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Our gem check any credit/debit card number by determining its brand using IIN Ranges and validate it using Luhn algorithm.

Try it now! from here.

More about BIN numbers and IIN Ranges:

More about Luhn algorithm:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'credit_debit_card_number_validator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install credit_debit_card_number_validator

Accepted Brands

  • American Express
  • Bankcard
  • China UnionPay
  • Dancord
  • Diners Club Carte Blanche
  • Diners Club enRoute
  • Diners Club International
  • Discover Card
  • Hipercard
  • InstaPayment
  • InterPayment
  • JCB
  • Laser
  • Maestro
  • Master Card
  • RuPay
  • Solo
  • Switch
  • UATP
  • Verve
  • Visa Electron
  • Visa
  • Voyager


Example using Validator class

class method > all_information_about
my_card = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.all_information_about('348998173777802')

my_card.card_number   # 348998173777802
# my_card.card_number contain card number

my_card.is_valid      # true
# my_card.is_valid contain luhn algorithm result

my_card.mod_10_result # 0
# my_card.mod_10_result contain mod 10 result from luhn algorithm

my_card.iin           # 34
# my_card.iin contain IIN Range

my_card.brand         # American Express
# my_card.brand contain card brand

my_card.check_digit   # 2
# my_card.check_digit contain the next check digit of card number

my_card.length        # 15
# my_card.length contain card number length

Gathering every information about card number and return them in object of type Information class.

Return type: Information class object.

class method > validate
my_validation = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.validate('6264185212922132067')

my_validation[0] # true
# my_validation[0] contain luhn algorithm result

my_validation[1] # 0
# my_validation[1] contain mod 10 result from luhn algorithm

Validate card number using Luhn algorithm and return array contain true if the number pass the test or false otherwise with mod 10 result.

Return type: Array.

class method > luhn_test
my_luhn_test_result = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.luhn_test('5019717010103742')

my_luhn_test_result # true
# my_luhn_test_result contain luhn algorithm result

Validate card number using luhn algorithm and return true if the number pass the test or false otherwise.

Return type: Boolean.

class method > mod_10_result
my_mod_10_result = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.mod_10_result('30350713037359')

my_mod_10_result # 0
# my_mod_10_result contain mod 10 result from luhn algorithm

Validate card number using luhn algorithm and return mod 10 result.

Return type: Integer.

class method > determine_iin_and_brand
my_determine = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.determine_iin_and_brand('6011622563605042')

my_determine[0] # 6011
# my_determine[0] contain IIN Range

my_determine[1] # Discover Card
# my_determine[1] contain card brand

Determine card brand using IIN Ranges and return array contain the IIN of the card number and the brand name.

Return type: Array.

class method > determine_iin
my_determine = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.determine_iin('3841005899088180330')

my_determine # 384
# my_determine contain IIN Range

Determine card IIN Ranges and return it.

Return type: Integer.

class method > determine_brand
my_determine = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.determine_brand('6380654534552139')

my_determine # InstaPayment
# my_determine contain card brand

Determine card brand using IIN Ranges and return it.

Return type: String.

class method > next_check_digit
my_next_check_digit = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.next_check_digit('3337910604152361')

my_next_check_digit # 3
# my_next_check_digit contain the next check digit of card number

Calculate the next check digit of card number and return it.

Return type: String.

class method > next_check_digits
my_next_check_digits = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.next_check_digits('6304445859171404', 5)

my_next_check_digits # 91834
# my_next_check_digits contain the next check digits of card number

Calculate the next check digits of card number and return them.

Return type: String.

class method > number_length
my_card_number_length = CreditDebitCardNumberValidator::Validator.number_length('6799990100000000019')

my_card_number_length # 19
# my_card_number_length contain card number length

Calculate and return card number length.

Return type: Integer.

Example using Information class

You don't need to use Information class! only use the object returned from all_information_about class method from Validator class.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A simple way to validate credit/debit card number using ruby








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