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Agile Mississippi Vendor Challenge Project (RFP 3717)

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Brief Description
  • Links to Working Prototype
  • Key Assets
  • How to Report Bugs
  • The USDS Playbook Checklist
  • Team Structure
  • Story of our User Interaction
    • Sprint 0
    • Sprint 1
    • Sprint 2
    • Sprint 3
    • Sprint 4
  • Story of our Map
  • "Serverless Architecture"
  • Build and Deploy Instructions


Brief Description

We approached this project as if we were actually going to deploy a usable, lasting, maintainable tool for Mississippians to find day care. Our project is a serverless, responsive implementation that presents a usable map of some commercial day care centers from the provided data that enriches the user experience. Following our user testing, we simplified and rearranged the user interface. We rewrote it in plain language to maximize usability.

We followed the USDS Playbook through four intense Sprints, each of which garnered better and better user feedback. The resulting site allows users to search on locales specified the way one does a Google map search for an area. We clarify and link to the State’s definitions of provider and quality star rating. We are confident that if provided with the complete set of data we believe the state has, it would be a compelling user experience.

Links to Working Prototype

Our functioning prototype can be found here:

Our fully-open GitHub Repo is:

Key Assets

  1. Data endpoint:
  2. Dev server:
  3. Production server:
  4. CI server:
  5. Trello board (Project backlog and Sprint backlogs):

How to Report Bugs

To report a bug against this prototype, please enter a new GitHub issue: At present, there are a small number of issues because we used a public Trello board to manage our development.

The USDS Playbook Checklist

CivicActions has been following the USDS Playbook since the 18F Agile BPA and using it as a checklist on all projects. Here is a brief summary of how we followed the playbook; specific examples are called out throughout this document.

  1. Understand what people need -- We did no less than eleven user interviews, leading us to a layout significantly different than that currently used by the state. We discovered a new "plain language" terminology.
  2. Address the whole experience, from start to finish -- We learned that the search for a provider begins with thinking about location and ends with a phone call, so we added a map and an ability to call a provider with a single click.
  3. Make it simple and intuitive -- We polished and removed features. We utilize Google-like search to find locations as a simplifcation. We emphasized non-legal language on the site.
  4. Build the service using agile and iterative practices -- We had four formal sprints with daily scrum (see call notes) and sprint planning meetings. We rapidly evolved an ever-changing prototype.
  5. Structure budgets and contracts to support delivery -- We budgeted a part-time team with the necessary skills.
  6. Assign one leader and hold that person accountable -- We empowered a single Product Owner for all prioritization and executive tie-breaking power.
  7. Bring in experienced teams -- Every member of our team had years of experience.
  8. Choose a modern technology stack -- In addition to using modern technologies such as Bootstrap and Angular, we used a "serverless" architecture that significantly simplified our implementation.
  9. Deploy in a flexible hosting environment -- We used Amazon Web Services, which allows easy programmatic and manual control of server deployment and security issues.
  10. Automate testing and deployments -- We used Docker and a Jenkins Continuous Integration Server. We use Selenium Builder to run automated tests.
  11. Manage security and privacy through reusable processes -- Because this application collects no information from the user, privacy is not an issue. Security of the AWS server is handled by Amazon, the cloud provider, and reasonable practices.
  12. Use data to drive decisions -- We used user interviews to iteratively and readically develop our new approach.
  13. Default to open -- Our repo has been public with a Creative Commons Public Domain license since the start of the project.

Look for our references to each of these plays in the text below.

