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This is the SDK for ClouDNS HTTP API. The document provides guidelines and examples on how to implement and use the ClouDNS SDK for our HTTP API. You can read more about the API at

The SDK is based on the methods used in the HTTP API.

Table of contents

Basic integration and requirements

These are the minimal requirements to use/implement the ClouDNS SDK:

  • PHP 5 or above;
  • Access to the ClouDNS HTTP API;



  1. Download the SDK file.
  2. Add the SDK file to your project's folder.
  3. Include it in your project. Here is a basic example on how to do so:
include "ClouDNS_SDK.php";




  1. install using composer require cloudns/cloudns-sdk


use ClouDNS\ClouDNS_SDK;


To gain access and use the methods, included in the SDK, the HTTP API credentials needs to be entered and verified:

  • For API users:
$exampleVar = new ClouDNS_SDK('0000', '123456789', false);


where 0000 is the ID of the API user (auth-id), 123456789 is the password of the API user (auth-password) and false indicates the type of the API user.

  • For API sub-users with ID authorization (sub-auth-id):
$exampleVar = new ClouDNS_SDK('0000', '123456789', true);


where 0000 is the ID of the API sub-user (sub-auth-id), 123456789 is the password of the API sub-user (auth-password) and true indicates the type of the API user.

  • For API sub-users with user authorization (sub-auth-user):
$exampleVar = new ClouDNS_SDK('username', '123456789', true);


where username is the username set for the API sub-user (sub-auth-user), 123456789 is the password of the API sub-user (auth-password) and true indicates the type of the API user.

SDK Functions

Here you will find examples for every method, used in the SDK. The methods are presented as PHP function calls and are divided into four main categories - DNS (for DNS zones, records, etc.), Domain (for registered domains), SSL (for SSL certificates) and Sub (for sub-users). They can be used only after a successful login to the API.

The basic construction of the functions is as follows:

exampleFunction (arg1, arg2, arg3, ... , argN);

where exampleFunction is the name of the function, that will be called, (arg1, arg2, arg3, ... , argN) are the arguments, required for the current function. Besides the required arguments, there are also optional ones, which are used only in certain cases and as such they are always at the end of the function. If the optional arguments are not required for a certain function they can be entered as empty, NULL value or can be skipped. Here is a function, where arg1 and arg2 are required arguments, while arg3 and arg4 are optional ones:

exampleFunction (arg1, arg2, NULL, " ");


exampleFunction (arg1, arg2);

As you can see the optional arguments are located at the end of the function and can be entered as NULL and/or empty value and/or skipped.

Note, that there are cases, where you will have to enter some of the optional arguments and ignore others - for example ignore arg3 and enter arg4. In situations such as this one you can enter arg3 as NULL or empty ' ' value, but you can not skip it.


1. Available name servers.
  • Description: Get a list with available domain name servers.

  • Example:



2. Create a new DNS zone.
  • Description: Create/add a new DNS zone to your account. Works with Master, Slave, Parked, GeoDNS and Reverse DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsResgisterDomainZone('domain.tld', 'zone type', array ('ns1', 'ns2', 'nsn'...), '');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.
zone type String/Required The type of the DNS zone - master/slave/parked/geodns/reverse.
array ('ns1', 'ns2', 'nsn'...) Array/Optional Array with name servers, that will be added as NS records in the zone. String/Optional IP address of the Master server, for Slave zones;

3. Delete a DNS zone.
  • Description: Delete an existing DNS zone. Works with Master, Slave and Reverse zones as well as cloud/bulk domains.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.

4. List DNS zones.
  • Description: Get a list of all DNS zones in your account or only the ones matching a certain criteria (keyword).

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsListZones('current page', 'results per page', 'keyword');

Name Data type/Status Description
current page Integer/Required The current page of your zone list.
results per page Integer/Required Number of results per page, can be 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100.
keyword String/Optional Criteria, which the results will be based on.

5. Get pages count.
  • Description: Amount of pages with DNS zones currently in your account. It can be combined to give results based on criteria (keyword).

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsGetPagesCount('results per page', 'keyword');

Name Data type/Status Description
results per page Integer/Required Number of results per page, can be 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100.
keyword String/Optional Criteria, which the results will be based on.

6. Get zones statistics.
  • Description: Shows information about the amount of DNS zones currently in the account and the zone limit, that is available for the account's subscription plan.

  • Example:



7. Get zone information.
  • Description: Shows information about the DNS zone - status, type.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.

8. Update zone.
  • Description: Updates a DNS zone.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.

9. Update status.
  • Description: Shows information for update status of the DNS zone and a list of name servers.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.

