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pure javascript (Alpha)

fullPage.js pure Javascript version

preview compatibility

javascript.fullPage.js version License 6Kb gziped!

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This is in Alpha version and support for it won't be provided yet. This light version of fullpage.js won't provide some options available in the jQuery version such as:

  • responsiveWidth and responsiveHeight
  • lockAnchors
  • scrollOverflow
  • verticalCentered
  • continuousVertical
  • loopBottom
  • loopTop
  • normalScrollElements
  • normalScrollElementTouchThreshold
  • controlArrowColor
  • sectionsColor
  • paddingTop
  • paddingBottom
  • fixedElements

And other features such as:

  • Any extension
  • setAllowScrolling


fullPage.js is fully functional on all modern browsers, as well as some old ones such as Internet Explorer 8, 9, Opera 12, etc. It works with browsers with CSS3 support and with the ones which don't have it, making it ideal for old browsers compatibility. It also provides touch support for mobile phones, tablets and touch screen computers.


As you can see in the demo file, you will need to include:

  • javascript.fullPage.js (or its minified version)
  • javascript.fullPage.css

Example of initialization:

fullpage.initialize('#fullpage', {
	anchors: ['firstPage', 'secondPage', '3rdPage', '4thpage', 'lastPage'],
	menu: '#menu',

A more complex initialization with all options set could look like this:

fullpage.initialize('#fullpage', {
	'menu': false,
	'navigation': false,
	'navigationPosition': 'right',
	'navigationColor': '#000',
	'navigationTooltips': [],
	'slidesNavigation': false,
	'slidesNavPosition': 'bottom',
	'scrollBar': false,

	'css3': true,
	'scrollingSpeed': 700,
	'autoScrolling': true,
	'easingcss3': 'ease',
	'loopHorizontal': true,
	'touchSensitivity': 5,

	'keyboardScrolling': true,
	'recordHistory': true,

	'controlArrows': true,

	//Custom selectors
	'sectionSelector': '.section',
	'slideSelector': '.slide',

	'afterLoad': null,
	'onLeave': null,
	'afterRender': null,
	'afterResize': null,
	'afterReBuild': null,
	'afterSlideLoad': null,
	'onSlideLeave': null

Functions has the same syntax and functionality than in the jQuery version, but they should be called like so:

//calling a function from the pure Javascript version of fullPage.js

In contrast with the calls from the the jQuery version of fullPage.js:

//calling a function from the jQuery version of fullPage.js

Problem in Angularjs

When we access another page from Fullpage in Angular, the page scrolling is disabled. So I made some changes to fix this problem. Also we need ad the following to controller.

$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function($event) {