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Tags: AGWA/git-crypt



Toggle 0.7.0's commit message
git-crypt 0.7.0

* Avoid "argument list too long" errors on macOS.
* Fix handling of "-" arguments.
* Minor documentation improvements.


Toggle 0.6.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
git-crypt 0.6.0

git-crypt now supports compiling with OpenSSL 1.1. You can still compile
with OpenSSL 1.0.

git-crypt 0.6.0 also introduces several minor improvements.  See the
NEWS file, or the Git commit history, for details.


Toggle debian/0.6.0-1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
git-crypt Debian Package 0.6.0-1


Toggle debian/0.5.0-2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
git-crypt Debian release 0.5.0-2


Toggle 0.5.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
git-crypt 0.5.0

git-crypt 0.5.0 brings a substantial performance boost to 'git-crypt
unlock' and 'git-crypt lock' under Git 1.8.5 and higher.  The improvement
should be particularly noticeable in repositories with lots of files.

In addition, there are some minor bug fixes and usability improvements.
'git-crypt gpg-add-user' now has a --trusted option which you can use
to force the addition of a user even if GPG doesn't trust the key.

Finally, git-crypt now has a man page!  To install it, pass ENABLE_MAN=yes
to 'make' and 'make install' (this will be the default once I iron out
the build system).

See the NEWS file, or the Git commit history, for a more detailed list
of changes.


Toggle debian/0.5.0-1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
Debian release 0.5.0-1


Toggle 0.4.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
git-crypt 0.4.2

git-crypt 0.4.2 is a bugfix-only release that fixes the unlock (and lock)
commands under Git 2.2.2 and newer.  Due to an optimization introduced in
Git 2.2.2, 'git-crypt unlock' would not decrypt files in the working tree.

In addition, this version of git-crypt officially drops support for
versions of Git older than 1.7.2.


Toggle debian/0.4.2-1_agwa1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
Debian release 0.4.2-1~agwa1


Toggle 0.4.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
git-crypt 0.4.1

git-crypt 0.4.1 is a bugfix-only release that contains an important
usability fix for users who use GPG mode to encrypt an entire repository.

Previously, if you used a '*' pattern in the top-level .gitattributes
file, and you did not explicitly add a pattern to exclude the .git-crypt
directory, the files contained therein would be encrypted, rendering
the repository impossible to unlock with GPG.

git-crypt now adds a .gitattributes file to the .git-crypt directory
to prevent its contents from being encrypted, regardless of patterns in
the top-level .gitattributes.

If you are using git-crypt in GPG mode to encrypt an entire repository,
and you do not already have a .gitattributes pattern to exclude the
.git-crypt directory, you are strongly advised to upgrade.  After
upgrading, you should do the following in each of your repositories to
ensure that the information inside .git-crypt is properly stored:

    1. Remove existing key files: rm .git-crypt/keys/*/0/*

    2. Re-add GPG user(s): git-crypt add-gpg-user GPG_USER_ID ...


Toggle 0.4's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
AGWA Andrew Ayer
git-crypt 0.4