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Integrating NNCF into Transformers

This folder contains a git patch to enable NNCF-based quantization for XNLI, SQuAD and GLUE training pipelines of the huggingface transformers repository.


  1. Apply the 0001-Modifications-for-NNCF-usage.patch file to the huggingface transformers repository checked out at commit id: b0892fa0e8df02d683e05e625b3903209bff362d

  2. Install the transformers library and the example scripts from this patched repository as described in the documentation for the huggingface transformers repository.

  3. To start quantization-aware fine-tuning of BERT, use the regular scripts and command line parameters for XNLI and SQuAD training, but with additional --nncf_config <path_to_nncf_config> parameter. The NNCF configs are also provided in the same patch. For instance, the following command line, while run from the huggingface repository root, will launch XNLI quantization fine-tuning of BERT while starting out from a previously trained non-quantized XNLI-finetuned BERT checkpoint: python examples/text-classification/ --model_name_or_path <path_to_pretrained_xnli_bert_fp32> --language zh --train_language zh --do_train --do_eval --data_dir <path_to_xnli_dataset> --per_gpu_train_batch_size 48 --learning_rate 5e-5 --num_train_epochs 4.0 --max_seq_length 128 --output_dir xnli_output --save_steps 200 --nncf_config nncf_bert_config_xnli.json --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 48

    Distributed multiprocessing is also supported, simply use the corresponding version of the command line in the huggingface transformers repository with the same additional --nncf_config parameter.

    Same for SQuAD: python examples/question-answering/ --model_name_or_path <path_to_pretrained_squad_bert_fp32> --do_train --do_eval --do_lower_case --train_file <path_to_squad_dataset>/train-v1.1.json --predict_file <path_to_squad_dataset>/dev-v1.1.json --learning_rate 3e-5 --num_train_epochs 2 --max_seq_length 384 --doc_stride 128 --output_dir models/wwm_uncased_finetuned_squad/ --per_gpu_eval_batch_size=6 --per_gpu_train_batch_size=6 --save_steps=400 --nncf_config nncf_bert_config_squad.json

    For RoBERTa-MNLI: python examples/text-classification/ --model_name_or_path <path_to_pretrained_roberta_fp32> --task_name mnli --do_train --do_eval --data_dir <path_to_glue_dataset>/MNLI --per_gpu_train_batch_size 24 --learning_rate 2e-5 --num_train_epochs 3.0 --max_seq_length 128 --output_dir mnli_roberta_output --save_steps 400 --nncf_config nncf_roberta_config_mnli.json

    For DistilBERT-SST-2: python examples/text-classification/ --model_name_or_path <path_to_pretrained_distilbert_fp32> --task_name SST-2 --do_train --do_lower_case --max_seq_length 128 --per_gpu_train_batch_size 16 --learning_rate 5e-5 --num_train_epochs 3.0 --output_dir distilbert_yelp_tmp_model --data_dir --data_dir <path_to_glue_dataset>/SST-2 --save_steps 100000 --nncf_config nncf_distilbert_config_sst2.json

    Note that in all cases the training hyperparameters might have to be adjusted to accomodate the hardware you have available.

  4. While running with the --nncf_config option, the training scripts will output NNCF-wrapped model checkpoints instead of the regular ones. You may evaluate these checkpoints using the same command lines for training above, but with the--do_train key omitted. In order to export these checkpoints into ONNX format, further add --to_onnx <path_to_output_onnx_file> to your evaluation command line parameters.

Current best results:

All models use as their baselines the checkpoints obtained with the scripts and command line parameters from the corresponding sections in the original repository documentation. While fine-tuning the quantized model, the hyperparameters were left unchanged, i.e. the difference in the training script invocation was limited to adding --nncf_config option and specifying the pre-trained baseline model as the starting point for quantization fine-tuning. For RoBERTa-MNLI, no baseline model finetuning was necessary since the roberta-large-mnli model pretrained on MNLI was already available for download.

Make sure that you are running evaluation on a single GPU, since the repository evaluation scripts give inconsistent results when running multi-GPU evaluation.


Full-precision FP32 baseline model - bert-base-chinese, trained on the Chinese portion of XNLI - 77.68% accuracy when evaluated on the Chinese portion of XNLI test set.

INT8 model (symmetric weights, asymmetric activations quantization) - 77.22% accuracy in the same evaluation conditions.

BERT-SQuAD v1.1:

Full-precision FP32 baseline model - bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking model, trained on SQuAD v1.1 - 93.21% F1, 87.2% EM on the dev set,

INT8 model (symmetric quantization) - 92.60% F1, 86.36% EM on the dev set.


Full-precision FP32 baseline model - roberta-large-mnli, pre-trained on MNLI - 90.6% accuracy (matched), 90.1% accuracy (mismatched)

INT8 model (asymmetrically quantized) - 89.25% accuracy (matched), 88.9% accuracy (mismatched)


Full-precision FP32 baseline model - distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english, pre-trained on SST-2 - 91.1% accuracy

INT8 model (symmetrically quantized) - 90.3% accuracy

MobileBERT-SQuAD v1.1:

Full-precision FP32 baseline model - google/mobilebert-uncased, trained on SQuAD v1.1 - 89.98% F1, 82.61% EM on the dev set,

INT8 model (symmetric quantization) - 89.4% F1, 82.05% EM on the dev set.

GPT-2-WikiText 2 (raw) language modeling:

Full-precision FP32 baseline model - 19.73 perplexity on the test set

INT8 model (symmetric quantization) - 20.9 perplexity on the test set