated list of groups a user must have in order to authenticate successfully for the application (No value)
SSO_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME Lifetime in seconds for the access token issued to the application by the SSO service 43200
SSO_REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME Lifetime in seconds for the refresh token issued to the application by the SSO service 2592000 (not used for client credentials)
SSO_RESOURCES Resources that the application will use as scopes/authorities for the SSO service to be created during bootstrapping if they do not already exist - The input format can be referenced in the provided sample manifest. Note that currently all permissions within the same top level permission (e.g., todo.write) must be specified in the same application manifest. Currently you cannot specify additional permissions in the same top level permission (e.g. todo.admin) in additional application manifests. (No value)
SSO_ICON Application icon that will be displayed next to the application name on the Pivotal Account dashboard if show on home page is enabled - do not exceed 64kb (No value)
SSO_LAUNCH_URL Application launch URL that will be used for the application on the Pivotal Account dashboard if show on home page is enabled (Application route)
SSO_SHOW_ON_HOME_PAGE If set to true, the application will appear on the Pivotal Account dashboard with the corresponding icon and launch URL True

To remove any variables set through bootstrapping, you must use cf unset-env <APP_NAME> <PROPERTY_NAME> and rebind the application.