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The wallet proxy provides the following endpoints:

  • GET /v0/accBalance/{account address}: get the balance on an account
  • GET /v1/accBalance/{account address}: get the balance on an account, including cooldowns and the available balance.
  • GET /v0/accNonce/{account address}: get the next nonce for an account
  • GET /v0/accEncryptionKey/{account address}: get the public encryption key of the account
  • GET /v0/transactionCost: get the cost of a transaction
  • GET /v0/submissionStatus/{transactionHash OR submissionId}: get the status of a transfer or credential deployment
  • PUT /v0/submitCredential: deploy a credential/create an account
  • PUT /v0/submitTransfer: perform a simple transfer
  • GET /v0/accTransactions/{account address}: get the transactions affecting an account
  • GET /v1/accTransactions/{account address}: get the transactions affecting an account, including memos
  • PUT /v0/testnetGTUDrop/{account address}: request a CCD drop to the specified account
  • GET /v0/health: get a response specifying if the wallet proxy is up to date
  • GET /v0/global: get the cryptographic parameters obtained from the node it is connected to
  • GET /v0/ip_info: get the identity providers information with links for submitting initial identity issuance requests.
  • GET /v1/ip_info: get the identity providers information with links for submitting identity issuance and recovery requests.
  • GET /v2/ip_info: get the identity providers information (including company ID providers) with for submitting identity issuance and recovery requests.
  • GET /v0/bakerPool/{bakerId}: get the status of a baker pool given the baker ID.
  • GET /v0/chainParameters: get the chain parameters.
  • GET /v0/nextPayday: get the next payday.
  • GET /v0/passiveDelegation: get the status of passive delegation.
  • GET /v0/appSettings: get the up-to-date status of the old mobile wallet app.
  • GET /v0/termsAndConditionsVersion: get the latest version of terms and conditions.
  • GET /v1/appSettings: get the up-to-date status of the new mobile wallet app.
  • GET /v0/epochLength: get the epoch length in milliseconds.
  • GET /v0/CIS2Tokens/{index}/{subindex}: get the list of tokens on a given contract address.
  • GET /v0/CIS2TokenMetadata/{index}/{subindex}: get the metadata of tokens in on given contract address.
  • GET /v0/CIS2TokenBalance/{index}/{subindex}/{account address}: get the balance of tokens on given contract address for a given account address.
  • GET /v1/CIS2TokenMetadata/{index}/{subindex}: get the metadata of tokens on given contract address, ignoring failing requests.
  • GET /v1/CIS2TokenBalance/{index}/{subindex}/{account address}: get the balance of tokens on given contract address for a given account address, ignoring failing requests.


In case of a non 200 return code the return value will always be a JSON object with two fields

  "errorMessage": "free form string",
  "error": Int

Where the error codes currently returned are

  • 0 for internal server error, most likely the server could not communicate with the node:
    {"error":0,"errorMessage":"Error accessing the GRPC endpoint"}
  • 1 for when the request is invalid. There can be a number of reasons for this, but most of them should not occur once the initial debugging is over. They indicate that data is malformed in one way or another. The message will usually pinpoint the cause of the error.
    {"error":1,"errorMessage":"Malformed transaction hash."}
  • 2 for when the request is well-formed, but the requested object could not be found, e.g., the account does not exist in the expected place.

Language & localization

Error messages and textual descriptions will be localized by the proxy based on the Accept-Language header. (Currently, only en is available.) Languages can also be specified with the _LANG GET-parameter and/or a _LANG cookie; these have higher precedence than Accept-Language.

Identity provider information

The data served on the v0/ip_info endpoint is a JSON array of objects. Each object is of the form

    "ipInfo": {...},
    "arsInfos": {...},
    "metadata": {
        "issuanceStart": URL,
        "icon": "base64 encoded png image"

All fields are mandatory. The "ipInfo" and "arsInfos" objects are needed when creating identity object requests, and identity objects.

