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Preparing your document

Philippe Le Hegaret edited this page Feb 6, 2015 · 33 revisions

Echidna will automatically fetch the source of the specification link given during the token registration step by the Team Contact. It expects to retrieve 2 possible resources:

  1. a staged HTML5 document, which will handed down to the checkers before publication
  2. a manifest file (anything that doesn't start with '<' will be considered a manifest file)

Staged HTML5 document

When your specification doesn't make use of additional resources, ie no images or external style sheets, and is ready to be published.

Only the HTML document will get published if the checkers are happy.

Manifest file

When your specification does make use of additional resources, ie images or external style sheets. Echidna is expected to download all of the additional resources listed in the manifest and publish them all.

The syntax of that file is as follows, in order:

  • lines starting with '#' will be ignored
  • if the link contains a whitespace, use the spec-generator tool (see below)
  • otherwise it will be a relative link to be fetched and published


Echidna will use the spec-generator if a line in the manifest contains a space. The syntax of that line is as follows:

<relative link> <type>

Echidna will then invoke the spec-generator with the link, the type, and today's date.

Note that, at the moment at least, the link itself needs to contain both shortName and specStatus parameters as well when using respec.

Here is a simple manifest line that will trigger the spec-generator with respec:

index.html?specStatus=WD;shortName=frame-timing respec

The resulted output from the spec-generator will then be given to the checkers and eventually published.


specberus will expect you to add editor ids in your document. You can find those using user search form. This is the id associated with the W3C account of the individual, such as '56102', and it needs to appear in the markup:

<dd data-editor-id="6457">plh</dd>