10. Is updated.
  • Description: Shows the update status of the DNS zone for a list of name servers - TRUE if it is updated on all servers and FALSE if not.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.

11. Change zone's status.
  • Description: Change the status of the DNS zone - active/inactive.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsChangeZonesStatus('domain.tld', 'status');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
status Integer/Optional Status indicator, 1 to activate, 0 to deactivate. If the argument is skipped, the status will be toggled

12. List records.
  • Description: Shows a list of records currently in the DNS zone. The results can also be based on host name and/or record type.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsListRecords('domain.tld', 'host', 'record type');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
host String/Optional Host, which the records will be shown for
record type String/Optional Specify the type of record to be listed. For available record types, see "Get the available record types" function.

13. Add record.
  • Description: Adds a record to the DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsAddRecord("domain.tld", "record type", "host", "record", ttl, priority, weight, port, frame, "frame-title", "frame-keywords", "frame-description", save-path, redirect-type, "mail", "txt", algorithm, fptype, status, geodns-location, caa-flag, "caa-type", "caa-value");

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
record type String/Required Type of the DNS record. For available record types, see "Get the available record types" function.
host String/Required Host name of the record. Leave empty for root hoss.
record String/Required The specific requirements for the record - where to be pointed at (e.g. IP, hostname, server), strings, authentications, etc.
ttl Integer/Required The TTL of the record. The available TTL's are as follows: 60 = 1 minute 300 = 5 minutes 900 = 15 minutes, 1800 = 30 minutes, 3600 = 1 hour, 21600 = 6 hours, 43200 = 12 hours, 86400 = 1 day, 172800 = 2 days, 259200 = 3 days, 604800 = 1 week, 1209600 = 2 weeks, 2592000 = 1 month
priority Integer/Optional Priority option for MX and SRV records.
weight Integer/Optional Weight option for SRV record
port Integer/Optional Port option for SRV record
frame Integer/Optional Toggles the redirect with frame option for Web Redirect record: 0 for disable, 1 for enable.
frame-title String/Optional Title for the redirect with frame option for Web Redirect record.
frame-keywords String/Optional Keywords for the redirect with frame option for Web Redirect record.
frame-description String/Optional Description for the redirect with frame option for Web Redirect record.
save-path Integer/Optional Save path option for redirecting with Web Redirect record - 0 for disable, 1 for enable.
redirect-type Integer/Optional Unmasked redirects for Web Redirect record if the redirect with frame is disabled - 301 for constant type or 302 for temporary type.
mail String/Optional E-mail address for RP records.
txt String/Optional Domain name for TXT record used in RP records.
algorithm Integer/Optional Algorithm required to create for SSHFP records.
fptype Integer/Optional Type of the SSHFP algorithm.
status Integer/Optional Status of the record - 1 for active and 0 for inactive. If skipped, the record will be set as active.
geodns-location Integer/Optional ID of the GeoDNS location that can be set for A, AAAA, CNAME, NAPTR or SRV records. The location's ID can be obtained from the List GeoDNS locations function.
caa-flag Integer/Optional Flag option for CAA records - 0 for Non critical and 128 for Critical.
caa-type String/Optional Type of the CAA record, which can be issue, issuewild and iodef.
caa-value String/Optional Value of the CAA record. Depending on the type of the CAA record, 'caa-type', it can be set as follows: if 'caa-type' is issue the 'caa-value' can be hostname or ";". If 'caa-type' is issuewild the 'caa-value' can be hostname or ";". If 'caa-type' is iodef the 'caa-value' "mailto:someemail@address.tld, http://example.tld or http://example.tld.

14. Delete record.
  • Description: Deletes a record in the DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsDeleteRecord('domain.tld', "recordID");

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
recordID Integer/Required ID of the record. The ID can be found using the List records function.

15. Modify record.
  • Description: Modify (edit) a record.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsModifyRecord("domain.tld", "recordID", "host", "record", ttl, priority, weight, port, frame, "frame-title", "frame-keywords", "frame-description", save-path, redirect-type, "mail", "txt", algorithm, fptype, status, geodns-location, caa-flag, "caa-type", "caa-value");