Account Balance

The balance on an account can be queried as in the following example:

$ curl -XGET localhost:3000/v0/accBalance/4WHFD3crVQekY5KTJ653LHhNLmTpbby1A7WWbN32W4FhYNeNu8

Or (v1):

$ curl -XGET localhost:3000/v1/accBalance/4WHFD3crVQekY5KTJ653LHhNLmTpbby1A7WWbN32W4FhYNeNu8

The result is a JSON object with two optional fields:

  • currentBalance (v0 only) is the balance on the account in the current best block;
  • finalizedBalance is the balance on the account in the most recently finalized block.

For the v1 endpoint, only finalizedBalance is ever present. If it is absent, the account has not yet been finalized on the chain.

For the v0 endpoint, if neither field is present, then the account does not currently exist on the chain. If only currentBalance is present, then the account has been created, but its creation has not yet been finalized. Otherwise, both fields will appear.

The AccountBalance value is always an object with the following fields

  • "accountAmount" (required) which is an Amount type, i.e., a string containing an integral value. This amount represents the total amount owned by the account, no matter if it is locked up or not. It does not however include the encrypted amounts. To compute the available amount we have to calculate: accountAmount - lockedUpBalance (from the last point of this list).
  • "accountEncryptedAmount" (required) which is an object with three (mandatory) fields
    • "selfAmount" of type EncryptedAmount, i.e., a hexadecimal string
    • "startIndex" a non-negative 64-bit integer
    • "numAggregated" (optional) a number >= 2 indicating how many amounts are aggregated together in the first amount (see section at the end for an explanation). If not present the first amount in the list is a pure incoming amount.
    • "incomingAmounts" an array of EncryptedAmount values, i.e., an array of hexadecimal strings. The array could be empty, but is always present.
  • "accountNonce" the nonce of the account matching the balance. This is the nonce of the next transaction that is not yet included in the balance.
  • "accountReleaseSchedule" (required) the release schedule for this account consisting of:
    • "schedule": a list of objects with the following fields, all required

      • "timestamp" (in milliseconds since Unix Epoch)
      • "amount" .. the amount that will be released at the given timestamp
      • "transactions" .. an array of transaction hashes that contribute to the amount that will be released.
    • "total": The sum of all the pending amounts, to be used when calculating the available amount. More explicitly, the format of "accountReleaseSchedule" is:

