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00. Preface

"It is hardly surprising that the science they turned to for an explanation of things was divination, the science that revealed connections between words and things, proper names and the deductions that could be drawn from them...

-- Henri-Jean Martin,

The History and Power of Writing

00.1 Why Learn SPARQL?

Time Berners-Lee (Web Inventor): "Trying to use the Semantic Web without SPARQL is like trying to use a relational database without SQL."

SPARQL was not designed to query relational data, but to query data conforming to the RDF data model.

This book'sprimary goal is to quickly get you comfortable using SPARQL to retrieve and update data and to make the best use of that retrieved data.

00.2 SPARQL 1.1 Query Language Specification


00.3 Link to the book

Sample codes

01. Jumping Right In: Some Data and Some Queries

01.01 The Data to Query

Semantic Triple:

Subject (s)-> Predicate (p) -> Object (o) (see:RDF Triple: :Obi-Wan_Kenobi - dbo:occupation -> :Jedi)


01.02 Querying the Data

Tool: arq, download from jena site

Command: arq --data datafile.ttl --query queryfile.rq






Using Protege to build ontology and query data

01.03 More realistic Data and Matching on Multiple Triples

(see:02.03.05 Blank Nodes and Why They're Useful)






01.04 Searching for Strings


01.05 What Could Go Wrong?


01.06 Querying a Public Data Source

Online Ontology



Dublin Core

Public DBpedia SPARQL endpoint:

dbpedia SPARQL Query Editor (SPARQL Playground)

Wikidata Query Service:

120 Year of Olympics Data

Ontology Registry and Repository


Online SPARQL Query Editor

SPARQL Query Editor from

SPARQL Editor from



What SPARQL is?

SPARQL is a recursive acronym for "SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language", which is described by a set of specifications from the W3C.

(see:00.2 SPARQL 1.1 Query Language Specification)

The basics of RDF

(see:Recap RDF from Chapter 1)

RDF - Resource Description Framework - is a general model of how any piece of data, and representations of knowledge, can be expressed as so called triples.

RDF Triples can be aggregated into graphs withsubjects andobjects as nodes, andpredicates as arcs.

RDF isn't a data format, but a data model with a choice of syntaxes for storing data files.

In this data model, you express facts with three-part statements known astriples.

(see:Semantic Triple: Subject (s)-> Predicate (p) -> Object (o))

The meaning and role of URIs

A URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier.

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), also known as web addresses, are one kind of URI.

A locator helps you find something, like a web page, and an identifier identifies somethings.

A URI may look like a URL, and there may actually be a web page at that address, but there might not be; its primary job is to provide an unique name for something, not to tell you about a web page where you can send your browser.

The parts of a simple SPARQL query

The SPARQL Query Language specification recommends that files storing SPARQL queries have an extension of .rq, in lowercase.

A SPARQL query typically says "I want these pieces of information from the subset of the data that meets these conditions."

You describe the conditions withtriple patterns, which are similar to RDF triples but may include variables to add flexibility in how they match against the data.

How to execute a SPARQL query with ARQ

(see:Command: arq --data datafile.ttl --query queryfile.rq)

How the same variable in multiple triple patterns can connect up the data in different triples

Check ex013.rq

What can lead to a query returning nothing

Without theOPTIONAL keyword, a SPARQL processor will only return data for a graph pattern if it can matchevery single triple patternin that graph pattern. -- this is the key reason lead to a query returning nothing.

What SPARQL endpoints are and how to query the most popular one, DBpedia

(see:Public DBpedia SPARQL endpoint:

A SPARQL Endpoint is a Point of Presence on an HTTP network that's capable of receiving and processing SPARQL Protocol requests.

It is identified by a URL commonly referred to as a SPARQL Endpoint URL.

Reference site @ "Learn SPARQL"

02. The Semantic Web, RDF, and Linked Data (and SPARQL)

02.01 What Exactly Is the "Semantic Web"?

The semantic web isa set ofstandards andbest practices for sharing data and the semantics of that data over the Web for use byapplications.

A set of Standards

the RDF data model
the SPARQL query language
the RDF Schema for storing vocabularies
OWL standards for storing ontologies

best practices for sharing data... over the Web for use by applications

Use Linked Data as a set of best practices for sharing data across the web infrastructure so that applications (not human beings!) can more easily retrieve data from public sites with no need for screen scraping.

