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iOS8 Day-by-Day :: Day 5 :: Auto-sizing table view cells

This post is part of a daily series of posts introducing the most exciting new parts of iOS8 for developers - #iOS8DayByDay. To see the posts you've missed check out the index page, but have a read through the rest of this post first!


In iOS7 developers were introduced to the concept of dynamic type - which allows the user to change the font size used within apps, via the settings panel. This is really powerful, and can drastically improve the user experience for users with varying qualities of eye-sight.

However, there was a huge problem associated with this - in the form of table views. Although the type size can change, it was up to the developer to define the height of cells in the table view. This would mean either pre-calculating the values, or calculating them on the fly, neither of which was easy. Surely there must be a better way?

Well, in iOS8 it is finally possible to have table view cells which can autosize themselves. In this project we'll take a look at how easy it is to implement, with a demo associated with dynamic type and with custom cells.

As with all articles in this series, the sample project is available on github at

Using the 'stock' table view cells

When you first create a table view, chances are you've just used the stock table view cells - of which there are 4 styles (basic, left detail, right detail, and subtitle). In iOS8, the labels in the base UITableViewCell are pre-configured for dynamic type. This means that they adapt to the text size specified in the device settings panel.

Since these cells are also laid out using autolayout, they will autosize to fit the differing sizes of text.

This actually means that you get auto-sizing table view cells for free if you just use the stock cells. To see this in action run up the accompanying MagicTable app:

Stock Cells Small

If you then use the settings to change the text size (in the same way as iOS7):

Set Small Text Size Set Large Text Size

And then return to the MagicTable app then you'll be able to see the effect:

Stock Cells Large

This is all well, and good, but more often than not you'll want to create your own custom table cells. In order to do this, you need to understand a little bit more about how the auto sizing actually works - let's take a look at that next.

Creating custom table view cells

Traditionally setting the row height for a table view cell would be done on the table - using the rowHeight property. In order to vary the row size on a per-row basis, you would use the table view delegate method estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath: to return a different height for each row.

The problem for this approach is that you either need to know the row height at compile time, or calculate the row height for each row at run-time. The delegate method is called when the tableview first appears, which means that you need to calculate the cell height before the cells are created. In order to do this you can end up writing layout code twice - once for size calculations and once for display. This process can take a long time to perform - and involves entirely up-front calculations.

iOS7 introduced estimatedRowHeight, which transformed the row-height requests into lazy calculations - only requesting the height for a row once it is about to be displayed on the screen. However, it still required you to calculate the row height yourself.

In iOS8, you can still use these approaches, however, cells can now be responsible for their own sizing - via autolayout. This is both great from an ease-of-use perspective and also from a software design angle. A cell is responsible for its own layout, so it makes sense that it should also be responsible for determining its own height.

It's actually pretty easy to get auto-cell height working for a custom cell. The most important part is that your constraints properly define the height of the cell.

You must provide an estimated height for the rows, and if you provide an actual height (either via the property on the table, or via the delegate) then this will override any calculated cell size. In order to specify that you haven't set a cell height, use the UITableViewAutomaticDimension constant:

tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension

The constraints need to relate to the contentView within a UITableViewCell, and can be set up in code or in IB. The accompanying project sets up contraints in IB:

Creating Constraints

In order to demo the different heights, the datasource for the table in MagicTable, changes the font height of the custom label depending on the label:

Custom Cells


Auto-sizing table view cells is something that developers have longed for, and it's great news that iOS8 introduces this functionality. In many cases, since you should already be using auto-layout, you'll just get this functionality for free - just a matter of not specifying cell heights. It's definitely worth the time to go and ensure that your existing tableviews support this behaviour.

As with all articles in this series, the sample project is available on github at If you have any questions then feel free to comment below or hit me up on twitter - I'm @iwantmyrealname.
