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The plugin is used in conjunction with rules bis

This plugin provides the ability to develop in the Apple ecosystem using Bazel.

Platform Rule Editor Features Debugging
MacOSX macos_application
MacOSX macos_command_line_application
MacOSX cc_binary
MacOSX swift_binary
MacOSX apple_universal_binary
MacOSX cc_test
iPhoneOS ios_application
iPhoneOS ios_ui_test
iPhoneOS ios_unit_test (logic test) /
iPhoneOS ios_unit_test (app test)
iPhoneSimulator ios_application
iPhoneSimulator ios_ui_test
iPhoneSimulator ios_unit_test (logic test)
iPhoneSimulator ios_unit_test (app test)
iPhoneOS ios_application
/ cc_library /
/ objc_library /
/ swift_library /

Editor features was provided by sourcekit-lsp embed in sswg.swift-lang The main function of this plugin is to generate dependents(like compile_commands.json modulemap swiftmodule) used in LSP (Language Server Protocol) as quickly as possible through the current build target.

It theoretically supports all rules of languages that can be supported by sourcekit-lsp and clangd, but I have not tested it. If you find any that can be used, please add them to the examples and expand the list.


  • UE for apple developing
  • Tree viewer for buildable targets
  • Extract source info from build target and generate compile_commands.json for Sourcekit-lsp
  • Generate launch.json for debug
  • Copy target path from BUILD file
  • Show target dependencies
  • Auto provides build task that are depended on the build target command + shift + b


  • bazel The bazel version is used according to the corresponding rules


  • Import bis rules in your MODULE.bazel
    # MODULE.bazel
    bazel_dep(name = "bis", version = "0.4.0", dev_dependency = True)
        module_name = "bis",
        urls = "",
        strip_prefix = "bis-0.4.0"
    # If you are not in bzlmod please check the bis rules
  • Generate .vscode/launch.json
    • command + shift + p >generate bis launch json
  • Refresh tree viewer manually
    • command + shift + p >refresh tree viewer
  • Generate dummy project for hotreloading used in
    • command + shift +p >refresh dummy project for InjectionIII

Usage Visuals

out_1 out_2

Extension Commands

This extension contributes the following commands:

  • Setup bis project: zxz-moe-bis.generateLaunchJson

    • generate .vscode/launch.json

      Notice: the target must have mandatory providers: 'AppleBundleInfo'

  • Refresh tree viewer: zxz-moe-bis.refreshTreeViewer

  • Variable

    • zxz-moe-bis.buildTarget
      • Label of selected target

        ex: //srcs/ios:App

    • zxz-moe-bis.cpu
      • Cpu string of selected device

        ex: ios_arm64

    • zxz-moe-bis.compilationMode
      • CompilationMode string of selected mode

        ex: dbg or opt

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • bis.auto_generate_launch_json

    Auto generate .vscode/launch.json when configuration changing deteched

  • bis.check_duplicate_compile_commands

    Whether to ignore repeated refresh commands. Note: Different compilation parameters will still reuse the same copy. It doesn't matter in most cases, you can choose to delete the local ./compile_commands.json or disable it

  • bis.simulator_cpu_string

    Default cpu string for simulator ( | ios_x86_64)

  • bis.pre_launch_task_name

    Task executed before launch. Default value is build

    We can specify custom build task

  • bis.build_options

    Custom build options append to bazel build

  • bis.startup_options

    Custom startup options append to bazel

  • bis.compile_commands_rolling_size

    Less than it would merge compile_commands.json automatically We can it to 0 if we don't want to auto merge

How bis work

  1. It bridged rules_apple with CodeLLDB and generate launch.json automatically
  2. It generate and refresh compile_commands.json automatically which is provided to SourceKit-lsp embed in swift extension

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is my swift code hinting not working?

    We need to disable some features like --features=swift.vfsoverlay --features=swift.use_explicit_swift_module_map because sourcekit-lsp does not fully support the full set of swift features.

  • Why is my jump to swift modules not working?

    We need to build a sourcekit-lsp version which more closer to the trunk and includes and set it to the settings which named Sourcekit-lsp: Server Path

        git clone
        export TOOLCHAINS=swift
        swift package update
        swift build

For more information
