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In this project, we implement Rainbow and replace c51 in Rainbow with IQN.

Algorithm Implemented

  • Rainbow
  • PER
  • Noisy Nets
  • Double
  • c51
  • Dueling nets
  • IQN


It is recommended to install Tensorflow from source following this instruction to gain some CPU boost and other potential benefits.

# Minimal requirements to run the algorithms. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.2, using Tensorflow 1.13.1.
# Forget the deprecated warnings... This project is not designed according to Tensorflow 2.X
conda create -n gym python
conda activate gym
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install gym atari
pip install 'gym[atari]'
# Install tensorflow-gpu or install it from scratch as the above instruction suggests
pip install tensorflow-gpu


# Silence tensorflow debug message

# When running distributed algorithms, restrict numpy to one core
# Use to ensure your numpy is using OpenBlas
# For MKL and detailed reasoning, refer to [this instruction](

# By default, this line runs rainbow-iqn, which replaces c51 in rainbow with iqn
# For full argument specification, please refer to run/
python run/


All tests are done in PongNoFrameskip-v4,

  1. Double Q nets, noisy layers, PER, multi-steps are used by default.

  2. Best arguments are kept in args.yaml. Most arguments are from the reference paper, learning rate schedule is from homework3 of UCB cs285.

  3. I modify the network a little bit, by adding a dense layer before dueling heads. This saves more than 2/3 parameters(10 million vs 36 million, which is mainly induced by the combination of dueling heads and noisy layers). Furthermore, it mitigates overfitting on some environments such as breakout.

Paper References

Dan Horgan et al. Distributed Prioritized Experience Replay

Hado van Hasselt et al. Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-Learning

Tom Schaul et al. Prioritized Experience Replay

Meire Fortunato et al. Noisy Networks For Exploration

Ziyu Wang et la. Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Will Dabney et al. Implicit Quantile Networks for Distributional Reinforcement Learning

Code References

Homework of Berkeley CS291-112

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