Team Structure

Robert L. Read was appointed the role Product Owner/Product Manager/Agile Coach and was responsible for the overall success of the prototype (USDS Play #6). An team with a combined experience of 87 years in their respective roles was assembled, budgeted part-time, and structured as follows (USDS Play #7, USDS Play #5):

  • Product Manager: Rob Read
  • Technical Architect: Adam Bergstein
  • Lead Interaction Designer / User Researcher / Usability Tester: Nicole Tecco-Reece
  • DevOps Engineer / Backend Web Developer: Josh Rose
  • Frontend Web Developer: Ethan Teague
  • Frontend Web Developer: Alex Schmoe
  • Interaction Designer / User Researcher / Usability Tester: Jen Harris
  • Delivery Manager: Steve Curtis

For details on roles hours per role, please see documentation located elsewhere in this repository: agile-ms/documentation/project roles, descriptions,

Details regarding rates per role were submitted to the Procurement Team Leader as part of our response to RFP Section X, as instructed.

The Story of our User Interactions (Req 4.3.1+4.4)

To make this documentation easier to evaluate, we have called out specific numbered reqirements from the Vendor Challenge requirements and the USDS playbook in our below narrative. Each point and sub-point in requirements Req. 4.3-4.5 is mentioned below.

###Sprint 0 (Req. 4.4.1) Seeking first to understand what was really needed (USDS Play #1), we conducted a sprint “zero” (Req. 4.4.1) during the week prior to our iterative development kickoff. In this pre-sprint research and planning phase (Req., we built an initial prototype to identify any technical risks and to validate some initial technical assumptions. This prototype and all work to follow was in pursuit of the goal that the state of MS team described in the caseworker Q+A session - to provide a way for social workers and parents to find safe and quality daycares in MS without training.

In parallel, we began conducting some initial policy and contextual research and recruiting our “users.” We based our initial research and outreach upon the initial input from the caseworker Q&A session hosted by the state. Because our target audiences are parents and social workers (or caseworkers) who work with foster parents, we reached out to individuals in the child welfare field, beginning with members of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Casey Strategic Consulting Group (CSCG) and staff at private providers. We also reached out to local daycare providers in order to identify parents who might have conducted daycare searches recently. Ideally, we were looking for a sampling of users who met a cross-section of criteria (Req.,

  • Job: social worker, someone working in a state child welfare agency or private provider or other organization providing child welfare-related services
  • Parent: an adult with children under 6 currently in daycare, or looking for daycare
  • Age range: mid 20s to late 40s
  • Tech savvy: low to medium
  • Geographic area: ideally Mississippi, but if not possible then a range of states

We then scheduled three initial user sessions combining a contextual interview and “think aloud” exercises (Req. focused on two websites: the MDHS site and the site hosting our initial sprint zero prototype (Req. -

Here is a complete list of all our user interviews (not just Sprint 0) (USDS Play #12, USDS Play #1):

  1. Polly - former social worker - Sept

  2. Rachel - foster parent, social worker, adoptive parent - Sept

  3. Lillian - birth parent, daycare proc - Sept

  4. Polly - former social worker - Oct

  5. Cindy - GA resource department supervisor - Oct

  6. Rachel - foster parent, social worker, adoptive parent - Oct

  7. Sherri and Susan - GA resource workers - Oct

  8. Tammy - GA child welfare director - Oct

  9. Wanda - GA director, placement supervisor - Oct

  10. Angela - adoption case manager - Oct

  11. Wanda - GA director, placement supervisor - Oct

We realized that to quickly convey convenient providers we could use a map to show the location of nearest providers. Later we realized that only certain provider types are places of business with physical addresses. We quickly prototyped a map using "fake" addresses based around the geographic center of the zip codes, which we had for each provider.

sprint zero

sprint zero

Through these research sessions and our background research (about federal childcare funding, participation, state programs) we identified the tasks that users were likely to follow in identifying a daycare provider for a child (or children).

User Tasks (Req.

  1. Identify daycare provider options. This is conducted by personal knowledge and recommendations and internet searches.

    • Users identify options by selecting a location that is convenient for the parent/caretakers of the child whether near to work or home.
  2. Users evaluate possibilities in order to narrow down their options to a subset of possible providers.

