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This is a MiniService API to use in my projects.
This project was created to learn about SPM Library, using the await/async.
It will be receiving improvements in future.

How to use

To install the library, you need to use the SPM in Xcode, using the Github url from project:

First of all, set the baseURL by the code below, this can be set just one time:


After setting the baseURL, you can use the APIService class in your Models


You will need a Decodable object that conforms with the json file that you will receive from the API.


struct MyObject: Decodable {
    let id: String
    let name: String

Then you can use the get method, it is recomended using the do/catch to handle errors.

let service: APIServiceProtocol = APIService()

do {
    let myObject: MyObject = try await service.get(endpoint: "endpoint") 
    // Do what you need with your object.
} catch(let error) {
    // Handle with error


To use the Post, besides the Decodable object to convert the API response into your Swift project, you will need a Encodable object to send to the API that you need.


struct AnotherObject: Encodable {
    let name: String

Then you can use the post method, passing the object as a payload, like the get method, it is recomended using the do/catch to handle errors.

let service: APIServiceProtocol = APIService()

do {
    let anotherObject = AnotherObject(name: "Some Name")
    let myObject: MyObject = try await "endpoint", payload: accountToCreate) 
    // Do what you need with your object.
} catch(let error) {
    // Handle with error


To use the put method, it is the same as the post method.

let service: APIServiceProtocol = APIService()

do {
    let anotherObject = AnotherObject(name: "Some Name")
    let myObject: MyObject = try await service.put(endpoint: "endpoint", payload: accountToCreate) 
    // Do what you need with your object.
} catch(let error) {
    // Handle with error


To pass Headers in the requests, you can use the method insertHeader, passing a dictionary as parameter.

let headers: [String: String] = ["Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer token"]

let getObject: MyObject = try await service.insertHeader(headers).get(endpoint: "endpoint") 
let postObject: MyObject = try await service.insertHeader(headers).post(endpoint: "endpoint", payload: accountToCreate) 
let putObject: MyObject = try await service.insertHeader(headers).put(endpoint: "endpoint", payload: accountToCreate)