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<style> .drake { font-weight: bold; color: purple; } .nondrake { text-decoration: line-through; color: DeepPink; } </style>

Google Python Style Guide for Drake

Forked and adapted from the Google style guide. Many references to Google are deliberately left in to minimize merge conflicts.

Where Drake-specific rules contradict previous Google conventions, the text is retained for reference but otherwise marked with a strikethrough. The style is intentionally difficult to read in the normal course of perusal. Copying-and-pasting, or even simply highlighting the text, will facilitate reading if necessary.

Rules specific to Drake are highlighted like this for clarity and easier maintainability.

A large number of sections are intentionally hidden, as they do not apply to Drake development. For all other aspects of code style, please see Drake's Code Style Guide documentation page.

3.8 Comments and Docstrings

Be sure to use the right style for module, function, method docstrings and inline comments.

In general, the semantic rules outlined below should be enforced by reviewers. However, the formatting (e.g. indentations, lines, etc.) will be enforced by automated lint tooling (e.g. `pycodestyle`), and should not be remarked upon by reviewers.

3.8.1 Docstrings

Python uses docstrings to document code. A docstring is a string that is the first statement in a package, module, class or function. These strings can be extracted automatically through the __doc__ member of the object and are used by pydoc. (Try running pydoc on your module to see how it looks.) Always use the three double-quote """ format for docstrings (per PEP 257). A docstring should be organized as a summary line (one physical line not exceeding 80 characters) terminated by a period, question mark, or exclamation point. When writing more (encouraged), this must be followed by a blank line, followed by the rest of the docstring starting at the same cursor position as the first quote of the first line. Docstrings should conform to PEP 257 with one exception: summary lines are not required (but are acceptable). There are more formatting guidelines for docstrings below.

`pydrake` documentation uses Sphinx to generate documentation (see Drake's [Documentation Generation Instructions](, and uses the Sphinx Napoleon plugin to process Google-style docstrings.
This guide itself does not have comprehensive documentation on all directives available, but the Sphinx Napoleon documentation does: [`sphinx.ext.napoleon` docs](

3.8.2 Modules

Every file should contain license boilerplate. Choose the appropriate boilerplate for the license used by the project (for example, Apache 2.0, BSD, LGPL, GPL) At present, Drake's code (C++, Python, Skylark, etc.) does not explicitly declare its license. Files should start with a docstring describing the contents and usage of the module.
"""A one line summary of the module or program, terminated by a period.

Leave one blank line.  The rest of this docstring should contain an
overall description of the module or program.  Optionally, it may also
contain a brief description of exported classes and functions and/or usage

  Typical usage example:

  foo = ClassFoo()
  bar = foo.FunctionBar()

3.8.3 Functions and Methods

In this section, "function" means a method, function, or generator.

A function must have a docstring, unless it meets all of the following criteria:

  • not externally visible
  • very short
  • obvious

A docstring should give enough information to write a call to the function without reading the function's code. The docstring should be descriptive-style ("""Fetches rows from a Bigtable.""") rather than imperative-style ("""Fetch rows from a Bigtable."""), except for @property data descriptors, which should use the same style as attributes. A docstring should describe the function's calling syntax and its semantics, not its implementation. For tricky code, comments alongside the code are more appropriate than using docstrings.

A method that overrides a method from a base class may have a simple docstring sending the reader to its overridden method's docstring, such as """See base class.""". The rationale is that there is no need to repeat in many places documentation that is already present in the base method's docstring. However, if the overriding method's behavior is substantially different from the overridden method, or details need to be provided (e.g., documenting additional side effects), a docstring with at least those differences is required on the overriding method.

Certain aspects of a function should be documented in special sections, listed below. Each section begins with a heading line, which ends with a colon. All sections other than the heading should maintain a hanging indent of two or four spaces (be consistent within a file). These sections can be omitted in cases where the function's name and signature are informative enough that it can be aptly described using a one-line docstring.

Args: : List each parameter by name. A description should follow the name, and be separated by a colon followed by either a space or newline. If the description is too long to fit on a single 80-character 79-character* line, use a hanging indent of 2 or 4 spaces more than the parameter name (be consistent with the rest of the docstrings in the file). The description should include required type(s) if the code does not contain a corresponding type annotation. If a function accepts *foo (variable length argument lists) and/or **bar (arbitrary keyword arguments), they should be listed as *foo and **bar.