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
recordID Integer/Required ID of the record. The ID can be found using the List records function.
host String/Required Host name of the record. Leave empty for root hoss.
record String/Required The specific requirements for the record - where to be pointed at (e.g. IP, hostname, server), strings, authentications, etc.
ttl Integer/Required The TTL of the record. The available TTL's are as follows: 60 = 1 minute 300 = 5 minutes 900 = 15 minutes, 1800 = 30 minutes, 3600 = 1 hour, 21600 = 6 hours, 43200 = 12 hours, 86400 = 1 day, 172800 = 2 days, 259200 = 3 days, 604800 = 1 week, 1209600 = 2 weeks, 2592000 = 1 month
priority Integer/Optional Priority option for MX and SRV records.
weight Integer/Optional Weight option for SRV record
port Integer/Optional Port option for SRV record
frame Integer/Optional Toggles the redirect with frame option for Web Redirect record: 0 for disable, 1 for enable.
frame-title String/Optional Title for the redirect with frame option for Web Redirect record.
frame-keywords String/Optional Keywords for the redirect with frame option for Web Redirect record.
frame-description String/Optional Description for the redirect with frame option for Web Redirect record.
save-path Integer/Optional Save path option for redirecting with Web Redirect record - 0 for disable, 1 for enable.
redirect-type Integer/Optional Unmasked redirects for Web Redirect record if the redirect with frame is disabled - 301 for constant type or 302 for temporary type.
mail String/Optional E-mail address for RP records.
txt String/Optional Domain name for TXT record used in RP records.
algorithm Integer/Optional Algorithm required to create for SSHFP records.
fptype Integer/Optional Type of the SSHFP algorithm.
status Integer/Optional Status of the record - 1 for active and 0 for inactive. If skipped, the record will be set as active.
geodns-location Integer/Optional ID of the GeoDNS location that can be set for A, AAAA, CNAME, NAPTR or SRV records. The location's ID can be obtained from the List GeoDNS locations function.
caa-flag Integer/Optional Flag option for CAA records - 0 for Non critical and 128 for Critical.
caa-type String/Optional Type of the CAA record, which can be issue, issuewild and iodef.
caa-value String/Optional Value of the CAA record. Depending on the type of the CAA record, 'caa-type', it can be set as follows: if 'caa-type' is issue the 'caa-value' can be hostname or ";". If 'caa-type' is issuewild the 'caa-value' can be hostname or ";". If 'caa-type' is iodef the 'caa-value' "mailto:someemail@address.tld, http://example.tld or http://example.tld.

16. Copy records.
  • Description: Copies all the records from a specific zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsCopyRecords('domain.tld', 'domain2.tld', delete-records);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the records will be copied to.
domain-2.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the records will be copied from.
delete-records Integer/Optional If entered (set to 1), deletes all the current records, if such exists, from domain.tld.

17. Import records.
  • Description: Imports the records of a zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsImportRecords('domain.tld', 'format', 'records-list', delete-records);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the records will be imported to.
format String/Required The format, which will be used to import the records. The available formats are bind and tinydns.
records-list String/Required List of the records based on the chosen format. The records must be added one per row.
delete-records Integer/Optional If entered (set to 1), deletes all the current records, if such exists, from domain.tld.

18. Export records in BIND format.
  • Description: Exports the zone records in BIND format.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the records will be exported from in BIND format.

19. Get the available record types.
  • Description: Shows the available record types, that can be set up, based on the DNS zone type.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
zone-type String/Required type of the DNS zone. The value can be domain for Master DNS zones, reverse for Reverse DNS zones and parked for Parked DNS zones.

20. Get the available TTL.
  • Description: Shows the available TTL, that can be set for the records.

  • Example:



21. Get SOA details.
  • Description: Shows the SOA details of the DNS zone.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the SOA details will be shown for.

22. Modify SOA details.
  • Description: Modify (edit) the SOA details of the DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsModifySOA('domain.tld', 'ns.nameserver.tld', 'example@email.tld', refresh, retry, expire, ttl);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the SOA details will be modified for.
ns.nameserver.tld String/Required Host name of the primary name server.
example@email.tld Integer/Required DNS admin email.
refresh Integer/Required Refresh rate. The value must be between 1200 and 43200 seconds.
retry Integer/Required Retry rate. The value must be between 180 and 2419200 seconds.
expire Integer/Required Expire rate. The value must be between 1209600 and 2419200 seconds.
ttl Integer/Required Default TTL. The value must be between 60 and 2419200 seconds.

23. Get DynamicURL.
  • Description: Returns the DynamicURL of an A or AAAA record.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsGetDynamicURL('domain.tld', recordID);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.
recordID Integer/Required ID of the A or AAAA record. The ID can be found using the List records function.

24. Disable DynamicURL.
  • Description: Disable the DynamicURL of an A or AAAA record.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsDisableDynamicURL('domain.tld', recordID);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.
recordID Integer/Required ID of the A or AAAA record. The ID can be found using the List records function.

25. Change DynamicURL.
  • Description: Change the DynamicURL of an A or AAAA record.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsChangeDynamicURL('domain.tld', recordID);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.
recordID Integer/Required ID of the A or AAAA record. The ID can be found using the List records function.