The Linked Open Data Cloud --

the semantics of that data

The idea of "semantics" is often defined as "the meaning of words"

"The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation." -- Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila: The Semantic Web, Scientific American, 284(5), pp. 34-43(2001)

A Web of Data

The Semantic Web is anExtension of the traditional Web

The meaning of information (Semantics) is made explicit byformal (structured) and standardized knowledge representations (Ontologies).

Thereby it will be possible:

toprocess the meaning of information automatically

torelate andintegrateheterogeneous (异质) data

todeduceimplicit (not evident) information from existing (evident) information in an automated way

The Semantic Web is kind of aglobal database that contains auniversal network of semantic propositions.

URI - Uniform Resource Identifier

(see:A Web of Data)

Graph URIs are regarded as "Specifications & Solutions" in Semantic Web Technology Stack

RDF Triple:

:Obi-Wan_Kenobi - dbo:occupation -> :Jedi

RDF is the main interchange format for the Semantic Web Technology Stack
RDF is regarded as "Specifications & Solutions" in Semantic Web Technology Stack

RDFS - RDF Schema: enable the capability to form models (

RDFS is encoded into the RDF framework

OWL, description logics

logical rules: SWRL, SHACL
OWL and SKOS can help modeling classes and relations between classes


SPARQL is a standardized query language for the Semantic Web
SPARQL is a query language used to retrieve and manipulate data stored in RDF format
SPARQL supports graph pattern matching to navigate RDF data

02.02 URLs, URIs, IRIs, and Namespaces

URL: Uniform Resource Locator, usually using specific protocols to locate resource within World Wide Web is the most common type of URI.

URN: Universal Resource Names, one of the URI type with urn:scheme and the typical use example is ISBN system.

URI: Uniform Resource Identifier, includes URL and URN.

RDF-related syntaxes such as Turtle, N3, and SPARQL use the <> brackets to tell a processor that something is an actual URI and not just some string of characters that begins with "http://"

The URIs that identify RDF resources are like the unique ID fields of relational database tables, except that they'reuniversally unique, which lets you link data from different sources around the world instead of just linking data from different tables in the same database.

IRI: Internationalized Resource Identifier, compare to URI, it's characters are Unicode which means including Chinese, Japanese and Koreans etc.

The SPARQL Query Language specification refers to IRIs when it talks about naming resources, and not to URIs or URLs, because IRI is the most inclusive term.

Withnamespace term (a set of names used for a particular purpose), it is possible to distinguish between different senses of a word


Computer science: refer to a set of names used for a particular purpose

W3C: released a spec describing how XML developers could say that certain terms come from specific namespaces, then they could distinguish between different senses of a word

(see:02.03 The Resources Description Framework (RDF))

02.03 The Resources Description Framework (RDF)

(see:The basics of RDF)

Recap RDF from Chapter 1

RDF is a data model in which the basic unit of information is known as atriple

A triple consists of asubject, apredicate, and anobject. You can also think of these as aresource identifier, anattribute or property name, and anattribute or property value

To remove any ambiguity from the information stated by a given triple, the triple's subject and predicate must beURIs. (We can use prefixed names in place of URIs)

02.03.01 Storing RDF in Files

The technical term for saving RDF as a string of bytes that can be saved on a disk isserialization.

All RDF serializations so far have beentext files that used different syntaxes to represent the triples.

The serialization format is calledTurtle.

The simplest format is called N-Triples, in which you write out complete URIs inside of angle brackets and strings inside of quotation marks.Each triple is on its own line with a period at the end. (N-Triple has extention as .nt)


The oldest RDF serialization,RDF/XML, was part of the original RDF specification in 1999.


02.03.02 Storing RDF in Databases

The best way to store RDF is to a database manager optimized for RDF triples, we call this atriplestore.

What is an RDF TripleStore (by OntoText)
TripleStore 101 (by DataVersity)
UK Gov's School Info Endpoint
About TripleStore (by DBpedia)

TripleStore Products (some)

Amazon Neptune
AnzoGraph DB (Cambridge Semantics)

(see:ArangoDB Community Edition)

DataStax Enterprise Graph
GraphDB Enterprise (OntoText)

(see:GraphDB Lite (OntoText))

Graphileon (GDB Tool)

(see:AnzoGraph DB (Cambridge Semantics)DataStax Enterprise GraphMemgraph Enterprise/Cloud EditionNeo4j graph databaseONgDB EnterpriseRedisGraph)

Memgraph Enterprise/Cloud Edition

(see:Memgraph Community Edition)

Neo4j graph database

(see:Neo4j Community)

ONgDB Enterprise

(see:ONgDB Community)

Virtuoso (OpenLink Software)
Apache's Jena Fuseki

Apache’s Fuseki, along with the entire Jena project and all its plugins, is still actively developed as of October 2020. It supports the SPARQL 1.1 update and gets new features and enhancements with each new release, which takes place every quarter or so. We know that Fuseki can scale loading the entire Wikidata dump.