    • Users are most interested in "fit" of the center profile with their child(ren). For example, is this a "high quality" provider. High quality assessments could include: center- or home-based preference, teacher/student ratios, type of curriculum, age group(s) served, hours of operation, all year calendar, after school or early day programs, safety measures, etc. etc.
  3. Users select 1-3 options to call. Users want to know whether program is taking applications or has openings and supplementing information that can be found online.

  4. Users select 1-3 options to visit.

  5. Users make their selection.

During sprint zero user research we quickly identified the top ways in which parents and social workers conducted their searches:

  • Location (address, zipcode) was critical. It was the first thing most users wanted to enter. Some offered to hop off the site and look in Google Maps to get better results.
  • The hours of operation, curriculum, ages of children served and programs, and other information (other parents reviews, pictures, etc) that did not exist in our dataset.
  • Whether the providers are currently taking applications (also not in our dataset).

We also identified the top two tasks in the list as our priority. Our prototype development would focus on enabling users to identify and find enough information to narrow down their top choices to conduct follow up (or to share with a third party, like foster parent.)

This was our attempt to address the whole experience, from start to finish (USDS Play #2), although we had time in this exercise to address only the first, highest-priority item.

We determined that users are most interested in identifying high quality, safe daycare providers convenient to their work or home location. The search function is used to identify state-licensed and registered providers and, ideally, to lessen the legwork needed in order to make a selection (Req.

We used the modern practice of "Story Mapping" to organize our learnings:


###Sprint 1 This initial pre-sprint or sprint zero work enabled us to conduct our next phase of development (first sprint) (Req. 4.4) with a few key areas for improvement in mind:

  • We learned that users were confused by the terminology. Types of providers were unclear; this led users to make incorrect assumptions about search results and to completely drop Slot Contractors from their search although these centers, by definition, met the users’ criteria.
  • Users were also confused by the star ratings, believing falsely that most of the identified providers had a zero (0) rating when in fact they had no rating or were not participating in the rating system.

Following the principle of keeping it simple and intuitive (USDS Play #3), we put effort into developing new GUI wireframes (Req. that would clarify this terminology and rating confusion and make it a prominent part of the searching, raising it to the top. We also developed additional verbiage using a "plain language" approach that we hoped would clarify terminology (Req.

  • Slot Contractor -> Quality Star participating Daycare Center
  • Center -> Daycare Center
  • Group Home -> Licensed Home-based Daycare
  • Non-relative In-Home -> Nanny
  • Non-relative Out-of-Home -> Un-licensed Home-based Daycare

Since we had developed a prototype early on, we were able to iterate on our prototype in each user interview with screen-sharing technology so that users could directly experience our website (USDS Plays #9 and #4)). For the remaining user sessions, our experienced UX expert (USDS play #7) continued to follow a think-aloud approach which asked users to place themselves in a scenario where they are either social workers trying to find a daycare provider in order to get their kids a placement or a parent conducting a daycare search.

For all phases of research, design and development, we documented our user research sessions and findings, driving our development with user stories (Req.

{FILLMEIN: Link to Google docs of user sessions}

All of our stories, including the backlog of stories we did not accomplish, can be found in various columns in public Trello board.

For parents, we implemented the feature of starting the map and search at their current location. (If the location of the user cannot be determined, we start them in Jackson, MS.) We learned that for social workers this was less valuable, but we implemented, using Google Maps, a Google-like location search for finding providers.

In working with our front end engineering team, we chose the US Web Design Standards as our responsive pattern library (Req., We built the site using a responsive framework which enabled our application to iteratively be tested with end users on multiple devices and ensured that we used consistent language, iconography and patterns for all experiences (Req. We worked iteratively each work day (see daily call notes) in order to be as Agile as possible (USDS Play #4).


By following the US Web Design Standards, we were able to ensure that we followed accessibility standards. Additionally, in our coded prototype we used distinct shapes (in addition to different colors) to represent the map markers for different types of providers (Req.