      { "schedule": [
          [ timestamp1, [ amount1, [ txHash11, txHash12...] ] ],
          [ timestamp2, [ amount2, [ txHash21...] ] ],
        "total" : totalamount
  • "accountIndex"(required) the index of the account.
  • "accountBaker" (optional) if present indicates that this account is registered as a baker. If present, the value is always an object with fields
    • "stakedAmount" (required): the amount that is currently staked
    • "bakerId" (required): the baker id the account is registered as
    • "restakeEarnings" (required): a boolean indicating whether earnings are added to stake.
    • "bakerAggregationVerifyKey" (required): public key to verify aggregate signatures in which the baker participates.
    • "bakerElectionVerifyKey" (required): public key to verify the baker has won the election.
    • "bakerSignatureVerifyKey" (required): public key to verify block signatures signed by the baker.
    • "pendingChange" (optional): if present indicates that the baker is in a cooldown due to removal or a change of stake. If present, the value is an object with the fields
      • "change" (required): indicating the kind of change which value is either "reduceStake" indicating that the baker's stake is reduced at the end of the cooldown period, or "removeStake" indicating that the baker is being removed at the end of the cooldown period.
      • "effectiveTime" (required): the time at which the cooldown ends, e.g. "2022-03-30T16:43:53.5Z".
      • "estimatedChangeTime" (optional, present if protocol version 4 or later): an estimate of when the change actually takes effect, which is the first payday after the cooldown ends, e.g. "2022-03-30T16:43:53.5Z".
      • "newStake" (optional): This field is present if the value of the field "change" is "reduceStake", and the value is the new stake after the cooldown.
  • "accountDelegation" (optional) if present indicates that this account is registered as a delegator. If present, the value is always an object with fields
    • "stakedAmount" (required): the amount that is currently staked
    • "restakeEarnings" (required): a boolean indicating whether earnings are
    • "delegationTarget" (required): the delegation target consisting of
      • "delegateType" (required): the type of delegation which value is either "Passive" or "Baker"
      • "bakerId" (optional): If the value "delegateType" is "Baker", then "bakerId" is the ID of the target pool, otherwise not present.
    • "pendingChange" (optional): if present indicates that the delegator is in a cooldown due to removal or a change of stake. If present, the value is an object with the fields
      • "change" (required): indicating the kind of change which value is either "reduceStake" indicating that the delegators's stake is reduced at the end of the cooldown period, or "removeStake" indicating that the delegator is being removed at the end of the cooldown period.
      • "effectiveTime" (required): the time at which the cooldown ends, e.g. "2022-03-30T16:43:53.5Z".
      • "estimatedChangeTime" (optional, present if protocol version 4 or later): an estimate of when the change actually takes effect, which is the first payday after the cooldown ends, e.g. "2022-03-30T16:43:53.5Z".
      • "newStake" (optional): This field is present if the value of the field "change" is "reduceStake", and the value is the new stake after the cooldown.
  • "accountCooldowns" (v1 only, required): an array (possibly empty) of cooldown amounts in the account's inactive stake. Each entry consists of the following fields:
    • "timestamp": the timestamp at which the cooldown is expected to expire
    • "amount": the amount of cooldown stake expiring at this time
    • "status": the status of this cooldown entry; one of the following values:
      • "cooldown": the stake is no longer effective for the current payday, and will become available at the specified time.
      • "precooldown": the stake may still be effective for the current payday, and will begin cooldown at the next payday, and is expected to become available at the specified time.
      • "preprecooldown": the stake may still be effective for the current payday, and will enter precooldown at the next snapshot epoch (i.e. one epoch before the payday), and is expected to become available at the specified time.
  • "accountAtDisposal" (v1 only, required): the balance of the account that is available to be spent or transferred, accounting for any stake (active or inactive) and locked balance.

Account Nonce

When making a transfer the wallet must select a nonce for the transaction. This nonce must be sequential. The server provides a "best effort" functionality for querying the nonce. This is on the endpoint accNonce which will always return a JSON object (unless there is an internal server error) consisting of two fields

  "nonce": UInt,
  "allFinal": Bool


$ curl -XGET localhost:3000/v0/accNonce/4WHFD3crVQekY5KTJ653LHhNLmTpbby1A7WWbN32W4FhYNeNu8

The nonce is always the next nonce that should be used provided all the known transactions will be finalized eventually.

  • If allFinal is True then all transactions from this account are finalized and the nonce should be considered reliable.
  • Otherwise there are some pending transactions so the nonce returned is a best guess assuming all transactions will be successful.

In case the wallet is the only user of the account then this nonce tracking is reliable. If there are other concurrent users of the account then there is a chance the nonce returned will be wrong, but then it is up to the user to keep track of that themselves.

Account Encryption key

Returns the public key of the account that can be used when making encrypted transfers. If the request is invalid, i.e., malformed address, the status code in 500+ range is returned, if the request is valid, but the account does not exist, a status code 404 is returned. In both these cases the returned object is of the form of a generic error object, described above.

In case of success, the return code is 200, and the return value is an object of the form

  "accountEncryptionKey": String,

The field is mandatory, and the value will always be a hex-encoded public key.

Transaction cost.