ArangoDB Community Edition

Blazegraph, previously known as Bigdata , is a great triplestore that scales to billions of triples with thousands of proven use cases. In fact, it was so good that AWS bought the Blazegraph trademark almost five years ago and hired some of its staff, including the CEO. Unfortunately, that meant that most of Blazegraph’s development experience was used to create a competing product: Amazon Neptune. Although the official releases of Blazegraph have slowed down, it still supports SPARQL 1.1 and is by no means outdated.

(see:Amazon Neptune)


BrightstarDB is an RDF triple store. It does not require the definition of a database schema, and with the RDF data model model , it can easily add and integrate data of all shapes. The core libraries have a small footprint and install with zero configuration for embedded applications.


Cayley is an open-source graph inspired by the graph database behind Freebase and Google's Knowledge Graph.


Filament is a graph persistence framework and associated toolkits based on a navigational query style. A default persistence engine is included for storing graph objects and properties into simple relational tables but the actual storage model is pluggable.

GraphDB Lite (OntoText)

GraphDB Lite is a free RDF triplestore that allows to store up to 100 million triples on a desktop computer. This version of GraphDB can be easily deployed using JAVA. SPARQL 1.1 queries are performed in memory, not using files based indices. Reasoning operations for inferencing are supported in GraphDB Lite.

Graph Engine

Graph Engine

= RAM Store + Computation Engine + Graph Model

Graph Engine (GE) is a distributed in-memory data processing engine, underpinned by a strongly-typed RAM store and a general distributed computation engine.

The distributed RAM store provides a globally addressable high-performance key-value store over a cluster of machines. Through the RAM store, GE enables the fast random data access power over a large distributed data set.

The capability of fast data exploration and distributed parallel computing makes GE a natural large graph processing platform. GE supports both low-latency online query processing and high-throughput offline analytics on billion-node large graphs.


HyperGraphDB is a general purpose, open-source data storage mechanism based on a powerful knowledge management formalism known as directed hypergraphs designed mostly for knowledge management, AI and semantic web projects, it can also be used as an embedded object-oriented database for Java projects of all sizes.

  • Gremlin Query Language

MapGraph API makes it easy to develop high performance graph analytics on GPUs. The API is based on the Gather-Apply-Scatter (GAS) model as used in GraphLab. To deliver high performance computation and efficiently utilize the high memory bandwidth of GPUs, MapGraph's CUDA kernels use multiple sophisticated strategies, such as vertex-degree-dependent dynamic parallelism granularity and frontier compaction.

Memgraph Community Edition
Neo4j Community

Neo4j is an open-source graph database, implemented in Java described as embedded, disk-based, fully transactional Java persistence engine that stores data structured in graphs rather than in tables.

ONgDB Community
OrientDB Community Edition

OrientDB is a 2nd Generation Distributed Graph Database with the flexibility of Documents in one product. It can store 220,000 records per second on common hardware. Even for a Document based database, the relationships are managed as in Graph Databases with direct connections among records.


Orly is a non-relational database, meant to be fast and to scale for billions of users. Orly provides a single path to data and will eliminate our need for memcache due to its speed and high concurrency.


sones GraphDB is an object-orientated graph data storage for a large amount of highly connected semi-structured data in a distributed environment.


Weaver is a distributed graph store that provides horizontal scalability, high-performance, and strong consistency.Weaver enables users to execute transactional graph updates and queries through a simple python API

02.03.03 Data Typing

XML Schema 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes

Assignment of datatypes in Turtle


Assignment of datatypes in RDF/XML


02.03.04 Making RDF More Readable with Languages Tags and Labels

W3C SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System)

defining vocabularies, texonomies, and thesauruses
SKOS Specification
ISO 25964 thesaurus standard


List of ISO 639 language codes
List of ISO 3166 country codes




02.03.05 Blank Nodes and Why They're Useful

(see:03.04 Searching Further in the Data)



The understore "_" prefix means that this is a special kind of node known asblank node orbnode.

