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panX: microbial pan-genome analysis and exploration

Author: Wei Ding, Franz Baumdicker and Richard Neher

Overview: panX is a software package for pan-genome analysis, interactive visualization and exploration. The analysis pipeline is based on DIAMOND (Buchfink et al. 2015 Nature Methods), MCL and phylogeny-aware post-processing, which takes a set of annotated bacterial strains as input (e.g. NCBI RefSeq records or user's own data in GenBank format). Alls genes from all strains are compared to each other via the fast protein alignment tool DIAMOND and then clustered into orthologous groups using MCL and adaptive phylogenetic post-processing, which split distantly related genes and paralogs if necessary. For each gene cluster, corresponding alignment and phylogeny are constructed. All core gene SNPs are then used to build strain/species phylogeny.

The results can be interactively explored using a powerful web-based visualization application (either hosted by web server or used locally on desktop). The web application integrates various interconnected viewers (pan-genome statistical charts, gene cluster table, alignment, comparative phylogenies, metadata table) and allows rapid search and filter of gene clusters by gene name, annotation, duplication, diversity, gene gain/loss events, etc. Strain-specific metadata are integrated into strain phylogeny such that genes related to adaptation, antibiotic resistance, virulence etc can be readily identified.

Table of contents

Pipeline overview


Quick start

git clone
cd pan-genome-analysis
git submodule update --init

Install dependencies and then run the test: sh

The results can be explored via our interactive pan-genome-visualization application.


Manual installation

Install these dependencies:

  • Required software: sudo apt-get install mcl mafft fasttree raxml

  • Required python packages:

    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • treetime: git submodule update --init


The required software and python packages can be installed via Conda. How to download and set up Conda:

export PATH=~/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
conda env create -f panX-environment.yml
source activate panX

How to run

To run the test set: sh

In data/TestSet, you will find a small set of five Mycoplasma genitalium genomes that is used in this tutorial. Your own data should also reside in such a folder within data/ -- we will refer to this folder as run directory below. The name of the run directory is used as a species name in down-stream analysis.

All steps can be run in order by omitting the -st option, whereas using -st 5 6 will specify the analysis steps. If running only specific steps such as -st 5 6, steps before 5 should already be finished.

-t sets the number of CPU cores.

./ -fn data/TestSet -sl TestSet-RefSeq.txt -t 32 > TestSet.log 2> TestSet.err

This calls to run each step using scripts located in folder ./scripts/

./ [-h] -fn folder_name -sl strain_list
                   [-st steps [steps ...]] [-rt raxml_max_time]
                   [-t threads] [-bp blast_file_path]

Mandatory parameters: -fn folder_name / -sl strain_list
NOTICE: strain_list format should be species_name+'-RefSeq', e.g.: Saureus-RefSeq.txt
Example: ./ -fn ./data/TestSet -sl TestSet-RefSeq.txt -t 32 > TestSet.log 2> TestSet.err

The analysis generates clustering result ./data/YourSpecies/allclusters_final.tsv

and files required for visualizing the pan-genome using pan-genome-visualization.

    YourSpecies               # folder specific to the your pan genome
      - YourSpecies-RefSeq.txt    # INPUT: GenBank accession numbers
      - input_GenBank              # INPUT: genomes in GenBank format
        - strain1.gbk
        - strain2.gbk
      - vis
        - geneCluster.json       # for clusters table: gene clusters and their summary statistics
        - strainMetainfo.json    # for metadata table: strain-associated metadata
        - metaConfiguration.js   # metadata configuration file (also accept valid customized file)
        - coreGenomeTree.json    # core genome SNP tree (json file)
        - strain_tree.nwk        # core genome SNP tree (newick file)

        - geneCluster/           # folder contain orthologous clusters
                                 # nucleotide and amino acid alignment in gzipped FASTA format
                                 # reduced alignment contains a consensus sequence and variable sites (identical sites shown as dots)
                                 # tree and presence/absence(gain/loss) pattern in json format
          - GC00000001_na_aln.fa.gz
          - GC00000001_aa_aln.fa.gz
          - GC00000001_na_aln_reduced.fa.gz
          - GC00000001_aa_aln_reduced.fa.gz
          - GC00000001_tree.json
          - GC00000001_patterns.json

In which step different files and directories are produced is described in more details in

Command line arguments (Click here for more details)

Soft core-gene:

-cg    core-genome threshold [e.g.: 0.7] percentage of strains used to decide whether a gene is core
E.g.: ./ -cg 0.7 -fn ...

Large dataset (use divide-and-conquer(DC) strategy which scales approximately linearly with the number of genomes):

-dmdc  apply DC strategy to run DIAMOND on subsets and then combine the results
-dcs   subset size used in DC strategy [default:50]
E.g.: ./ -dmdc -dcs 50 -fn ...

Calculate branch associations with metadata (e.g. drug concentration):

-iba  infer_branch_association
-mtf  ./data/yourSpecies/meta_config.tsv
E.g.: ./ -iba -mtf ./data/yourSpecies/meta_config.tsv -fn ...

Example: meta_config.tsv

To bring the branch association into effect for the visualization, one needs to add the generated file to the visualization repository as described in Special feature: visualize branch association(BA) and presence/absence(PA) association.


microbial pan-genome analysis








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Contributors 4