The cost for a transaction, both in energy and CCD is obtained on the v0/transactionCost endpoint. The following query parameters are supported

  • type, the type of the transaction. This is mandatory and can be one of
    • simpleTransfer,
    • encryptedTransfer,
    • transferToSecret,
    • transferToPublic,
    • registerDelegation,
    • updateDelegation,
    • removeDelegation,
    • registerBaker,
    • updateBakerStake,
    • updateBakerPool,
    • update,
    • updateBakerKeys,
    • removeBaker, or
    • configureBaker.
  • numSignatures, the number of signatures on the transaction, defaults to 1 if not present.
  • memoSize, the size of the transfer memo. Optionaly, and only supported if the node is running protocol version 2 or higher, and only applies when type is either simpleTransfer and encryptedTransfer.
  • amount, optionally when type is either updateDelegation, updateBakerStake and configureBaker, in which it specifies whether the staked amount is updated. When type is update it is mandatory and specifies the amount that is sent to the smart contract.
  • restake, whether it is updated to restake earnings. Optionally, and only applies when type is either updateDelegation, updateBakerStake and configureBaker.
  • passive, whether the delegation target is set to passive delegation. Optionally, and only applies when type is either registerDelegation or updateDelegation.
  • target, whether the delegation target is updated. Optionally, and only applies when type is updateDelegation.
  • metadataSize, the size of the metadata url of a baker pool. Optionally, and only applies when type is either registerBaker, updateBakerPool or configureBaker. If not present when type is registerBaker, the maximum url size is used in the cost calculation. If not present when type is updateBakerPool or configureBaker, it is assumed that the metadata url is not updated.
  • openStatus, whether the open status of a baker pool is updated. Optionally, and only applies when type is either updateBakerPool or configureBaker.
  • transactionCommission, whether the transaction fee commission of a baker pool is updated. Optionally, and only applies when type is either updateBakerPool or configureBaker.
  • bakerRewardCommission, whether the baker reward commission of a baker pool is updated. Optionally, and only applies when type is either updateBakerPool or configureBaker.
  • finalizationRewardCommission, whether the finalization reward of a baker pool is updated. Optionally, and only applies when type is either updateBakerPool or configureBaker.
  • sender, only applies when type is update and is mandatory in this case. Specifies the sender account address of the transaction.
  • contractIndex, only applies when type is update and is mandatory in this case. Specifies the smart contract index of the contract being updated. Given as an integer.
  • contractSubindex, only applies when type is update and is mandatory in this case. Specifies the smart contract subindex of the contract being updated. Given as an integer.
  • receiveName, only applies when type is update and is mandatory in this case. Specifies the smart contract receive name of the smart contract receive function being called.
  • parameter, only applies when type is update and is mandatory in this case. Specifies the smart contract parameter passed to the receive function. Given as a hex string.
  • executionNRGBuffer, optionally and only applies when type is update. Specifies a buffer in percentage of how much of the energy for invoking the contract should be added to the returned cost. Given as an integer. If not provided, a default of 20% is used.

Notice that when type is configureBaker, the cost of all possible "configure baker" transactions can be calculated. This means for instance that /v0/transactionCost?type=updateBakerKeys and /v0/transactionCost?type=configureBaker&keys would yield the same JSON output.

In case of success the response will always be a JSON object with required fields

  • "cost" which is an Amount of CCD this transfer will cost at current conversion rates
  • "energy" which is the energy that is required be supplied for execution of this transaction. An optional success field is present if the type is update and all of the supplied parameters are provided. It is a boolean that indicates whether the contract invocation was successful, or whether contract execution failed.

In case of invalid parameters the response will be as described in the errors section with the following possible status codes

  • 400 if any of the following apply
    • the transaction type parameter is missing
    • numSignatures is present but it cannot be parsed as an integer
    • memoSize is present but it cannot be parsed as an integer
    • type is update and at least one of amount, sender, contractIndex, contractSubindex, receiveName, parameter are missing or cannot be parsed.
  • 404 if memoSize is present, but the node that backs the wallet-proxy is still running protocol version 1.
  • 502 if the wallet-proxy cannot access the node.


An example for getting the cost of updating a smart contract:

curl -XGET "http://localhost:3000/v0/transactionCost?type=update&contractIndex=1370&contractSubindex=0&amount=0&"

In this example a buffer of 10% was used.

