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Cloud Computing

Welcome to the cloud computing repository. This repository contains the code dan deployment for the cloud computing capstone project. The project is written in Node.js using Express framework. The project is then deployed on the Google Cloud Platform and uses the Google Cloud Storage, MySQL, and Google Cloud Run services.

Project Description

We will integrate all the three learning paths (Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and Mobile Development) using Google Cloud Platform

API Features:

  • Authentication (Login & Register):
    Implement user authentication functionality to allow users to register and log in to the application safely.
  • Upload and download images:
    Enable users to upload images to the application and download images from the system.
  • Search bar:
    Implement a search functionality that allows users to search for specific content or items within the application.
  • Connect to MySQL:
    Establish a connection to a MySQL database for storing and retrieving data as needed.
  • More features coming soon!
    Stay tuned for additional features that will be added to enhance the functionality and user experience.

Cloud Architecture

Cloud Infrastructure

Table of Contents


  • Cloud Storage (Open access to public)
  • MySQL Instance and Database
  • Artifact Registry
  • Service Account with required permission (Write)


Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone

Go to the project directory

cd Cloud-Computing

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm start

Feel free to modify the code to suit your requirements and needs

Run on cloud (GCP)

Clone the project

git clone

Go to the project directory

cd Cloud-Computing

Give execute permission

chmod +x ./

Run the script


Feel free to modify the code to suit your requirements and needs


Once you successfully deployed it into Cloud Run in Google Cloud Platform. You need to test it via postman or any other tools.

Get Recipe Data

  GET /api/getRecipeData
Parameter (query) Type Description
page integer Optional / default = 1. Pagination purpose

Get Additional Data / Intermezzo

  GET /api/getAdditionalData
Parameter (query) Type Description
fruit_id integer Required. Specific item

Get Recipe Infos Based on User's Location

  GET /api/DisplayRecipe
Parameter (query) Type Description
page integer Optional / default = 1. Pagination purpose
location string Required. Specific location

Get Search Recipe (Search Bar)

  GET /api/search
Parameter (query) Type Description
recipe_name string Required. Search recipe's name

Upload Image to GCS (Bucket)

  POST /storage/upload
Parameter (body) Type Description
image image/png Required. Image file

Register User

  POST /api/register
Parameter (body) Type Description
username string Required. Must be 4 or more characters
email string Required. @gmail
password string Required. Must be 6 or more characters
phone_number string Required. Max 12
location string Required. Province

User Login

  POST /api/login
Parameter (body) Type Description
email string Required. @gmail
password string Required. Must be 6 or more characters


Apache License 2.0


Frico Simon - LinkedIn
Ignatius Joshua - LinkedIn


We would like to acknowledge the following resources that have been instrumental in the development of this project:

  • Deploy MySQL API to GCP by Bill Martin: This article provided valuable insights on deploying a Node.js API on Google Cloud Platform and connecting to a MySQL database.
  • Upload File from Node.js by Kamal Hossain: This article guided us through the process of uploading files from a Node.js server to Google Cloud Storage.
  • And many more contributors who have provided valuable resources and support for this project. We express our gratitude to these authors for their contributions and for sharing their knowledge and expertise.