BNode has no permanent identity; its only purpose is to group together some other values.

Query bnode as subject


WHERE { ?s <...> [ <> ?c ] }

[ ... content ... ] is a convenience in turtle and sparql to introduce a bnode (typically in an object position) and add some properties of that bnode

02.03.06 Named Graphs

Named graphs are another way to group triples together.

When you assign a name to a set of triples, you can then assign metadata to that set of triples, which we called named subsets of the graph

In a RDF database, a named graph is what we call a subset of our data that has been given a unique label (name). A graph database can contain any number of named graphs alongside its default graph, and each fact can be present in or absent from any graph.

02.04 Reusing and Creating Vocabularies: RDF Schema and OWL

RDF Schema and the RDF based Web Ontology Language (OWL) add a typing mechanism to classify subjects and objects into hierarchies

(see:Online Ontology)

RDF 1.2 Schema (RDFS)

rdfs classes
rdfs properties
Container Classes and Properties
RDF Collections
Reification Vocabulary
Utility Properties
  • S rdfs:isDefinedBy O


Google, Bing and Yahoo use OWL publish a joint vocabulary, example:

NCI use OWL to publish NCI Thesaurus (the source for CDISC's CT:s) in an RDF/XML format

RDF Schema is itself a vocabulary with a schema whose triples declare facts




Without defining a large, complex ontology, many RDF developers use just a few classes and properties from OWL to add metadata to their triples


02.05 Linked Data

(see:Use Linked Data as a set of best practices for sharing data across the web infrastructure so that applications (not human beings!) can more easily retrieve data from public sites with no need for screen scraping.)

Four Linked Data Principles

by Tim Berners-Lee 2006

1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names

3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF, SPARQL)

4. Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more things

Five-Star of Open Data Schema

by Tim Berners-Lee, 2010

*: any kind of sharing at all.

**: sharing it in a machine-readable formate (as opposed to a scan of a fax), regardless of the format

***: sharing data on the Web using a nonproprietary format, such as comma-separated values instead of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

****: putting shared data in a Linked Data format, in which concepts were identified by URLs so that we could more easily cross-reference them with other data

*****: connecting the data to other data, by providing links to related data, especially links that make use of the URLs in the data

02.06 SPARQL's Past, Present, and Future

02.07 The SPARQL Specifications

1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names

3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF, SPARQL)

4. Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more things.

03. SPARQL Queries: A Deeper Dive

03.01 More Readable Query Results

03.01.01 Using the Labels Provided by DBpedia -

query: ex048-1

query: ex048-2

query: ex048-3

03.01.02 Getting Labels from Schemas and Ontologies

03.02 Data That Might Not Be There


(see:01.05 What Could Go Wrong?07.01.02 OPTIONAL Is Very Optional)

The triples in the pattern work together as a unit, or as a graph pattern

The order of OPTIONAL graph patterns matters

03.03 Finding Data That Doesn't Meet Certain Conditions

bound and !bound



Relationships and Difference between NOT EXISTS and MINUS

03.04 Searching Further in the Data

1) Query from multiple tables or files

2) Query via Property Path

03.05 Searching with Blank Nodes

(see:02.03.05 Blank Nodes and Why They're Useful)

Although blank nodes have no permanent identity, we can use them to group together other values.

03.06 Eliminating Redundant Output

03.07 Combining Different Search Conditions

03.08 FILTERing Data Based on Conditions

(see:01.04 Searching for Strings)

03.09 Retrieving a Specific Number of Results

03.10 Querying Named Graphs

(see:02.03.06 Named Graphs)

03.11 Queries in Your Queries

03.12 Combining Values and Assigning Values to Variables

03.13 Creating Tables of Values in Your Queries

03.14 Sorting, Aggregating, Finding the Biggest and Smallest and...

03.14.01 Sorting Data

03.14.02 Finding the Smallest, the Biggest, the Count, the Average...

03.14.03 Grouping Data and Finding Aggregate Values within Groups

03.15 Querying a Remote SPARQL Service

03.16 Federated Queries: Searching Multiple Datasets with One Query

04. Copying, Creating, and Converting Data (and Finding Bad Data)


04.02 Copying Data

04.03 Creating New Data

04.04 Converting Data

04.05 Finding Bad Data

04.05.01 Defining Rules with SPARQL

04.05.02 Generating Data About Broken Rules

04.05.03 Using Existing SPARQL Rules Vocabularies

04.06 Asking for a Description of a Resource

05. Datatypes and Functions

05.01 Datatypes and Queries

05.01.01 Representing Strings

05.01.02 Comparing Values and Doing Arithmetic

05.02 Functions

05.02.01 Program Logic Functions

05.02.02 Node Type and Datatype Checking Functions

05.02.03 Node Type Conversion Functions

05.02.04 Datatype Conversion

05.02.05 Checking, Adding, and Removing Spoken Language Tags

05.02.06 String Functions







(see:01.04 Searching for Strings)

