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A set of example projects of varying complexity for deploying a Consul cluster with Terraform.


To deploy each of the examples in this project, you will need an SSH key and a set of variables specific to your environment.


The shared/ssh_keys/ script can assist with creating or copying an existing key for your environment. In both manners (creating a new key or copying an existing one), the script will place a private key file and a public key file in shared/ssh_keys. This is necessary for Terraform to be able to create and then provision your Consul cluster.

Create New Key

To create a new key, run the command below where the first argument is your key name. This will generate a new private key and public key in the shared/ssh_keys directory.

$ bash shared/ssh_keys/ atlas-example
No key pair exists and no private key arg was passed, generating new keys.
Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)

Public key: shared/ssh_keys/
Private key: shared/ssh_keys/atlas-example.pem

Copy Existing Key

To copy an existing key, run the command below where the first argument is your key name and the second argument is the path to the existing private key file. This will copy your private key to the shared/ssh_keys directory and generate a new public key in the same directory.

$ bash shared/ssh_keys/ atlas-example ~/.ssh/atlas-examples
Using private key [/Users/clstokes/.ssh/atlas-examples] for key pair.

Public key: shared/ssh_keys/
Private key: shared/ssh_keys/atlas-example.pem


Run the commands below from the consul-cluster directory.


packer push shared/packer/consul_client.json
packer push shared/packer/consul_server.json


Configure for Atlas

terraform remote config -backend="Atlas" -backend-config="name=$ATLAS_USERNAME/consul-cluster"

Get Terraform Modules

terraform get -update aws-intermediate-consul-cluster/terraform/

Push To Atlas

terraform push -vcs=false -name="$ATLAS_USERNAME/consul-cluster" aws-intermediate-consul-cluster/terraform/

Apply with Terraform Locally

terraform apply aws-intermediate-consul-cluster/terraform/

Destroy with Terraform Locally

terraform destroy aws-intermediate-consul-cluster/terraform/