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WordPress Theme Gulp

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A WordPress boilerplate designed to facilitate WordPress theme development by using Gulp.


This boilerplate helps you to quickly start a new WordPress theme. It comes with some configuration files to comply with WordPress Coding Standards (adapted to use BEM). It also includes Gulp, linters/fixers, Git hooks, dotenv and some npm scripts.


  • You need npm and Composer in order to install dependencies.

  • This boilerplate uses Standard version to generate a changelog and Husky to validate commits, so you need to follow the Conventional Commits.

  • In order to avoid the warnings related to the local use of https, you will need a valid certificate. You can achieve this with mkcert.


What is included?


The gulpfile handle different tasks:

  • Init your theme with the information obtained from dotenv,
  • Compile SCSS to CSS with Dart Sass and PostCSS (autoprefixer included),
  • Transpile and bundle your JS scripts with Rollup and Babel,
  • Compress your images (JPG, PNG, GIF and SVG),
  • Copy your fonts,
  • Generate a .pot file for translation,
  • Create an archive of your theme without development files,
  • Watch for file changes,
  • Minify CSS and JS in production / Generate sourcemaps in development.

npm scripts

With npm, you can use some scripts:

  • npm run build: write assets in assets folder and generate .pot file.
  • npm run watch: launch BrowserSync, open your website in the desired browser and refresh it on changes.
  • npm run lint: check if all files respects your coding standards.
  • npm run fix: fix all files to comply with your coding standards.
  • npm run translate: generate a .pot file in ./languages.
  • npm run screenshot: take a screenshot (1200x900) of your homepage and save screenshot.png in your theme root.
  • npm run release:
    • bump package.json, readme.txt, functions.php and src/scss/abstracts/_variables.scss,
    • recompile CSS to update version in style.css,
    • create a new commit with a new tag for your release.
  • npm run zip: create a compressed file of your theme, excluding files needed only in development mode.

To lint/fix a specific type of files, you can also use a "sub" script:

  • npm lint:js / npm fix:js for JS files,
  • npm lint:php / npm fix:php for PHP files,
  • npm lint:scss / npm fix:scss for SCSS files.

How to use it

First steps

Clone this repo, copy wordpress-theme in your WordPress installation ( wp-content/themes/ ) and rename it. Then, in your theme directory:

  1. Init Git (otherwise Husky will not install hooks)
  2. Launch npm install and composer update
  3. Execute npx husky install to install Git hooks
  4. Copy .env.example and rename it .env
  5. Edit your .env file to suit your project.
  6. Launch npm run init
  7. You may want to relaunch npm install so that your package-lock.json contains the correct information.

That's it! You can now start developing your theme.

Complete the configuration

If you need to complete the boilerplate:

  • tools/ contains files required by Gulp/npm scripts,
  • tools/gulp/config/data.js contains data from .env used in other Gulp files,
  • tools/gulp/config/error-handler.js handle Gulp error messages,
  • tools/gulp/config/options.js contains plugins options,
  • tools/gulp/config/paths.js contains paths used by Gulp,
  • tools/gulp/tasks/ contains Gulp tasks imported in gulpfile.js.


Formatting JS files in VS Code with Prettier and ESlint

If you are using Prettier extension to auto-fix your files, you may want to disable it for Javascript. Prettier doesn't work well with ESlint rules (in particular space rules). So, I recommend you to set these settings in your workspace:

    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.fixAll": true,
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "[javascript]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": false,

This way, only the ESlint extension will be used to format your JS files.

Additional Notes

If you plan to publish your theme on WordPress Theme directory, you may want to edit readme.txt manually to provides all necessary information. I'm not sure this is required for themes (it is for plugins), but it is at least recommended. See a revised readme for an example.


This project is open-source and it is licensed under GPL v2-or-later.


A WordPress boilerplate to develop themes with gulp.







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  • JavaScript 55.7%
  • PHP 25.0%
  • Shell 9.8%
  • SCSS 9.5%