26. Change record's status.
  • Description: Changes the status of the record to active/inactive.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsChangeRecordStatus('domain.tld', recordID, status);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.
recordID Integer/Required ID of record. The ID can be found using the List records function.
status Integer/Optional Status of the record - 1 for active and 0 for inactive. If skipped, the record will be toggled.

27. Add master server.
  • Description: Add new master server to a DNS zone. Only available for Secondary DNS zones and Secondary Reverse DNS zones.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsAddMasterServer('domain.tld', 'IP');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.
IP String/Required IP address of the new master server.

28. Delete master server.
  • Description: Delete master server of a DNS zone. Only available for Slave DNS zones and Slave Reverse DNS zones.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsDeleteMasterServer('domain.tld', masterID);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.
masterID Integer/Required ID of the master server. It can be obtained from the List master servers function.

29. List master servers.
  • Description: List the master servers of the DNS zone. Only available for Slave DNS zones and Slave Reverse DNS zones.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone.

30. Get mail forwards statistics.
  • Description: Gives details about the amount of mail servers and the mail forwards limit that is available for the account.

  • Example:



31. Available mail forward servers.
  • Description: Shows the available mail forward servers for the account.

  • Example:



32. Add mail forward.
  • Description: Add new mail forward to a DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsAddMailForward('domain.tld', 'box', 'host', 'destination-mail');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the mail forward will be added for.
box String/Required Name of the mailbox for the mail forward.
host String/Required Host of the mailbox. If empty, the mail forward will be created for the main domain name.
destination-mail String/Required Existing email address, where the mail forwards will be received from.

33. Delete mail forward.
  • Description: Delete a mail forward for a specified DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsDeleteMailForward('domain.tld', mailID);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the mail forward will be removed from.
mailID Integer/Required ID of the mail forward. It can be obtained from the List mail forwards function.

34. Modify (edit) mail forward.
  • Description: Modify a mail forward of a DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsModifyMailForward('domain.tld', 'box', 'host', 'destination-mail', mailID);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the mail forward will be added for.
box String/Required Name of the mailbox for the mail forward.
host String/Required Host of the mailbox. If empty, the mail forward will be created for the main domain name.
destination-mail String/Required Existing email address, where the mail forwards will be received from.
mailID Integer/Required ID of the mail forward. It can be obtained from the List mail forwards function.

35. List mail forwards.
  • Description: List the mail forwards of the DNS zone.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone, which the mail forwards will be listed for.

36. Add cloud domain.
  • Description: Adds a cloud domain.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsAddCloudDomain('domain.tld', 'cloud-domain.tld');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Master domain of the cloud.
cloud-domain.tld String/Required The new domain in the cloud.

37. Delete cloud domain.
  • Description: Deletes a cloud domain.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
cloud-domain.tld String/Required Cloud domain that will be deleted.

38. Change cloud master.
  • Description: Sets a new master of the cloud.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the new cloud master.

39. List cloud domains.
  • Description: Lists all domains in the cloud.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Master domain of the cloud.

40. Allow new IP.
  • Description: Allow new IP address of a slave server for zone transfers.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsAllowNewIP('domain.tld', 'IP');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name, which the slave server's IP address will be added for zone transfers.
IP String/Required IP address of the slave server.

41. Delete an allowed IP.
  • Description: Removes slave server's IP address for zone transfers.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsDeleteAllowedIP('domain.tld', serverID);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
IP Integer/Required IP address of the slave server.

42. List allowed IP's.
  • Description: List all of the allowed IP addresses for zone transfers.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone

43. Hourly statistics.
  • Description: Shows hourly statistics for the DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsHourlyStatistics('domain.tld', year, month, day);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
year Integer/Required The year, which the statistics will be shown for.
month Integer/Required The month, which the statistics will be shown for.
day Integer/Required The day, which the statistics will be shown for.

44. Daily statistics.
  • Description: Shows daily statistics for the DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsDailyStatistics('domain.tld', year, month);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
year Integer/Required The year, which the statistics will be shown for.
month Integer/Required The month, which the statistics will be shown for.

45. Monthly statistics.
  • Description: Shows monthly statistics for the DNS zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsMonthlyStatistics('domain.tld', year);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone
year Integer/Required The year, which the statistics will be shown for.

