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Wukong Dataset

This project provides the zero-shot classification task on ILSVRC dataset using multi-modality large-scale model pretrained on Noah-Wukong dataset. Model structure as follows:

Models Embedding dimension Image encoder similarity # vis_token checkpoints
Wukong_ViT-B^G 512 Vit-b/32 Global / download
Wukong_ViT-B^F 512 Vit-b/32 Token-wise / download
Wukong_ViT-B 512 Vit-b/32 Token-wise 12 download
Wukong_ViT-L^G 768 Vit-L/14 Global / download
Wukong_ViT-L ^F 768 Vit-L/14 Token-wise / download
Wukong_ViT-L 768 Vit-L/14 Token-wise 24 download

More benchmark of the multi-modality modal please refer to Noah-Wukong Benchmark

Environment requirements

Quick Start

Prepare Dataset

  • Download ILSVRC dataset and organize the file as follows:
└── data_root
     ├── class1
     │    ├── 000000000001.jpg
     │    ├── 000000000002.jpg
     │    ├── ...
     ├── class2
     │    ├── 000000000001.jpg
     │    ├── 000000000002.jpg
     │    ├── ...
     ├── class3
     │    ├── 000000000001.jpg
     │    ├── 000000000002.jpg
     │    ├── ...
     ├── classN
     ├── ...

Prepare files required for tokenizer

Download following files and place them under src/tools/

Propare prompt files

Download prompt filezh_templates.txtto src/tools/.This file defines the prompts used in zero-shot classification task. The number of prompts can be modified according to time/performance balance. Custom prompts are also allowed.

Prepare pretrained model checkpoint

Download corresponding pretrained checkpoint files following links in the table.

Zero-shot Classification

Run to do zero-shot classification, each model has its config file under src/config/ folder.

python --config_path [config_path] --ckpt_path [ckpt_path] --dataset_path [/path/to/data_root] --batch_size [batch size]

evaluation result is something like this

INFO:main:correct @1: 51.51; correct @5: 78.33

Detailed zero-shot classification performance is as below:

single@1 single@5 embed(80)@1 embed(80)@5
ViT-B-G 44.68 71.19 47.32 74.3
ViT-B-F 32.53 57.51 37.17 63.22
ViT-B 45.22 70.69 48.24 73.43
ViT-L-G 56.15 79.86 57.54 81.46
ViT-L-F 49.74 76.3 52.83 78.88
ViT-L 50.22 74.79 54.43 80.1

Quick Start on Wukong Dataset

Download Wukong Dataset annotation files

Wukong 100m dataset files can be downloaed from Wukong, file structure should be like this:

└── data_root
        ├─ wukong_100m_0.csv
        ├─ wukong_100m_1.csv
        ├─ wukong_100m_2.csv
        ├─ ....
        └─ wukong_100m_255.csv

Download images

We provide a multi-threaded python script for downloading the images through annotation files.

cd models/research/mm/wukong/src/dataset/
python --csv_dir /path/to/data_root/wukong_release/ --img_dir IMG_DIR [--start_id 0] [--end_id -1] [--thread_num 4]

where IMG_DIR refer to the downloaded image dir, option start_id and end_id defines the start and end id for csv files to be downloaded, thread_num defines the number of threads used for parallel downloading. If not provided, default setting will download images in all csv files. Each csv file corresponds to a subdir under IMG_DIR and the final structure is like this:

    │   ├─ 00000.jpg
    │   ├─ 00001.jpg
    │   ├─ 00002.jpg
    │   └─ ......

Generate MindRecord

In order to be used in Mindspore, we convert the raw data into MindRecord format. To do this, run code

cd models/research/mm/wukong/
python -m src.dataset.generate_dataset --csv_dir /path/to/data_root/wukong_release/ --img_dir IMG_DIR --data_record_dir DATA_RECORD_DIR [--shard_num 10] [--worker_num 4] [--block_size 2000]

Here DATA_RECORD_DIR refer to the path where mindrecord files will be generated into; shared_num refer to the number of files mindrecord is splited; worker_num refer to the number of workers to convert mindrecord and block size defines the block size of each write. After execution the mindrecord files should be like this

        ├─ wukong100m.mindrecord0
        ├─ wukong100m.mindrecord0.db
        ├─ ....
        ├─ wukong100m.mindrecord9
        └─ wukong100m.mindrecord9.db

Then you can load the dataset in a standard format like get_wukong_dataset function in models/research/mm/wukong/src/dataset/