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NNCF Architectural Overview


Neural Networks Compression Framework is a set of compression algorithms and tools to implement compression algorithms that is designed to work atop PyTorch. In essence, all of the compression algorithms present in NNCF do certain manipulations with the data inside the control flow graph of a DNN - be it the process of quantizing the values of an input tensor for a fully connected layer, or setting certain values of a convolutional layer to zero, etc. A general way to express these manipulations is by using hooks inserted in specific points of the DNN control flow graph.

Model control flow graph tracing

Unlike other frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch does not have an easily accessible graph representation of a model, and thus no way to identify specific points in the control flow graph. For this reason NNCF performs tracing of the PyTorch operators, implemented via wrapping the corresponding function and module calls. Through this process of tracing, NNCF builds an internal representation of the model graph, which is then supplied as the point of reference for specification and insertion of hooks at proper places in the network.


The main object that serves as a receptacle for compression algorithm-related adjustments to the control flow graph of the model is NNCFNetwork. It is a wrapper over a usual torch.nn.Module instance that defines an interface to inserting hooks into the model. NNCFNetwork holds a reference to the original model structure and also stores the additional trainable modules and parameters specific to the applied compression algorithms. Therefore, when saving an instance of NNCFNetwork via the usual calls, the trainable parameters of the compression algorithm are saved into the same state dict as the rest of the model parameters. NNCFNetwork extends the regular model functionality with an ability to insert hooks into arbitrary places in the model (provided they can be properly addressed in the model control flow graph, see below). A part of facilitating this is replacing some of the regular PyTorch modules with thin wrappers that allow for better hook handling and trainable compression algorithm parameter storage. Conv2d modules in the source model, for instance, will be replaced with NNCFConv2d modules upon wrapping the model with NNCFNetwork, as will some other PyTorch modules. This does not impact the module's original weights and parameters and their saving or loading from a PyTorch checkpoint.


NNCFNetwork also keeps track of the internal graph representation of the model, the NNCFGraph. It is built both for the original, unmodified model, and for the model with compression algorithms applied (which, in general, may have additional operations when compared to the original model). NNCFGraph is a wrapper over a regular directed acyclic graph that represents a control flow/execution graph of a DNN. Each node correspond to a call of a PyTorch function ("operator", as it will be caled from now on,wrapped for tracing as described above), or other operators that are registered for tracing within NNCF (such as the custom quantization function), be it within a call of a related torch.nn.Module or outside it.

The NNCFGraph is built by executing a model's forward call once with mock inputs within a TracingContext. A forward call of the model eventually triggers calls of the wrapped PyTorch operators (Python functions) within the model; once each operator is called, the TracingContext assigns the current call to a node in the NNCFGraph. It does so by keeping track of

a) the location of the current operator call inside the encompassing model's module hierarchy, i.e. a scope (represented by a Scope class objects in the NNCF),

b) the order of calls to the same operator within the same scope (to distinguish multiple torch.nn.functional.ReLU calls in a "for" loop, for example),

c) the shape of the input tensors to the current operator, and

d) the IDs of the nodes that produced each current operator's input as their output.

This information is stored as an OperationExecutionContext of the operator. If an operator call does not match to the nodes already present in the internal graph representation based on its OperationExecutionContext, a new node is added to the graph. This process occurs dynamically during each forward call of an NNCFNetwork. If the control flow is data-dependent, a whole new subgraph of the model will be built for each branching in the model definition. The graph building mechanism can cope with some branching, but it is advisable to disable NNCF tracing for the parts of the model that exhibit branching (such as the "detection output" layers of object detection networks) by using a no_nncf_trace() context.

Operation scope and addressing

A unique identifier of a node in the NNCFGraph - i.e. an operation in the DNN control flow graph - is the OperationExecutionContext. However, in most cases the input-agnostic part of OperationExecutionContext is enough to identify an operation in the model control flow graph for purposes of inserting compression-related hooks into the model. This InputAgnosticOperationExecutionContext is built using a) and b) from the information list gathered to build a regular OperationExecutionContext. Its string representation is a concatenation of a Scope string representation, the name of the operator (Python function), underscore _, and the order of the operator call in the same Scope. In turn, the string representation of a Scope is a sequence of "module_class_name[module_field_name]/" substrings, where each such substring corresponds to a module_class_name type of torch.nn.Module being called as a module_field_name member field of its parent module, and slashes / separate the adjacent levels of the module call hierarchy.