46. Yearly statistics.
  • Description: Shows yearly statistics for the DNS zone.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone

47. Statistics for the last 30 days.
  • Description: Shows statistics of the DNS zone for the last 30 days.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the DNS zone

48. Get templates for parked pages.
  • Description: Shows the templates, that we provide, fo.

  • Example:



49. Get parked zones settings.
  • Description: Shows the settings of the parked zone.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the parked DNS zone

50. Modify parked zones settings.
  • Description: Modify (edit) the settings of a parked zone.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsModifyParkedSettings('domain.tld', templateID, 'title', 'description', 'keywords', contact-form);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the parked DNS zone
templateID Integer/Required ID of the template for the parked zone. It can be 1, 2, 3 or 4. The available templates can be obtained from the "Get templates for parked pages" function.
title String/Optional Title of the parked page.
description String/Optional Description of the parked page.
keywords String/Optional Keywords of the parked page.
contact-form Integer/Optional Enables or disables the contact form of the parked page - 1 for enabled, 2 for disabled and 0 is the default value.

51. List GeoDNS locations.
  • Description: Lists all the GeoDNS locations.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the GeoDNS zone.

52. Add group.
  • Description: Create new group and add a certain DNS zone in the group instantly.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsAddGroup('domain.tld', 'name');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name you wish to add in the group.
name String/Required Name of the group.

53. Change group.
  • Description: Change the group which a DNS zone belongs to.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsAddGroup('domain.tld', 'group-id');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name of the zone.
group-id String/Required ID of the relevant group.

54. List groups.
  • Description: Gets a list with all groups you have added for your DNS zones.

  • Example:



55. Delete group.
  • Description: Delete a certain group of yours.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
group-id String/Required ID of the relevant group.

56. Rename group.
  • Description: Rename a certain group of yours.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->dnsRenameGroup('group-id', 'new-name);

Name Data type/Status Description
group-id String/Required ID of the relevant group.
new-name String/Required New name for the group.


1. Check availability.
  • Description: Check if a domain name is available for registration.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainCheckAvailability('domain', array ('com', 'net', ... , 'tld'));

Name Data type/Status Description
domain String/Required Domain name that will be checked.
'com', 'net', ... , 'tld' Array/Required Array with TLD's, that will be checked in combination with the domain.

2. Domains price list.
  • Description: Shows the price list of domain names.

  • Example:



3. Register new domain.
  • Description: Submit an order for registration of new domain name.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsRegisterNewDomain('domain', 'tld', period, 'example@mail.tld', 'Name', 'Address', 'City', 'State', 'zip', 'Country', phone-code, phone-number, 'Company', fax-code, fax-number, array ('ns1.nameserver.tld', ... , 'nsn.nameserver.tld'), 'registrant-type', 'registrant-type-id', registrant-policy, 'birth-date', 'birth-cc', 'birth-city', 'city-postal-code', 'publication', 'VAT-number', 'Siren-number', 'DUNS-number', 'trademark', 'Waldec-number', 'organization-type', 'privacy-protection', code, 'publicity', 'kpp', 'passport-number', 'passport-issued-by', 'passport-issued-on');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain String/Required Name of the domain.
tld String/Required TLD of the domain.
period Integer/Required The registration period of the domain. The value entered is in years. The available periods can be obtained from the List domain information function.
example@mail.tld String/Required The email address of the registrant.
Name String/Required The name of the registrant.
Address String/Required The address of the registrant/company.
City String/Required The city of the registrant/company.
State String/Required The state, e.g. Texas.
zip Integer/Required The zip code.
Country String/Required The country of the registrant/company, which must be entered as a country code according to ISO 3166. (DE, UK, BR, etc.)
phone-code Integer/Required Calling code of the phone number. Can be between 1 and 3 digits.
phone-number Integer/Required The phone number.
Company String/Optional The name of the company. Required if the registrant type is a company.
fax-code Integer/Optional Calling code of the fax number. Can be between 1 and 3 digits.
fax-number Integer/Optional The fax number.
'ns1.nameserver.tld', ... , 'nsn.nameserver.tld' Array/Optional The name servers, that the domain will be pointed at upon finishing the registration.
registrant-type String/Optional Required field for specific TLDs. For more information a link, registrant_type row.
registrant-type-id String/Optional Required field for specific TLDs. For more information a link, registrant_type_id row.
registrant-policy Integer/Optional Required for specific TLD's, such as and domain names. Possible values: 1 - if Domain Name is an Exact Match OR Abbreviation OR Acronym of your Entity or Trading Name, 2 - if Close and substantial connection between the domain name and the operations of your Entity.
birth-date String/Optional The birth date of the registrant. For more information a link, birth_date row.
birth-cc String/Optional Birth country code, optional for certain TLD's. For more information a link, birth_cc row.
birth-city String/Optional Birth city name. For more information a link, birth_city row.
city-postal-code String/Optional Postal code of the birth city. For more information a link, birth_zip row.
publication String/Optional Possible values: 0 - Non-Restricted, 1 - Restricted, publication of the individual details.
VAT-number String/Optional EU VAT number.
Siren-number String/Optional Siren number of the company (organization).
DUNS-number String/Optional UNS number of the company (organization).
trademark String/Optional Only for specific TLD's, for more information a link, trademark row.
Waldec-number String/Optional Waldec number of the association.
organization-type-other String/Optional Type of the organization. Optional field when the registrant_type is OTHER.
privacy-protection Integer/Optional Privacy Protection for the domain: 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled. By default, Privacy Protection is disabled.
code Integer/Optional Optional field for specific TLD's, for more information a link, code row.
publicity Integer/Optional Available for .it domain names, with possible values: 1 for yes and 0 for no.
kpp Integer/Optional A nine digit number available for .ru domain names.
passport-number String/Optional Available for .ru domain names. Document Number.
passport-issued-by String/Optional Available for .ru domain names. Document issued by (123 police station of Moscow).
passport-issued-on String/Optional Available for .ru domain names. Passport issued date. Format: DD.MM.YYYY.

