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Boomerang is a simple Discord bot for reminders.

You can chat with it in DMs to register reminders (for example: "in 6 hours, remind me of that thing" or "at 17:00, make me think to..."), and at the right time, the bot will send you a DM to remind you. (It is actually quite similar to the RemindMe! bot on Reddit)

There are also possibilities to setup recurrent reminders (every day, every 6 hours...)

The name "Boomerang" is an image: "I do not have time to read that right now, so remind me about that in 6 hours...", and 6 hours later, that thing comes back to you.


Demo (animated image)


The file config.yml is used as a configuration file. As now, the only parameter is the Discord bot token.


Here is a guide on how to setup the bot on your own Linux server (that may require some small changes depending on your exact environment):

This guide assumes that you already registered a Discord bot and have a bot token (if not, go here, then create a bot and get its token)

Install system dependencies

# apt install python3-pip python3-venv

It is strongly advised to create a system user dedicated to the app:

# adduser boomerang

Install the app

Drop all the repository content (or better, the files in a release) in a directory on your server.

Make sure the running user has write access to directories data, logs and can run

# chown boomerang: . -R
# chmod 444 * -R
# chmod 744 data logs -R

Edit the configuration file to put the bot token.

Switch to the dedicated user, create a Python virtualenv and activate it:

# su boomerang
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate

Install Python dependencies:

(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Switch back to root, and copy boomerang.service into /etc/systemd/system. Do not forget to change directories and users in the file.


# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable boomerang
# systemctl start boomerang

You should now be able to talk with the bot (in DMs)


This software is licensed with MIT license.