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autotest case

We provide a autotest caseset to do regression.

How to run testcases

Install required dependencies using the following command line:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements/test.txt

Run pytest command line with case filtering through -m flag. eg: -m internlm_chat_7b Filter cases related to internlm_chat_7b. The corresponding results will be stored in the allure-results directory.

pytest autotest -m internlm_chat_7b --clean-alluredir --alluredir=allure-results

If you need to generate reports and display report features, you need to install allure according to the install documentation of allure. You can also install it directly using the following command:


sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jre-headless
sudo dpkg -i ./allure_2.24.1-1_all.deb

Then generate the test report and view the corresponding HTML page by using the following command. The generated report will be stored in allure-reports.

allure generate -c -o allure-reports
allure open ./allure-reports

Preparation before testing

To improve the efficiency of test case execution, we have downloaded the hf model files to a specific path in advance for easy use in test cases. The path where the model files are stored is defined in the autotest/config.yaml file with parameter model_path.

Since the test cases involve converting the hf model using convert, the converted model storage path is defined in the autotest/config.yaml file parameter dst_path.

The autotest/config.yaml file also defines the supported model table and corresponding model categories, such as the model_map parameter, as well as the log storage path log_path used during test case execution.

If you want to create a test environment, you need to prepare the above content and modify the config.yaml file as needed.

Test case functionality coverage

The test cases cover the following functionalities:


The relationship between functionalities and test cases is as follows:

Function Test Case File
w4a16 quantization test_order1_quantization_w4
w8a8 quantization test_order1_quantization_w8a8
convert test_order2_convert
pipeline chat test_order3_pipeline_chat
pipeline chat - pytorch test_order3_pipeline_chat_pytorch
restful_api chat test_order3_restful_chat
command chat - cli test_order3_command_chat
command chat - hf test_order3_command_chat_hf
command chat - pytorch test_order3_command_chat_pytorch

The modules and models currently covered by the test cases are listed below:

Models w4a16 quantization w8a8 quantization kvint8 quantization convert pipeline chat pipeline chat - pytorch restful_api chat command chat - cli command chat - hf command chat - pytorch
internlm2_chat_7b No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
internlm2_chat_20b Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
internlm_chat_7b No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
internlm_chat_20b Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
llama2_chat_7b_w4 No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
Qwen_7B_Chat Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
Qwen_14B_Chat Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
Baichuan2_7B_Chat Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
llama_2_7b_chat Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No

How to add a testcase

you need to confirm that the corresponding model is ready Jump to prepare Section, then you can copy the existing case in the corresponding function test file. Please modify case mark, case story, case name and parameters if need.

How to add a chatcase template

We have provided some basic cases in the YAML file for dialogue testing. For CLI command usage with chat_prompt_case.yaml file, use prompt_case.yaml file for pipeline chat、 restful api and gradio testing.

If you want to add a dialogue case, you need to modify the corresponding YAML file.

The structure and logic of the YAML file are as follows:

# casename, please name the case function, eg: This case is used to test whether there is memory ability for previous round information during multi-round dialogue.
    - please introduce some attractions in Chengdu: # Round 1 prompt
        # output assert rule list, all rules need to be satisfied for the case to pass.
        - contain: # The output needs to contain any one of the following items
            - chengdu
        - contain:
            - 熊猫
            - panda
        - llama2: # For specific models that require different assert logic, the key is the model type and the value is a list of assert rules. This is a example for llama2 model. In this case, other assert rules will become invalid.
            - len_g:
    - please introduce some delicious foods: # Round 2 prompt
        # output assert info list
        - contain:
            - chengdu
        - len_g: # The output's length should larger then 10
    - XXX: # Round 3 prompt