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Model zoo

This page summarises the implemented network models in network.

All networks can be applied in 2D, 2.5D and 3D configurations and are reimplemented from their original presentation with their default parameters.


Reimplementation of

Çiçek, Ö., Abdulkadir, A., Lienkamp, S. S., Brox, T., and Ronneberger, O. (2016). 3D U-net: Learning dense volumetric segmentation from sparse annotation, In MICCAI 2016

  • Image size - 4 should be divisible by 8
  • Label size should be more than 88
  • border is 44


Reimplementation of

Milletari, F., Navab, N., & Ahmadi, S. A. (2016). V-net: Fully convolutional neural networks for volumetric medical image segmentation, In 3DV 2016

  • Image size should be divisible by 8


Implementation of

Fidon, L., Li, W., Garcia-Peraza-Herrera, L.C., Ekanayake, J., Kitchen, N., Ourselin, S., Vercauteren, T. (2017). Scalable convolutional networks for brain tumour segmentation. In MICCAI 2017

  • More than one modality should be used


Implementation of

Li W, Wang G, Fidon L, Ourselin S, Cardoso M J, Vercauteren T, (2017). On the compactness, efficiency, and representation of 3D convolutional networks: Brain parcellation as a pretext task, In IPMI 2017

  • Image size should be divisible by 8


Reimplementation of

Kamnitsas, K., Ledig, C., Newcombe, V. F., Simpson, J. P., Kane, A. D., Menon, D. K., Rueckert, D., Glocker, B. (2017). Efficient multi-scale 3D CNN with fully connected CRF for accurate brain lesion segmentation, MedIA 36, 61-78

  • The downsampling factor (d_factor) should be odd
  • Label size = [(image_size / d_ factor) - 16 ]*d_factor
  • Image size should be divisible by d_factor

Example of appropriate configuration: image_ size = 57, label_ size = 9, d_ factor = 3

To develop a new network architecture

  1. Create a niftynet/network/ inheriting BaseNet from niftynet.layer.base_net
  2. Implement layer_op() function using the building blocks in niftynet/layer/ or creating new layers
  3. Import to the NetFactory class in niftynet/
  4. Train the network with python train -c /path/to/customised_config