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  • 07 June 2022

laravel new aifx_official_v1

creates laravel v9 framework

cd aifx_official_v1

composer require laravel/ui

php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

npm install && npm run dev

// only if npm error -- child error

npm install autoprefixer@10.4.5 --save-exact

code .

to open VS Code

adjust .env and DB for migration

php artisan migrate

composer dump

php artisan optimize:clear

added adminlte resources to use in the build.

php artisan serve

go to to test the build and login

✔️ Completed : Still need to adjust route methods to fall under admin/

composer require jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte

php artisan adminlte:install

php artisan adminlte:status

php artisan adminlte:status

Checking the resources installation ...

 7/7 [============================] 100%

All resources checked succesfully!


| Package Resource | Description                              | Status        | Required |


| assets           | The AdminLTE required assets             | Installed     | true     |

| config           | The default package configuration file   | Installed     | true     |

| translations     | The default package translations files   | Installed     | true     |

| main_views       | The default package main views           | Not Installed | false    |

| auth_views       | The default package authentication views | Mismatch      | false    |

| basic_views      | The default package basic views          | Mismatch      | false    |

| basic_routes     | The package routes                       | Not Installed | false    |


Status legends:


| Status        | Description                                                                                  |


| Installed     | The resource is installed and matches with the default package resource                      |

| Mismatch      | The installed resource mismatch the package resource (update available or resource modified) |

| Not Installed | The package resource is not installed                                                        |


adminlte:install --only=auth_views

Note, that the command just replaces the authentication blade views. The controllers and routes of the authentication scaffolding that where installed in the Laravel framework are not touched. On the other hand, to get login, logout, and register features fully working you will need to setup a database and run the proper migrations as indicated on the Laravel documentation.

By default, the installed login view contains a link to the registration and password reset views. If you don't want a registration or password reset form, set the register_url or password_reset_url setting to null on the adminlte.php configuration file and the respective link will not be displayed.

Please, note the provided login view uses the iCheck Bootstrap plugin. In order to install the plugin on the public folder, you will need to run the next artisan command:

php artisan adminlte:plugins install --plugin=icheckBootstrap
php artisan adminlte:plugins install --plugin=icheckBootstrap

 1/1 [============================] 100%

The plugins installation is complete. Summary:


| Plugin Key      | Status    |


| icheckBootstrap | Installed |


php artisan adminlte:install --only=main_views

php artisan adminlte:install --only=basic_routes

php artisan adminlte:install --only=basic_views

php artisan adminlte:status

Checking the resources installation ...

 7/7 [============================] 100%

All resources checked succesfully!


| Package Resource | Description                              | Status    | Required |


| assets           | The AdminLTE required assets             | Installed | true     |

| config           | The default package configuration file   | Installed | true     |

| translations     | The default package translations files   | Installed | true     |

| main_views       | The default package main views           | Installed | false    |

| auth_views       | The default package authentication views | Installed | false    |

| basic_views      | The default package basic views          | Installed | false    |

| basic_routes     | The package routes                       | Installed | false    |


‼️ Registered Admin user (Remember before deployment to disable register url).

✔️ COMPLETED - still need to set up user / admin seeder

Adminlte Dashboard view successful

added adminlte dist package to public & updated home.blade css links ⚠️!! Might need to relook at this - AdminLte has all of this included in package install !!

@extends('adminlte::page', ['iFrameEnabled' => true])

List the status of all the available plugins:

php artisan adminlte:plugins

php artisan adminlte:plugins list
php artisan adminlte:plugins list

Checking the plugins installation ...

 31/31 [============================] 100%

| Fullcalendar                        | fullcalendar            | Not Installed |

| iCheck Bootstrap                    | icheckBootstrap         | Installed     |

| InputMask                           | inputmask               | Not Installed |

| Ion.RangeSlider                     | ionRangslider           | Not Installed |

| jQuery Knob                         | jqueryKnob              | Not Installed |

| jQuery Mapael                       | jqueryMapael            | Not Installed |

| jQuery UI                           | jqueryUi                | Not Installed |

| jQuery Validation                   | jqueryValidation        | Not Installed |

| jQVMap                              | jqvmap                  | Not Installed |

| jsGrid                              | jsgrid                  | Not Installed |

| Pace Progress                       | paceProgress            | Not Installed |

| Select 2 with Bootstrap 4 Theme     | select2                 | Not Installed |

| Sparklines                          | sparklines              | Not Installed |

| Summernote                          | summernote              | Not Installed |

| Sweetalert 2 with Bootstrap 4 Theme | sweetalert2             | Not Installed |

| Tempus Dominus for Bootstrap 4      | tempusdominusBootstrap4 | Not Installed |

| Toastr                              | toastr                  | Not Installed |


Status legends:


| Status        | Description                                                                            |


| Installed     | The plugin is installed and matches with the default package plugin                    |

| Mismatch      | The installed plugin mismatch the package plugin (update available or plugin modified) |

| Not Installed | The plugin is not installed                                                            |