4. Renew domain.
  • Description: Submit an order for a renewal of domain name.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsRenewDomain('domain.tld', period);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the domain, that will be renewed.
period Integer/Required The period, for which the domain name will be renewed. The value entered is in years. The available periods can be obtained from the List domain information function.
  • 'domain.tld' - the domain name that will be renewed.
  • '1' - the period, for which the domain name will be renewed.

5. Transfer domain.
  • Description: Start the transfer process of a domain name.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsTransferDomain('domain', 'tld', 'example@mail.tld', 'Name', 'Address', 'City', 'State', zip, 'Country', phone-code, phone-number, 'Company', fax-code, fax-number, transfer-code, 'registrant-type', 'birth-date', 'birth-cc', 'birth-city', 'city-postal-code', 'publication', 'VAT-number', 'Siren-number', 'DUNS-number', 'trademark', 'Waldec-number', 'organization-type-other', 'privacy-protection', 'code', 'registrant-type-id', 'publicity', array('ns'), 'kpp', 'passport-number', 'passport-issued-by', 'passport-issued-on');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain String/Required Name of the domain.
tld String/Required TLD of the domain.
example@mail.tld String/Required The email address of the registrant.
Name String/Required The name of the registrant.
Address String/Required The address of the registrant/company.
City String/Required The city of the registrant/company.
State String/Required The state, e.g. Texas.
zip Integer/Required The zip code.
Country String/Required The country of the registrant/company, which must be entered as a country code according to ISO 3166. (DE, UK, BR, etc.)
phone-code Integer/Required Calling code of the phone number. Can be between 1 and 3 digits.
phone-number Integer/Required The phone number.
Company String/Optional The name of the company. Required if the registrant type is a company.
fax-code Integer/Optional Calling code of the fax number. Can be between 1 and 3 digits.
fax-number Integer/Optional The fax number.
transfer-code Integer/Optional Transfer code given by the current registrar, if it is required for the TLD.
registrant-type String/Optional Required field for specific TLDs. For more information a link, registrant_type row.
birth-date String/Optional The birth date of the registrant. For more information a link, birth_date row.
birth-cc String/Optional Birth country code, optional for certain TLD's. For more information a link, birth_cc row.
birth-city String/Optional Birth city name. For more information a link, birth_city row.
city-postal-code String/Optional Postal code of the birth city. For more information a link, birth_zip row.
publication String/Optional Possible values: 0 - Non-Restricted, 1 - Restricted, publication of the individual details.
VAT-number String/Optional EU VAT number.
Siren-number String/Optional Siren number of the company (organization).
DUNS-number String/Optional UNS number of the company (organization).
trademark String/Optional Only for specific TLD's, for more information a link, trademark row.
Waldec-number String/Optional Waldec number of the association.
organization-type-other String/Optional Type of the organization. Optional field when the registrant_type is OTHER.
privacy-protection Integer/Optional Privacy Protection for the domain: 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled. By default, Privacy Protection is disabled.
code Integer/Optional Optional field for specific TLD's, for more information a link, code row.
registrant-type-id String/Optional Required field for specific TLDs. For more information a link, registrant_type_id row.
publicity Integer/Optional Available for .it domain names, with possible values: 1 for yes and 0 for no.
ns Array/Optional Requred for .be domain names.
kpp Integer/Optional A nine digit number available for .ru domain names.
passport-number String/Optional Available for .ru domain names. Document Number.
passport-issued-by String/Optional Available for .ru domain names. Document issued by (123 police station of Moscow).
passport-issued-on String/Optional Available for .ru domain names. Passport issued date. Format: DD.MM.YYYY.

