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Setting up a DevOps lifecycle using Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Terraform, and other tools

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Deployment using Orchestration Containerization and IAC Tool

To implement the DevOps lifecycle, the following detailed step-by-step guide will cover the setup of Git workflows, AWS infrastructure with Terraform, Docker containerization, Kubernetes cluster deployment, and Jenkins pipeline creation. This guide assumes basic familiarity with these technologies.

1. Version Control Setup with Git Workflow

  • Initialize the Git Repository: Since the repository is already on GitHub at, clone this repository to start managing the code.
    git clone
    cd website
  • Branching Strategy: Implement a branching strategy where master is the main branch with stable code, and development happens in feature branches.
  • Release Management: Setup a Git tag or release branch to handle monthly releases on the 25th. Automate this using GitHub Actions or a simple cron job to merge changes to a release branch.

2. AWS Infrastructure Setup Using Terraform

  • Create Terraform Configuration: Define the required AWS resources such as EC2 instances, networking components (VPC, subnets, security groups), and IAM roles.
  • Terraform Initialization and Execution:
    terraform init
    terraform apply
  • Infrastructure Script: Use the provided Kubernetes installation guide in the Terraform scripts or as a startup script for EC2 instances.

3. Docker Setup

  • Dockerfile: Create a Dockerfile in the root of your project to containerize the application.
    FROM nginx:latest
    COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
  • Build and Push Docker Images: Use GitHub Actions or Jenkins to automate the building and pushing of Docker images to Docker Hub upon code pushes to the master branch.

4. Kubernetes Cluster Deployment

  • Kubernetes Setup: Follow the provided Kubernetes installation guide to set up the master and worker nodes using kubeadm.

  • Deployment and Service Configuration: Here are the deployment.yaml and service.yaml files defining Kubernetes resources for deploying an application named myapp.


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: myapp-deployment
  replicas: 2
      app: myapp
        app: myapp
      - name: myapp-container
        image: myapp:latest
        - containerPort: 80


  • apiVersion: apps/v1: Specifies the API version for Deployment resource.
  • kind: Deployment: Defines the type of resource as Deployment.
  • Specifies the name of the Deployment.
  • spec.replicas: Sets the desired number of replicas (instances) of the application to 2.
  • spec.selector.matchLabels: Defines the label selector to match Pods controlled by this Deployment.
  • spec.template.metadata.labels: Labels applied to Pods created by this template.
  • spec.template.spec.containers: Describes the containers to be run in the Pod.
    • name: Name of the container.
    • image: Docker image to use for the container.
    • ports: Ports to expose from the container.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: myapp-service
  type: NodePort
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 80
      nodePort: 30080
    app: myapp


  • apiVersion: v1: Specifies the API version for Service resource.
  • kind: Service: Defines the type of resource as Service.
  • Specifies the name of the Service.
  • spec.type: Sets the type of Service to NodePort, exposing the Service on each node’s IP at a static port.
  • spec.ports: Specifies the ports that the Service should expose.
    • port: Port on the Service (accessible internally within the cluster).
    • targetPort: Port to access on the Pods selected by this Service.
    • nodePort: If specified, this is the port where the Service is exposed externally (on each Node).
  • spec.selector: Selects the Pods to expose through the Service based on labels.
    • app: myapp: Selects Pods with the label app: myapp to route traffic to.

In this configuration:

  • The Deployment (myapp-deployment) will manage Pods running the myapp container (from Docker image myapp:latest), with 2 replicas, each exposing port 80.

  • The Service (myapp-service) will expose the Deployment internally within the cluster (port: 80) and externally (nodePort: 30080 on each Node), directing traffic to Pods labeled app: myapp.

  • Apply Configuration:

    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f service.yaml

5. Jenkins Pipeline Setup

  • Jenkins Installation and Configuration: Install Jenkins on the designated EC2 instance, install suggested plugins, and set up necessary credentials for Docker Hub and GitHub.
  • Pipeline Script:
    pipeline {
        agent none 
        environment {
            DOCKERHUB_CREDENTIALS = credentials('docker-hub-credentials')
        stages {
            stage('Checkout Code') {
                agent { label 'jenkins-agent' }
                steps {
                    git ''
            stage('Build Docker Image') {
                agent { label 'jenkins-agent' }
                steps {
                    script {
                        sh 'docker build -t username/myapp:${BUILD_ID} .'
                        sh 'docker login -u $DOCKERHUB_USER -p $DOCKERHUB_PASS'
                        sh 'docker push username/myapp:${BUILD_ID}'
            stage('Deploy to Kubernetes') {
                agent { label 'jenkins-agent' }
                steps {
                    script {
                        sh 'kubectl set image deployment/myapp myapp=username/myapp:${BUILD_ID}'





6. Monitoring and Logging

  • Set Up Monitoring: Use tools like Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Set Up Logging: Use Fluentd, Elasticsearch, and Kibana for logging.

To assist with setting up the described project involving Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Terraform, and related tools for automating deployment and scaling, here are some additional resources and links that can be helpful:

Git Workflow & Version Control

  • Git Documentation: Official documentation for Git, covering everything from basic usage to advanced workflows.
  • Git Branching Model: A popular branching model (GitFlow) for managing feature branches and releases.

Jenkins & Continuous Integration

  • Jenkins Documentation: Official documentation for Jenkins, covering installation, configuration, and usage.
  • Jenkins Pipeline: Detailed guide on Jenkins Pipeline for defining continuous integration and delivery workflows.

Docker & Containerization

  • Docker Documentation: Comprehensive guide to Docker, including Dockerfile best practices and usage.
  • Docker Hub: Official repository for Docker images. Learn how to push and pull images to/from Docker Hub.

Kubernetes & Container Orchestration

Terraform & Infrastructure as Code

Configuration Management

  • Ansible Documentation: Official Ansible documentation, covering playbooks, modules, and best practices for configuration management.
  • Puppet Documentation: Comprehensive guide to Puppet, including modules and configuration management concepts.

Additional Learning Resources

Community & Forums

  • Stack Overflow: Q&A platform for troubleshooting and asking technical questions related to DevOps tools.
  • DevOps Subreddit: Reddit community discussing DevOps practices, tools, and news.

Hands-on Labs & Workshops

By utilizing these resources, you can deepen your understanding of the tools and concepts required to implement an effective DevOps lifecycle for containerized applications. Don't hesitate to explore tutorials, forums, and practical examples to reinforce your knowledge and troubleshoot any challenges you encounter during the project setup and deployment.

This outline provides a comprehensive approach to setting up a DevOps lifecycle for containerized applications using Docker and Kubernetes, with automation facilitated by Jenkins, all managed through Terraform on AWS.


Setting up a DevOps lifecycle using Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Terraform, and other tools






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