###Sprint 2 In the second sprint, we were fortunate to receive the support of Virginia Pryor, Director of the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services. We had multiple user participants—from the Adoption unit, the Permanency unit and the Resource department—who interacted with our iterative prototypes (now live websites), as well as a few returning participants from the prior phase. These workers conduct the Mississippi challenge’s use case regularly, so we thought that these users would give us a closer insight into whether the new application would address key concerns—and most importantly, whether it was user friendly (Req.,


These Georgia child welfare staff were able to help us confirm that the terminology of provider types and ratings was hard to understand. Additionally, they helped us to identify the importance of ensuring that the site worked on all devices—essential, given that workers will be in many locations when conducting a search of this type. Although our prototype did not mature to the point of making it appropriate to use quantitative data collection, such as A/B testing, time-on-task testing, etc., we continually and iteratively used user interview data to guide our development decisions (USDS Play #12) (Req.

In order to collect this qualitative data we asked open-ended questions first so as to get as much unbiased information from the users as possible. Our users were parents and social workers who worked with foster youths.

###Sprint 3 Following these interviews, in our third sprint, we identified the need for a new visual approach that would emphasize provider type and quality star ratings and explain them to the user, while moving the map to a position parallel to the results lists. We had discovered that for a fraction (approximately one-fifth) of all providers we could discover the physical postal address of the businesses and place these on the map. We immediately started Sprint 4 with that in mind. Our automated deployment allowed us to rapidly deploy significant development changes with confidence (USDS Play #10).


We used our final two interviews to validate our direction and discover further enhancement opportunities:


###Sprint 4

In our final sprint we acted yet again on user interview data that the the top filter hid the results "below the fold". We visually compressed that area, and moved some explanatory texts into pop-ups. We tested the responsivenss more fully by testing on Android and iPhone platforms (Req. We added the color icons. We continued work on the Map, which we do not fully complete. We found a number of small bugs which we fixed in a prioritized process as our budgeted effort ran down and the product achieved a level of usability of which we are proud. We believe subject to the limited data given to us and what we were able to discover through public geolocation, we have done a good job with fundamental mission:

“As a caseworker or parent, I would like to search for child care providers in my vicinity so that I can choose the best provider for a child.”


The Story of our Map

Following (USDS Play #2) to look at the whole experience, our users quickly identified the need to see the provider locations on a map. One of the main features in our prototype is the use of a Google Map populated with real geolocated data. We used offline code (see: which is not part of our live product to get as many geolocated records as possible.

Many of the providers are commercial businesses that have a clearly defined place-of-business which can be determined with a Google search or the Google Places geo-location service. When our users told us that a map would be useful, and that they needed to know where providers were, we executed a script to geolocate Licensed providers. From the dataset of 5000 records given to us, we found 352 likely physical addresses, which allowed us to accurately place those Centers, Group Homes, and Slot Contractors on the Google Map, as per Requirement (2.6) which asks us to included additional data as needed. Furthermore, we use a different marker for each provider type. We suspect that the data provided by the State for this exercise contains only a fraction of all the data, since all providers types are populated from the beginning of the alphabet to a particular letter. The full data may make the maps look more interesting and attractive than they do in our current prototype.

We believe the privacy of the those providers that do not have a brick-and-mortar place of business must be protected. We believe that the State of Mississippi probably has a postal addresses for licensed providers which could enrich the user experience, and hope our prototype has demonstrated how to make use of this.

We did not complete the full coordination of zooming and panning of the map as one expects on a Google map on other sites.


A "Serverless" Architecture

In this project we have employed the modern, so-called "Serverless" architecture (Req. That is, because this functionality is "stateless", there is no database. We read the data from a static file directly into the javascript which runs in the user's browser. This makes a much simpler implementation than using an unnecessary database. In this model, the maintenance of the provider data could be as simple as editing a CSV file. However, any software engineer would understand how to connect this to a relational database if that is preferable.

Deployment Instructions

Development Workflow

Deployments occur through Slack by running the commands noted below. Dev deployments are done to perform tests. Prod deployments occur once Dev deployments have been validated.