6. List registered domains.
  • Description: Get a list with registered domains. Can be combined with a certain criteria (keyword), which the result will be based on.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsListRegisteredDomains(rows-per-page, page, 'keyword');

Name Data type/Status Description
rows-per-page Integer/Required Amount of results per page. It can be 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100.
page Integer/Required Current page of your zone list.
keyword String/Optional A specific criteria (keyword), that the results will be based on.

7. Get pages count.
  • Description: Amount of pages with registered domains currently in your account. It can be combined to give results based on criteria (keyword).

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsGetPagesCount('rows-per-page', 'keyword');

Name Data type/Status Description
rows-per-page Integer/Required Amount of results per page. It can be 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100.
keyword String/Optional A specific criteria (keyword), that the results will be based on.

8. Domain information.
  • Description: Gives information about the domain name.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain

9. Contact details.
  • Description: Shows the contact details of a registered domain in four groups: Registrant Details, Administrative Contact, Technical contact and Billing Contact.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain

10. Modify contacts.
  • Description: Shows the contact details of a registered domain in four groups: Registrant Details, Administrative Contact, Technical contact and Billing Contact.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsModifyContacts('domain', 'tld', 'details-type', 'example@mail.tld', 'John Doe', 'Company', 'Address', 'City', 'State', zip, 'Country', phone-code, phone-number, fax-code, fax-number);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain String/Required Name of the domain.
tld String/Required TLD of the domain.
details-type String/Required the type of contacts, that will be modified. They can be obtained from the Contact details function.
example@mail.tld String/Required Email address of the registrant.
Name String/Required Name of the registrant.
Company String/Required Name of the company.
Address String/Required Address of the registrant/comapny.
City String/Required City of the registrant/company.
State String/Required State, e.g. Texas.
zip Integer/Required Zip code
Country String/Required The country of the registrant/company, which must be entered as a country code according to ISO 3166. (DE, UK, BR, etc.)
phone-code Integer/Required Calling code of the phone number. Can be between 1 and 3 digits.
phone-number Integer/Required The phone number.
fax-code Integer/Optional Calling code of the fax number. Can be between 1 and 3 digits.
fax-number Integer/Optional The fax number.

11. List name servers.
  • Description: Shows a list with name servers for a registered domain name.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain.

12. Modify name servers.
  • Description: Modify (edit) the name servers for a registered domain name.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsModifyNameServers('domain.tld', array ('ns1.nameserver.tld', ... , 'nsn.nameserver.tld));

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain.
'ns1.nameserver.tld', ... , 'nsn.nameserver.tld' Array/Required Array with the name servers

13. Get child name servers.
  • Description: Shows a list of child name servers (Glue records) for the domain name.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain.

14. Add child name servers.
  • Description: Add a child name server to a domain name.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsAddChildNameServers('domain.tld', 'host', 'IP');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain.
host String/Required Host of the child name server.
IP String/Required IP of the child name server.

15. Delete child name servers.
  • Description: Delete a child name server from a domain name.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsDeleteChildNameServers('domain.tld', 'host', 'IP');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain.
host String/Required Host of the child name server.
IP String/Required IP of the child name server.

16. Modify child name servers.
  • Description: Modify a child name server of a domain name.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsModifyChildNameServers('domain.tld', 'host', 'IP', 'newIP');

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain.
host String/Required Host of the child name server.
IP String/Required Current IP of the child name server.
newIP String/Required New IP of the child name server.

17. Modify Privacy Protection.
  • Description: Enables/Disables the Privacy Protection of a domain name. The current state of it can be obtained from the Domain information function.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsModifyPrivacyProtection('domain.tld', status);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain.
status Integer/Required Privacy Protection status - 1 for enable and 0 for disable.

18. Modify transfer lock.
  • Description: Enables/Disables the transfer lock of a domain name. The current state of it can be obtained from the Domain information function.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->domainsModifyTransferLock('domain.tld', status);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Name of the registered domain.
status Integer/Required Transfer lock status - 1 for enable and 0 for disable.

19. Get transfer code.
  • Description: Shows the transfer code (auth code) of the domain name.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Registered domain name.

20. Resent RAA verification.
  • Description: Resend the verification e-mail to the administrative contact of the domain name.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Registered domain name.


1. Order new SSL.
  • Description: Places an order for a new SSL certificate.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->sslOrderNewSSL('domain.tld', period, type);

Name Data type/Status Description
domain.tld String/Required Domain name, which the SSL certificate will be ordered for.
period Integer/Required Period of the SSL certificate. The value is in years.
type Integer/Required Type of the SSL certificate - 2 - Wildcard Positive SSL, 3 - Positive SSL.

2. List certificates.
  • Description: Get a list of ordered and owned SSL certificates.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->sslListOrderedCertificates('page', rows-per-page);

Name Data type/Status Description
page String/Required The page, your SSL list is currently on.
rows-per-page Integer/Required Amount of results per page. It can be 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100.