<span class="drake">Obvious parameters do not need to be documented.</span>

<span class="drake">\* See [PEP 8 - Maximum Line Length](</span>

Returns: (or Yields: for generators) : Describe the type and semantics of the return value. If the function only returns None, this section is not required. It may also be omitted if the docstring starts with Returns or Yields (e.g. """Returns row from Bigtable as a tuple of strings.""") and the opening sentence is sufficient to describe return value.

Raises: : List all exceptions that are relevant to the interface followed by a description. Use a similar exception name + colon + space or newline and hanging indent style as described in Args:. You should not document exceptions that get raised if the API specified in the docstring is violated (because this would paradoxically make behavior under violation of the API part of the API).

def fetch_smalltable_rows(table_handle: smalltable.Table,
                          keys: Sequence[Union[bytes, str]],
                          require_all_keys: bool = False,
) -> Mapping[bytes, Tuple[str]]:
    """Fetches rows from a Smalltable.

    Retrieves rows pertaining to the given keys from the Table instance
    represented by table_handle.  String keys will be UTF-8 encoded.

        table_handle: An open smalltable.Table instance.
        keys: A sequence of strings representing the key of each table
          row to fetch.  String keys will be UTF-8 encoded.
        require_all_keys: Optional; If require_all_keys is True only
          rows with values set for all keys will be returned.

        A dict mapping keys to the corresponding table row data
        fetched. Each row is represented as a tuple of strings. For

        {b'Serak': ('Rigel VII', 'Preparer'),
         b'Zim': ('Irk', 'Invader'),
         b'Lrrr': ('Omicron Persei 8', 'Emperor')}

        Returned keys are always bytes.  If a key from the keys argument is
        missing from the dictionary, then that row was not found in the
        table (and require_all_keys must have been False).

        IOError: An error occurred accessing the smalltable.

Similarly, this variation on Args: with a line break is also allowed:

def fetch_smalltable_rows(table_handle: smalltable.Table,
                          keys: Sequence[Union[bytes, str]],
                          require_all_keys: bool = False,
) -> Mapping[bytes, Tuple[str]]:
    """Fetches rows from a Smalltable.

    Retrieves rows pertaining to the given keys from the Table instance
    represented by table_handle.  String keys will be UTF-8 encoded.

        An open smalltable.Table instance.
        A sequence of strings representing the key of each table row to
        fetch.  String keys will be UTF-8 encoded.
        Optional; If require_all_keys is True only rows with values set
        for all keys will be returned.

      A dict mapping keys to the corresponding table row data
      fetched. Each row is represented as a tuple of strings. For

      {b'Serak': ('Rigel VII', 'Preparer'),
       b'Zim': ('Irk', 'Invader'),
       b'Lrrr': ('Omicron Persei 8', 'Emperor')}

      Returned keys are always bytes.  If a key from the keys argument is
      missing from the dictionary, then that row was not found in the
      table (and require_all_keys must have been False).

      IOError: An error occurred accessing the smalltable.
In the above example, note that the typing annotations on the function signature are not required in Drake.

3.8.4 Classes

Classes should have a docstring below the class definition describing the class. If your class has public attributes, they should may be documented here in an Attributes section and follow the same formatting as a function's Args section.

Attributes are not always documented for classes.

class SampleClass:
    """Summary of class here.

    Longer class information....
    Longer class information....

        likes_spam: A boolean indicating if we like SPAM or not.
        eggs: An integer count of the eggs we have laid.

    def __init__(self, likes_spam=False):
        """Inits SampleClass with blah."""
        self.likes_spam = likes_spam
        self.eggs = 0

    def public_method(self):
        """Performs operation blah."""

3.8.6 Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar

Pay attention to punctuation, spelling, and grammar; it is easier to read well-written comments than badly written ones.

Comments should be as readable as narrative text, with proper capitalization and punctuation. In many cases, complete sentences are more readable than sentence fragments. Shorter comments, such as comments at the end of a line of code, can sometimes be less formal, but you should be consistent with your style.

Although it can be frustrating to have a code reviewer point out that you are using a comma when you should be using a semicolon, it is very important that source code maintain a high level of clarity and readability. Proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar help with that goal.