Technical Architecture

As per (Req. and (USDS Play #8), our technology stack is:

  1. Bootstrap
  2. Google Maps (API Key required)
  3. Angular JS
  4. AWS Cloud Environments (Req.,(Req.
  5. Docker (Req.
  6. Jenkins CI Server (Req.
  7. JSON web service data endpoint
  8. Gulp as a task runner

Local Development Config

  1. Ensure you have node, and npm installed on your local machine
  2. Navigate to /docroot
  3. run gulp from terminal


This deploys an instance of the application on Amazon Web Services, then configures DNS (with CDN and SSl) using Cloudflare (USDS Play #9). Docker Machine is used to provision and bootstrap the instances. The AWS CLI is used to manage network configuration and a Cloudflare CLI is used to configure Cloudflare (the AWS CLI and Cloudflare tools are run via Docker, so dependencies are minimized). This automated deployment process allows repeatable control of the server security (USDS Play #11).


  1. Docker to manage containers.
  2. Docker Compose to automate defining and running multi-container applications with Docker.
  3. Docker Machine to automate creating Docker hosts locally, on cloud providers, or in a data center.
  4. Amazon Web Services account and API keys to automate interactions with AWS.
  • VPC configured (default OK)
  • Subnet within VPC
  1. CloudFlare account and API keys to automate interactions with CloudFlare.
  2. Chrome, Firefox, or IE 9+ web browser

Instructions (Req.

Clone the repository, and change to the project directory:

git clone
cd agile-ms 

If you are using Docker on Windows or OS X:

  • Make sure it is started up and it's shell environment variables are available before continuing (if using the Docker installer you can do this by starting a Docker Quickstart Terminal window).
  • You will also need to add a route to the Docker subnet by running sudo route -n add

Create the following required environment variables, containing your AWS and Cloudflare access details:

export AWS_VPC_ID=
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-2"
export AWS_AMI=ami-b7393887
export AWS_ROOT_SIZE=30

Subnets must be available with in the AWS Region and Zone you are using. Ensure that your VPC is contained within the Region you select, and that the zone/subnet (if selected) are available on that VPC. The AWS environment variables and default values are detailed in the Docker Machine documentation. If using the non-default region and subnet you can specify these by setting the following environment variables:

export AWS_ZONE=

Run the ./bin/deploy script to initiate the deploy, where the first parameter is the subdomain to deploy to, and the second is a Cloudflare DNS hosted domain name. For example:

./bin/deploy agile-ms

This will deploy a candidate instance to (Req.

Within our project, we set up deployment as Slack commands for maximum ease and so that non-developers may kick-off a deployment. If you use Slack you may wish to do the same:

  1. Dev deployment Slack command: /agile-ms-deploy-dev
  2. Prod deployment Slack command: /agile-ms-deploy-prod


To execute all the integration tests, build your environment as normal, then run:


The tests will indicate successes/failures on the screen. For integration into automation tools (e.g. Jenkins) a zero exit code (echo $?) indicates a successful run, a non-zero result indicates a test failure.

The tests run 2 suites (mobile and desktop viewports), first on Google Chrome and then on Mozilla Firefox. All testing infrastructure and the test browsers run inside Docker containers, so no additional local setup is needed.

Test Development

As per (Req., the tests use the open source Selenium Builder Selenium 2 JSON test format, which is easy to version control and edit with the open source Selenium Builder Firefox extension (which can run/debug the tests manually). The tests are in the tests directory.

To run/build tests with the Firefox extension you will need to:

  • Load the appropriate suite (desktop.json or mobile.json).
  • Edit the tests/base-url.json file and set the address for your local web server (from the build command output).
  • Save the specific test files when you are done working on the tests.
  • If you are working on tests that alter data you may also need to run create-demo-users between runs (as the run-tests script does). This will ensure a clean test environment.

Tests are automated using the se-interpreter which is made available as a Docker container, together with the SeleniumHQ Chrome and Firefox Docker images.

Test results are recorded in chrome.log and firefox.log files in the "tests" directory.