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MySQL Performance Analyzer

MySQL Performance Analyzer is an open source project for MySQL performance monitoring and analysis. This repository includes two sub projects:

  • Java web application project myperf
  • Java web server jetty wrapper


MySQL Performance Analyzer is a Java Maven project. JDK and Maven 3.0 or later are required to build it.

Although JDK 8 is specified in pom.xml, this project does not use Java 8 specific features, so the user can modify pom.xml files of the two sub projects to use different JDK version. For example, if the build host only has JDK 7, modify the file myperf/pom.xml, change the lines




The build will create a zip file named as under directory perfJettyServer/target. To build it, at top level, run

  mvn clean package

Installation and Usage Instructions

  1. Requirement: Java JDK 8, or the one specified by in pom.xml if changed during build time.

  2. Unzip to the desired installation directory. If you intend to install on Windows host, please review two shell scripts and create Windows equivalent.

    For future updates, most of the time you only need to copy myperf/target/myperf.war to webapps directory under the installation directory, then restart.

  3. For a more formal installation, it is recommended to have a MySQL database server as back store to store the metrics. Otherwise, use the built-in derby db.

    • Create a database, for example, named as metrics, with the MySQL database server.
    • Create a MySQL user (for example, 'metrics'@'my_host' -> here my_host is the machine where you MySQL perf analyzer) with all privileges on above schema.
    • The above information will be required when you first login to the analyzer to setup metrics gathering.
  4. Review script to see if you need to modify any command line settings. Usually, port number is the only one you need change

    • -f: config, configuration file path. If used, the values inside configuration file will be loaded first, but can be overwritten by command line agruments.
    • -j: jettyHome, leave it as it is
    • -p: http port to be used, 9092 by default
    • -w: war (web archive) file, has to be myperf.war
    • -k: working directory, if not specified, it will use ./work
    • -c: url context, default to /myperf, leave it as is.

    The following are the list allowed in configuration file, which uses Java property file format (name=value pairs)

    • jettyHome
    • useHttps: value yes/y/no/n/true/false
    • port
    • webcontextroot
    • workdir
    • logpath
    • warfile
    • certKeyStorePath
    • certKeyStorePassword

    To support https, SSL certificate should be provided (either self signed or signed by third party) and stored in Java keystore using Java keytool (see If encounter login issue when switch between SSL and non SSL, you have to remove the browser cookie originated from the server host this application, using any cookie tool provided by the browser.

    Modify java command path inside, if needed, for example, when there are multiple JDK packages installed.

  5. Start up:


    Check nohup.out and logs directory for any error logs.

  6. Shutdown:

  7. First time Login and Setup

After startup, point your browser to http://your_host:9092/myperf (or the port number you changed). Or https://your_host:9092/myperf if https is correctly configured.

The initial login user and credential are myperf/change.

After login, you will be directed to setup page:

  • You can add an email address for notifications. The email uses OS "mailx" command.

  • Configure the metrics storage database, using the one that you created in the earlier steps.

    A metrics scan interval of 1 or 5 minutes should be good enough.

  • If use built-in derbydb, choose short retention days.

  • After configuration is done, you need to start the scanner ("Start Scanner" button on top of the page).

    Everytime you change the configuration, you need to restart the scanner.

  • If the scanner does not work as expected, restart the analyzer



  • If your SNMP uses non default community, or not version v2c, use "SNMP Settings" tab to configure SNMP. Currently only Linux based SNMP is supported. If your MySQL servers are not running on Linux, use "Alert Settings" tab to disable SNMP metrics polling.

  1. For each database server you want to monitor, you need to create a MySQL user with the following privileges:

    • process
    • replication client
    • show databases
    • show view
    • select on all (if you want to use it to check data dictionary or run explain plans)
  2. The analyzer relies on Linux SNMP to gather OS level data. Check snmpd service status.

  3. Hipchat integration: if you use hipchat for work related collaboration, you can create a hipchat room to receive alerts from MySQL Perf Analyzer. Check regarding how to setup hipchat integration. After you have hipchat notification URL and auth token, you can configure MySQL Perf Analyzer to send notification to your room, using Settings page.

Known Limitations

  1. SNMP is based on the Linux specification.
  2. Email notification uses Linux's "mailx" command.


This code licensed under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for terms.