As an example, consider a simple PyTorch module:

class SimpleModule(torch.nn.Module):
	def __init__():
		self.submodule1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(...) # params omitted
		self.submodule2 = torch.nn.Sequential([torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(...), torch.nn.ReLU(...)])
	def forward(x_in):
		x = self.submodule1(x_in)
		x = self.submodule2(x)
		x += torch.ones_like(x)
		x += torch.ones_like(x)
		x = torch.nn.functional.relu(x)
		return x

Each torch.nn.Conv2d module call internally calls a conv2d operator, which will then be added to an NNCFGraph during tracing. Therefore, the two convolution operations in the model's control flow graph will have the following InputAgnosticOperationExecutionContext string representations: SimpleModule/Conv2d[submodule1]/conv2d_0 and SimpleModule/Conv2d[submodule2]/conv2d_0.

The torch.nn.Sequential layer uses indices for addressing into the internal object, so torch.nn.BatchNorm will be represented by SimpleModule/Sequential[submodule2]/BatchNorm2d[0]/batch_norm_0, and torch.nn.ReLU - by SimpleModule/Sequential[submodule2]/ReLU[1]/relu_0.

The two consecutive addition operations will be represented by SimpleModule/__iadd___0 and SimpleModule/__iadd___1 respectively, and the final ReLU call, which happens outside the ReLU module, will be represented by SimpleModule/relu_0.

These string definitions are referred to as "scopes" in the NNCF configuration files (as in "ignored_scopes" or "target_scopes"), and help specify exact operations for inclusion into or exclusion from compression or for separate compression parameter specification.

Compression algorithm API and interaction with NNCFNetwork

A compression algorithm is a modification of a regular model control flow according to some trainable or non-trainable parameters. Modification of the control flow is done via a hook, and the trainable parameters are stored inside special NNCF modules. Each compression algorithm therefore consists of taking an unmodified model, analyzing it and then determining a set of modifications necessary for modifying the model's execution so that it now takes specific compression into account.

NNCFNetwork defines a common interface for compression algorithms to specify the location for hook insertion (based on a InputAgnosticOperationExecutionContext of an operation) and the hook itself. It also allows algorithms to register external modules within itself so that the trainable parameters of the compression algorithm could be saved as a checkpoint along with the model while also being undistinguishable from any other trainable parameter of the original model from the training pipeline optimizer's standpoint.

The application of a compression algorithm to a model and subsequent control of the compression algorithm parameters is implemented via a Builder/Controller architecture. An implementation of each algorithm should define both a CompressionAlgorithmBuilder class, which takes an unmodified NNCFNetwork model view as input to its .apply_to(nncf_network) function. Within the CompressionAlgorithmBuilder.apply_to usually produces a list of modifications (InsertionCommands) which are required to apply the algorithm to a model, and then calls the input NNCFNetwork's method register_insertion_command to register these changes. Finally, the CompressionAlgorithmBuilder should register itself as being applied to the model by calling NNCFNetwork.register_algorithm.

A modification consists of inserting a specified hook at a specified location. A compression algorithm can, in theory, insert hooks either before a node ("operation pre-hooks") or after a node ("operation post-hooks") in the NNCFGraph. This is mostly used to quantize the activations of the model. Weight quantization is currently done separately by registering a hook to be executed prior to a module call ("module pre-op") or after a module call ("module post-op"). In case the hook needs to call a compression algorithm-specific module with trainable parameters, the Builder should register the corresponding module within the NNCFNetwork.

The algorithm does not apply the control flow graph changes (hook registration) itself, as it may potentially ruin the subsequent application of other compression algorithms; it only registers the changes and associated modules.

Multiple algorithms can be applied consequently to the same NNCFNetwork instance. Hooks that belong to different compression algorithms may be inserted into the same locations. These will be executed according to priority specified in an InsertionCommand, so to ensure correct interoperability of different compression algorithms when applied simultaneously, care should be taken while specifying correct hook priority at each algorithm's apply_to stage.

Once all algorithms are applied to the model, the compression changes are committed into the NNCFNetwork by calling its commit_compression_changes(). It registers all the necessary hooks into the model properly (so that they are called during next forward function call), and produces a CompressionAlgorithmController object - a handle to the applied compression algorithm(s). The controller object is built by calling a build_controller function from each CompressionAlgorithmBuilder that acted on the NNCFNetwork; if multiple compression algorithms were applied to the model, then each CompressionAlgorithmController is composed and a single CompositeCompressionController object is returned.

A CompressionAlgorithmController is then used to control or modify aspects of compression during training, to gather statistics related to compression, or to provide additional loss for proper training of the trainable compression parameters. To this purpose it contains a CompressionScheduler and CompressionLoss instances, which can then be used as desired during the training pipeline. For instance, a CompressionScheduler may be implemented so that it enables quantization for activations only upon a certain training epoch, and a CompressionLoss may be implemented so that it facilitates soft filter pruning.

NOTE: In general, the compression method may not have its own scheduler and loss, and the default implementations are used instead.