List the status of the specified plugins:

php artisan adminlte:plugins --plugin=datatables --plugin=select2

Install all the available plugins:

php artisan adminlte:plugins install
  • ♾️ Remember to remove the ones not used before deployement
The plugins installation is complete. Summary:


| Plugin Key              | Status    |


| bootstrap4DualListbox   | Installed |

| bootstrapColorpicker    | Installed |

| bootstrapSlider         | Installed |

| bootstrapSwitch         | Installed |

| bsCustomFileInput       | Installed |

| chartJs                 | Installed |

| datatables              | Installed |

| datatablesPlugins       | Installed |

| daterangepicker         | Installed |

| ekkoLightbox            | Installed |

| fastclick               | Installed |

| filterizr               | Installed |

| flagIconCss             | Installed |

| flot                    | Installed |

| fullcalendar            | Installed |

| icheckBootstrap         | Installed |

| inputmask               | Installed |

| ionRangslider           | Installed |

| jqueryKnob              | Installed |

| jqueryMapael            | Installed |

| jqueryUi                | Installed |

| jqueryValidation        | Installed |

| jqvmap                  | Installed |

| jsgrid                  | Installed |

| paceProgress            | Installed |

| select2                 | Installed |

| sparklines              | Installed |

| summernote              | Installed |

| sweetalert2             | Installed |

| tempusdominusBootstrap4 | Installed |

| toastr                  | Installed |


Install only Pace Progress & Select2 plugins:

php artisan adminlte:plugins install --plugin=paceProgress --plugin=select2

Remove all the available plugins:

php artisan adminlte:plugins remove

Remove only Select2 plugin:

php artisan adminlte:plugins remove --plugin=select2


Favicons could be used easily. There are two different ways to do this. Take in mind that all the favicons should be placed in the public/favicons/ folder. The next two combinations determines how the favicons will be used:

  • ['use_ico_only' => true, 'use_full_favicon' => false]

  Whit the previous configuration, the file public/favicons/favicon.ico will be used.

  • ['use_ico_only' => false, 'use_full_favicon' => true]

  Whit the previous configuration, multiple favicon files located on the public/favicons/ folder will be used. The current code to use multiple favicons is the next one:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ asset('favicons/favicon.ico') }}"/>

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-57x57.png') }}">

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="60x60" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-60x60.png') }}">

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-72x72.png') }}">

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-76x76.png') }}">

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-114x114.png') }}">

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-120x120.png') }}">

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="144x144" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-144x144.png') }}">

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-152x152.png') }}">

  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="{{ asset('favicons/apple-icon-180x180.png') }}">

  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="{{ asset('favicons/favicon-16x16.png') }}">

  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="{{ asset('favicons/favicon-32x32.png') }}">

  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="96x96" href="{{ asset('favicons/favicon-96x96.png') }}">

  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="192x192"  href="{{ asset('favicons/android-icon-192x192.png') }}">

  <link rel="manifest" href="{{ asset('favicons/manifest.json') }}">

  <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#ffffff">

  <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="{{ asset('favicons/ms-icon-144x144.png') }}">
  • ♾️ Need to work on editing and creating favicons


User Menu

The user menu is displayed at the upper right corner of your admin panel. The available options for the user menu are:

  • usermenu_enabled

    Whether to enable the user menu instead of the default logout button.

  • usermenu_header

    Whether to enable the header section inside the user menu.

  • usermenu_header_class

    Extra classes for the header section inside the user menu.

  • usermenu_image

    Whether to enable the user image for the usermenu & lockscreen.

    Important: for this feature, you will need to add an extra function named adminlte_image() inside the User model, usually located on the app/User.php file. The recommend image size is: 160x160px.

  • usermenu_desc

    Whether to enable the user description for the usermenu.

    Important: for this feature, you will need to add an extra function named adminlte_desc() inside the User model, usually located on the app/User.php file.

  • usermenu_profile_url

    Whether to enable if the user profile url can be set dynamically for the user instead of using the config option profile_url.

    Important: for this feature, you need to add an extra function named adminlte_profile_url() inside the User model. The return value should be a string, not a route or url.

Example Code of User Image and Description

Here you have an example code for the User model with the custom image, description and profile url functions.

class User extends Authenticatable

    public function adminlte_image()
        return '';

    public function adminlte_desc()
        return 'The Cyborg ♾️🤖♾️ DevOps Guy';

    public function adminlte_profile_url()
        return 'profile/user';
  • ♾️ ✔️ COMPLETED -- Still need to place profile/user under admin/

  • ♾️ Need to update user migration / controller / model for profile image upload

  • ♾️ Need to bring in imgae upload dependency (looking at Spatie Media)


The next configuration options provides a way to setup the urls for the login, register and other links of the admin panel. You can change your dashboard, logout, login and register URLs.

  • use_route_url

    Whether to use route() instead of the url() Laravel method to generate the urls.

  • dashboard_url

    Changes the dashboard/logo URL. This URL will be used, for example, when you click on the upper left logo.

  • logout_url

    Changes the logout button URL. This URL will be used when you click on the logout button.

  • logout_method

    Changes the logout send method, the available options are: GETPOST & null (Laravel default).

    Note: the logout URL automatically sends a POST request in Laravel 5.3 or higher.

  • login_url

    Changes the login URL. This URL will be used when you click on the login button.

  • register_url

    Changes the register URL. Set this option to false to hide the register link shown on the login view.

  • password_reset_url

    Changes the password reset URL. This url should point to the view that displays the password reset form. Set this option to false to hide the password reset link shown on the login view.

  • password_email_url

    Changes the password email URL. This url should point to the view that displays the send reset link form.

  • profile_url

    Changes the user profile URL. When not false, it will displays a button in the user menu.

Profile Page Added

  • ♾️ Need to add CRUD for User Profile

  • ♾️ Need to add Post, Comment, Like, Share for User Profile

  • ♾️ Need to work on Timeline display for user Profile