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  • lemonbar
  • lua
  • xdotool (for workspaces)
  • playerctl (for music)
  • amixer (for volume)
  • light (for backlight)
  • powerprofilesctl (for powercontrol, optional)
  • cava (for music visualization)
  • tty-clock (optional)
  • calcurse (optional)
  • htop (optional)
  • feh (for switching wallpaper, optional)


Set as a auto-start sctrip in you window manager.

Remember to add | bash in order to get proper feedback for click/scroll actions.


Edit config.lua to config the bar's height, font, font size, etc.

Edit layout.lua to config the layout for widgets.

Edit the first line of widgets.lua to change the theme.


  • Left click the numbers on the workspace widget to switch workspace.
  • Right click the numbers on the workspace widget to move the focused window to the workspace.
  • Left click the memory widget to run htop.
  • The music widget supports media control (play/pause, next, previous).
  • Left click on music or cava widgets to run a new terminal for cava.
  • Left click the special widget to randomly switch wallpaper.
  • Right click the special widget to switch wallpaper to default.
  • Scroll up/down on the backlight widget to increase/decrease screen brightness.
  • Scroll up/down on the volume widget to increase/decrease volume.
  • Left click the wifi widget to run nmtui.
  • Left click the volume widget to mute/unmute.
  • Left click the time widget to run tty-clock.
  • Left click the date widget to run calcurse.
  • Right click the date widget to open a neovim todo markdown in default path.
  • Left click the battery widget to switch to power-save mode.
  • Right click the battery widget to switch to performance mode.
  • Middle click the battery widget to switch to balanced mode.


  • Multi-screen adaptation.
  • More themes.
  • More functions.


This repo is inspired by and adapted from here