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Yale Digital Library Discovery Application

This is one of the microservices applications that form the Yale digital library.

Development guide


Docker Development Setup

git clone

Change to the application directory

cd ./yul-dc-blacklight

Create needed files on your command line

touch .secrets

If this is your first time working in this repo or the Dockerfile has been updated you will need to pull your services

  docker-compose pull blacklight

Install Camerata

Clone the yul-dc-camerata repo and install the gem.

git clone
cd yul-dc-camerata
bundle install
rake install

Update Camerata

  • You can get the latest version at any point by updating the code and reinstalling
cd yul-dc-camerata
git pull origin master
bundle install
rake install


  • We've integrated Dynatrace OneAgent for monitoring our Docker container environments.
    • Instructions on configuring OneAgent can be found here

General Use

Once camerata is installed on your system, interactions happen through the camerata command-line tool or through its alias cam. The camerata tool can be used to bring the development stack up and down locally, interact with the docker containers, deploy, run the smoke tests and otherwise do development tasks common to the various applications in the yul-dc application stack.

All buildin commands can be listed with cam help and individual usage information is available with cam help COMMAND. Please note that deployment commands (found in the ./bin directory) are passed through and are therefore not listed by the help command. See the usage for those below.

To start the application stack, run cam up in the blacklight directory. This starts all of the applications as they are all dependencies of yul-blacklight. Camerata is smart. If you start cam up from a blacklight code check out it will mount that code for local development (changes to the outside code will affect the inside container). If you start the cam up from the blacklight application you will get the blacklight code mounted for local development and the blacklight code will run as it is in the downloaded image. You can also start the two applications both mounted for development by starting the blacklight application with --without management and the managment application --without solr --withouth db each from their respective code checkouts.

  • Access the blacklight app at http://localhost:3000

  • Access the solr instance at http://localhost:8983

  • Access the image instance at http://localhost:8182

  • Access the manifests instance at http://localhost

  • Access the management app at http://localhost:3001/management


If you receive a please set your AWS_PROFILE and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION (RuntimeError) error when you cam up, you will need to set your AWS credentials. Credentials can be set in the ~/.aws/credentials file in the following format: (The word "yale" in the straight brackets can be whatever you want it to be)


After the credentials have been set, you will need to export the following settings via the command line:

export AWS_PROFILE=yale && export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

Note: AWS_PROFILE name needs to match the credentials profile name inside of the straight brackets ([yale]). After you set the credentials, you will need to re-install camerata from the camerata repo: rake install

If you use rbenv, you must run the following command after installing camerata: rbenv rehash

Running bundle install

  • In a separate terminal window or tab than the running blacklight server, run:

    cam bundle blacklight

Accessing the blacklight container

  • In a separate terminal window or tab than the running blacklight server, run:

    cam sh blacklight
  • You will need to be inside the container to:

    • Run migrations

    • Access the seed file

    • Access the rails console for debugging

      rails c
    • Run rubocop

      rubocop -a
    • Run rspec

    • Rebuild the code documentation

      rake yale:docs:blacklight

Accessing the management app

If you're unable to load the management app try the following:

  • Stop the blacklight app from running with ctrl + c
  • Run cam down followed by cam up
  • In a new tab, cd into the management repo and run git pull
  • In the same tab, cd into the blacklight repo and run cam bundle management
  • Once that completes, refresh the management app and the blacklight app

Indexing data

  • First, connect to the running management application:

  • Second, pull up in your browser

    • Connect to the blacklight-core and execute a query to confirm no data present
  • Then, in the running management application(:3001), click the button 'Index Ladybird Records to Solr'

    • When the message appears above the buttons the data has been indexed

    • Visit :8983 and run the same query again and confirm data is present

    • Connect to the running blacklight app at localhost:3000

Pulling or Building Docker Images

Any time you pull a branch with a Gemfile change you need to pull or build a new Docker image. If you change the Dockerfile, you need to build a new Docker image. If you change a file in ./ops you need to build a new Docker image. These are the primary times in which you need to pull or build.

When Installing a New Gem

For the most part images are created and maintained by the CI process. However, if you change the Gemfile you need to take a few extra steps. Make sure the application is running before you make your Gemfile change. Once you've updated the Gemfile, inside the container, run bundle && nginx -s reload. The next time you stop your running containers you need to rebuild.

HTTP password protection

In order to prevent search engine crawling of the system before it's ready to launch, we use HTTP password protection. This is set via environment variables. Set HTTP_PASSWORD_PROTECT='true' to enable this feature. Set HTTP_PASSWORD_PROTECT='false' to disable this feature. Set the login and password via environment variables HTTP_USERNAME and HTTP_PASSWORD in the .secrets file


For the image instance to properly access images, you must also create a .secrets file with valid S3 credentials and basic auth credentials; see secrets-template for the correct format.

Releasing a new version of Blacklight

Refer to the steps in the Camerata repo

Deploy an individual branch

Refer to the steps in the Camerata repo

Using a New Release of the Management App or other microservices

  1. Go to the yul-dc-camerata repository on Github and check the latest release number in the .env file.

  2. Edit your .env file to match

  3. Run docker-compose up blacklight

Writing Integration Tests

Integration tests run without styling by default. This allows for more stable tests involving Capybara and loads the pages faster.

If styling is needed for a test to pass, tag the test with style:true

Test coverage

We use coveralls to measure test coverage. More details here.