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Laravel Exception Monitor

This package notifies you when exceptions are thrown on some of your production application. It's like lite and free version of Bugsnag for small projects for which the use of this amazing SaaS tool would be simply overkill.

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composer require zanysoft/laravel-exception-monitor

Next, you need to register Service Provider in config/app.php

$providers = [

and then publish configuration files

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ZanySoft\LaravelExceptionMonitor\ExceptionMonitorServiceProvider"

You also have to make sure if you have makzn/slack package installed and configured properly for Slack notifications.


Config File is pretty self-explanatory.


return [
     | Enabled sender drivers
     | Send a notification about exception in your application to supported channels.
     | Supported: "mail", "slack". You can use multiple drivers.
    'drivers'      => [ 'mail', 'slack' ],

     | Enabled application environments
     | Set environments that should generate notifications.
    'environments' => [ 'production' ],

     | Mail Configuration
     | It uses your app default Mail driver. You shouldn't probably touch the view
     | property unless you know what you're doing.
    'mail'         => [
        'from' => '',
        'to'   => '',
        'view' => 'mails/exception-monitor'

     * Uses maknz\slack package.
    'slack'        => [
        'channel'  => '#bugtracker',
        'username' => 'Exception Monitor',
        'icon'     => ':robot_face:',


To start catching exceptions you have 2 options out there.

First option: Extend from Exception Handler provided by package (app/Exceptions/Handler.php):

use ZanySoft\LaravelExceptionMonitor\MonitorExceptionHandler;
class Handler extends MonitorExceptionHandler

Second option: Make your report method in app/Exceptions/Handler.php to look like this:

public function report(Exception $e)
    foreach ($this->dontReport as $type) {
        if ($e instanceof $type) {
            return parent::report($e);

    if (app()->bound('exception-monitor')) {



This library is licensed under the MIT license. Please see License file for more information.