3. Get pages count.
  • Description: Shows the number of pages for your SSL certificates.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
rows-per-page Integer/Required Amount of results per page. It can be 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100.

4. SSL Information.
  • Description: Shows information about the SSL certificate.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
sslID Integer/Required ID of the SSL certificate. It can be obtained from the List certificates function.

5. Submit CSR.
  • Description: Submit CSR key for an SSL certificate.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->sslSubmitCSR(sslID, 'example@mail.tld', 'csr');

Name Data type/Status Description
sslID Integer/Required ID of the SSL certificate. It can be obtained from the List certificates function.
example@mail.tld String/Required Email address of the owner of the certificate
'csr' String/Required The CSR key.

6. Renew SSL.
  • Description: Renew an SSL certificate.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->sslRenew('sslID', period);

Name Data type/Status Description
sslID Integer/Required ID of the SSL certificate. It can be obtained from the List certificates function.
period Integer/Required Period, which the sertificate will be renewed for. The value is in years.

7. Change SSL verification e-mail.
  • Description: Changes the verification e-mail of the SSL certificate.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->sslChangeVerificationMail('sslID', 'example@mail.tld');

Name Data type/Status Description
sslID Integer/Required ID of the SSL certificate. It can be obtained from the List certificates function.
example@mail.tld String/Required New email address of the owner of the certificate

8. Reissue SSL.
  • Description: Reissue an SSL certificate.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->sslReissue('sslID', 'example@mail.tld', 'csr');

Name Data type/Status Description
sslID Integer/Required ID of the SSL certificate. It can be obtained from the List certificates function.
example@mail.tld String/Required Email address of the owner of the certificate
'csr' String/Required The CSR key.

9. List SSL verification e-mails.
  • Description: Shows a list of all the allowed verification e-mails for an SSL certificate.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
sslID Integer/Required ID of the SSL certificate. It can be obtained from the List certificates function.

Sub users

1. Add new sub user.
  • Description: Adds a new API sub user.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subAddNewUser('password', zone-amount, mf-amount, 'IP');

Name Data type/Status Description
password String/Required Password for the API sub user.
zone-amount Integer/Required Amount of DNS zones, available for the sub user.
mf-amount Integer/Required Amount of mail forwards, available for the sub user.
IP String/Optional Whitelisted IP address. If argument is skipped, access from all IP's will be allowed.

2. Get sub user's information.
  • Description: Shows information for an API sub user.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.

3. Get pages count.
  • Description: Shows the number of pages with sub users.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
rows-per-page Integer/Required Amount of results per page. It can be 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100.

4. List sub users.
  • Description: Shows a list with all the API sub users.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subListSubUsers(page, rows-per-page);

Name Data type/Status Description
page Integer/Required The page, your sub user list is currently on.
rows-per-page Integer/Required Amount of results per page. It can be 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100.

5. Modify zones limit.
  • Description: Modifies (edits) the amount of zones available for the sub user.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subModifyZonesLimit(id, zone-amount);

Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.
zone-amount Integer/Required Amount of DNS zones, available for the sub user.

6. Modify mail forwards limit.
  • Description: Modifies (edits) the amount of mail forwards available for the sub user.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subModifyMailForwardsLimit(id, mf-amount);

Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.
mf-amount Integer/Required Amount of mail forwards, available for the sub user.

7. Add new IP.
  • Description: Adds new IP address to the whitelist, which the sub user will have access from.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subAddIP(id, 'IP');

Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.
IP String/Required String/Required

8. Remove IP.
  • Description: Removes an IP address from the whitelist.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subRemoveIP('id', 'IP');

Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.
IP String/Required String/Required

9. Modify status.
  • Description: Activate/Deactivate API sub user.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subModifyStatus(id, status);

Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.
status Integer/Required Sub user status - 1 for active, 0 for inactive.

10. Modify password.
  • Description: Modify (change) the password of an API sub user.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subModifyPassword(id, 'password');

Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.
password String/Required New password for the API sub user.

11. Delegate zone.
  • Description: Delegate the management of a DNS zone to an API sub user.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subDelegateZone(id, 'domain.tld');

Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.
domain.tld String/Required Name of the DNS zone.

12. Remove zone delegation.
  • Description: Removes a delegated DNS zone from an API sub user.

  • Example:

$exampleVar->subRemoveZoneDelegation(id, 'domain.tld');

Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.
domain.tld String/Required Name of the DNS zone.

13. Delete sub user.
  • Description: Delete a sub user.

  • Example:


Name Data type/Status Description
id Integer/Required ID of the sub user.