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Mass Apk Download - Pure

MAD-Pure is a multi-threaded Python script that download a list of APKs from APKPure and analyze them using androguard and pwnlibs.


MAD-Pure is written in Python 3 (and therefore requires a minimum of Python 3.6) in addition to the following libraries:

  • requests
  • bs4
  • androguard
  • pwntools

Malware detection

  • wolfrat
  • anubis
  • actionSpy

Install requirements

python3 -m venv mad
source mad/bin/activate
(mad)$ pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: [-h] [-f FILE_LIST_APKS] [-o OUT_DIR] [-a AAPT_PATH] [-t NB_THREADS]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        File with applications name.
  -o OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR
                        Directory where apks will be stored. Default: temp
  -a AAPT_PATH, --aapt2-path AAPT_PATH
                        Path of aapt2 binary. Default: check the PATH env
  -t NB_THREADS, --threads NB_THREADS
                        Number of threads to use, value between 1 and 8. Default: 4

If aapt2 is in your PATH env var you don't have to specify it, by default the script will look in PATH var.

OUT_DIR is the output directory, by default: temp

FILE_LIST_APPS should be as follows:

app name 1
app name 2
app name 3


Tested on Linux


If you have any idea how to improve this tool please create an issue or send a pull request.