05.02.07 Numeric Functions

05.02.08 Date and Time Functions

05.02.09 Hash Functions

05.03 Extension Functions

06. Updating Data with SPARQL

06.01 Getting Started with Fuseki

06.02 Adding Data to a Dataset

06.03 Deleting Data

06.04 Changing Existing Data

06.05 Named Graphs

(see:02.03.06 Named Graphs)

06.05.1 Dropping Graphs

06.05.2 Named Graph Syntax Shortcuts: WITH and USING

06.05.03 Copying and Moving Entire Graphs

06.05.04 Deleting and Replacing Triples in Named Graphs

07. Query Efficiency and Debugging

07.01 Efficiency Inside the WHERE Clause

07.01.01 Reduce the Search Space

07.01.02 OPTIONAL Is Very Optional

07.01.03 Triple Pattern Order Matters

07.01.04 FILTERs: Where and What

07.01.05 Property Paths Can Be Expensive

07.02 Efficiency Outside the WHERE Clause

07.03 Debugging

07.03.01 Manual Debugging

07.03.02 SPARQL Algebra

07.03.03 Debugging Tools

08. Working with SPARQL Query Result Formats

08.01 SPARQL Query Results XML Format

08.01.01 Processing XML Query Results

08.02 SPARQL Query Results JSON Format

08.02.01 Processing JSON Query Results

08.03 SPARQL Query Results CSV and TSV Formats

08.03.01 Using CSV Query Results

08.03.02 Using TSV Query Results

09. RDF Schema, OWL, and Inferencing

09.01 What Is Inferencing?

09.01.01 Inferred Triples and Your Query

09.01.02 More than RDFS, Less than Full OWL

09.02 SPARQL and RDFS Inferencing

09.03 SPARQL and OWL Inferencing

09.04 Using SPARQL to Do Your Inferencing

09.05 Querying Schemas

10. Building Applications with SPARQL

10.01 Applications and Triples

10.01.01 Property Functions

10.01.02 Model-Driven Development

10.02 SPARQL and Web Application Development

10.03 SPARQL Processors

10.03.01 Standalone Processors

10.03.02 Triplestore SPARQL Support

10.03.03 Middleware SPARQL Support

10.03.04 Public Endpoints, Private Endpoints

10.04 SPARQL and HTTP

10.04.01 GET a Graph of Triple

10.04.02 PUT a Graph of Triples

10.04.03 POST a Graph of Triples

10.04.04 DELETE a Graph of Triples

11. A SPARQL Cookbook

11.01 Themes and Variations

11.02 Exploring the Data

11.02.01 How Do I Look at All the Data at Once?

11.02.02 What Classes Are Declared?

11.02.03 What Properties Are Declared?

11.02.04 Which Classes Have Instances?

11.02.05 What Properties Are Used?

11.02.06 Which Classes Use a Particular Property?

11.02.07 How Much Was a Given Property Used?

11.02.08 How Much Was a Given Class Used?

11.02.09 A Given Class Has Lots of Instances. What Are These Things?

11.02.10 What Data Is Stored About a Class' Instances?

11.02.11 What Value Does a Given Property Have?

11.02.12 A Certain Property's Values Are Resources. What Data Do We Have About Them?

11.02.13 How Do I Find Undeclared Properties?

11.02.14 How Do I Treat a URI as a String?

11.02.15 Which Data or Property Name Includes a Certain Substring?

11.02.16 How Do I Convert a String to a URI?

11.02.17 How Do I Query a Remote Endpoint?

11.02.18 How Do I Retrieve Triples from a Remote Endpoint?

11.03 Creating and Updating Data

11.03.01 How Do I Delete All the Data?

11.03.02 How Do I Globally Replace a Property Value?

11.03.03 How Do I Replace One Property with Another?

11.03.04 How Do I Change the Datatype of a Certain Property's Values?

11.03.05 How Do I Turn Resources into Instances of Declared Classes?


RDF Visualizer from