Submission Status

A GET request to /submissionStatus/{transactionHash OR submissionId} returns a JSON object summarizing the status of a transfer or credential deployment. On success, the response is of the following form:

  "status": "finalized",
  "amount": "20000",
  "sender": "4WHFD3crVQekY5KTJ653LHhNLmTpbby1A7WWbN32W4FhYNeNu8",
  "to": "3J6vgTViNgjc4gxSgTkZWa2aspuitVCRrkkaTqQjFXHnkENaSk",
  "cost": 165,
  "transactionHash": "52277a488216a8914bf3d575a644a98b5592b62da2b91a45ca16302478e0583a",
  "outcome": "success",
  "blockHashes": [

Only the status field is required. Other fields are present depending on the value of the status field and the type and result of the transaction.

status (required)

One of the following values:

  • "absent": the transaction is not known to the node
  • "received": the transaction has been received but not yet added to any block
  • "committed": the transaction is present in one or more blocks, but not a finalized block
  • "finalized": the transaction is present in a finalized block

If a submission is finalized it will always stay finalized. A received transaction can transition into either committed, directly to finalized, or to absent. A transaction that is committed is most likely going to transition to a finalized one, although it is technically possible that it will become absent as well.

outcome (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized. The possible values are:

  • "success": the transaction completed successfully
  • "reject": the transaction failed
  • "ambiguous": the transaction has different outcomes in different blocks

The ambiguous outcome only applies to committed transactions.

rejectReason (optional)

This field is present if outcome is reject. It contains a description of the reason for rejection.

transactionHash (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is not ambiguous. The value is the hash of the transaction.

sender (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is not ambiguous. The value is either the account address of the sender for a simple transfer, or null for a credential deployment.

cost (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is not ambiguous. The value is a number representing the actual cost of the transaction to the sender. (The value is an integer in the smallest denomination of CCD.)

to (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, the outcome field is success, and the transaction is a simple or encrypted transfer. The value is the account address of the recipient of the transfer.

amount (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is a simple transfer or a InitContract. In case of a simple transfer, the value is a number representing the amount transferred from the sender to the recipient. In the case of a InitContract, the value is a number representing the amount the contract is initialized with. This is the amount that is transferred from the sender account to the contract. (The value is an integer in the smallest denomination of CCD.)


This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized. The value is a (non-empty) array of the hashes of all (live) blocks in which the transaction appears. If the status is finalized, the array will only have one element.

newSelfEncryptedAmount (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is one of the three encrypted transactions. The value is the new self encrypted amount on the account.

inputEncryptedAmount (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is either an encrypted transfer, or encrypted to public transfer, i.e., unshielding. The value is the input encrypted amount that was removed from the sender's account.

aggregatedIndex (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is either EncryptedAmountTransfer or TransferToPublic. The value is the index up to which the self encrypted amounts have been combined during the operation that was performed.

amountAdded/amountSubtracted (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is either TransferToPublic or TransferToEncrypted. For a TransferToPublic, the field will be named amountAdded and it represents the plaintext amount that is added to the public balance of the sender. For a TransferToEncrypted, the field will be named amountSubtracted and it represents the plaintext amount that is subtracted from the public balance of the sender.

moduleRef (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is either DeployModule or InitContract. The value is either the module reference of the deployed module or the module reference from which a contract was initializad.

address (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is InitContract. The value is the contract address of the initialized contract.

initName (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is InitContract. The value is the name of the contract init function being called.

contractVersion (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is InitContract. The value is the version of the contract that was initialized.

events (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is InitContract. The value is a list of contract events, given as hex strings.

trace (optional)

This field is present if the status field is committed or finalized, and the outcome field is success, and the transaction is Update. The value is a list of elements with the following fields:

  • "type" - the event type. The possible values are "updated", "transferred", "interrupted" and "resumed"
  • if the value of the "type" field is "updated", the following additional fields are present:
    • "address" - the address of the contract that was updated,
    • "instigator" - the address of the instigator of the update, i.e. source of the message, an account or contract (this will differ from the sender of the transaction in nested transactons),
    • "amount" - the amount that was transferred to the contract and subtracted from the instigator,
    • "message" - the message that was sent to the contract given as a hex string,
    • "receiveName" - the name of the contract receive function that was called,
    • "contractVersion" - version of the contract that was updated,
    • "events" - a list of contract events, given as hex strings.
  • if the value of the "type" field is "transferred", the following additional fields are present:
    • "from" - the contract address of the contract that the amount was sent from,
    • "amount" - the amount,
    • "to" - the account address that the amount was sent to.
  • if the value of the "type" field is "interrupted", the following additional fields are present:
    • "address" - the contract address of the contract that was interrupted,
    • "events" - a list of contract events, given as hex strings.
  • if the value of the "type" field is "resumed", the following additional fields are present:
    • "address" - the contract address of the contract that was resumed,
    • "success" - a bool indicating whether the operation that was invoked succeeded.

Credential deployment/account creation

Using either the example credential in examples/cdi.json or the initial account creation transaction in examples/initial-account.json the following displays an interaction that leads to credential deployment.

$ curl -XPUT -d "@examples/cdi.json" localhost:3000/v0/submitCredential
  "submissionId": "af8d639191fa6194c0ff285bcedb1f47b8b05ca477aae68dae26e1c524e06888"

If the credential is well-formed and communication with the server is good, and the node is alive the server will respond with a submission id which can be queried via the /submissionStatus endpoint.

Submit transfer

When submitting a transfer you should make a PUT request to /v0/submitTransfer endpoint. The data that should be sent is as the one returned from the library provided as part of the concordium-base repository. After submission of the transaction the responses are the same as for the submission of the credential. If successful a submission id is returned, which can be used to query the status of the transfer via the /v0/submissionStatus endpoint.

Get transactions

The endpoint /accTransactions/{account address} retrieves a partial list of transactions affecting an account. There are two versions of the endpoint, v0 and v1. They both support the following parameters.

  • order: whether to order the transactions in ascending or descending order of occurrence. A value beginning with d or D is interpreted as descending; any other (or no) value is interpreted as ascending.
  • from: a transaction id. If the order is ascending, return transactions with higher ids than this; if the order is descending, return transactions with lower ids.
  • limit: the maximum number of transactions to return; defaults to 20; values above 1000 are treated as 1000.
  • includeRewards: whether to include rewards, and if so, which ones. This is an optional parameter which defaults to including all rewards. The possible values are
    • none: include no rewards, including minting
    • allButFinalization: include all but finalization rewards
    • all: include all rewards. This is also the default if not supplied.
  • blockTimeFrom: exclude any transactions with block time earlier than blockTimeFrom (integer number of seconds after epoch).
  • blockTimeTo: exclude any transactions with block time later than blockTimeTo (integer number of seconds after epoch).
  • blockRewards: whether to include block rewards. Possible values:
    • y: include block rewards. (The default)
    • n: exclude block rewards.
  • finalizationRewards: whether to include finalization rewards. Possible values:
    • y: include finalization rewards. (The default)
    • n: exclude finalization rewards.
  • bakingRewards: whether to include baking rewards. Possible values:
    • y: include baking rewards. (The default)
    • n: exclude baking rewards.
  • onlyEncrypted: whether to only include transactions related to encrypted amounts (i.e. shield, unshield, and transfer shielded). Possible values:
    • n: include all transactions. (The default)
    • y: only include shield, unshield, and transfer shielded transactions.
  • includeRawRejectReason: whether to include the raw rejection reason (the same JSON as returned by GetTransactionStatus gRPC endpoint).

The result is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • order: either "ascending" or "descending" indicating the ordering applied to the transactions.
  • from: the transaction id offset, if one was specified.
  • limit: the limit on the number of transactions returned.
  • count: the actual number of transactions returned. This can be less than limit if there are no more transactions to return.
  • transactions: an array of transactions in the order specified.

A transaction consists of the following fields:

id (required)

This is a stable, ordered identifier for a finalized transaction. It is a positive integer. Transactions with higher ids always happen later.

origin (required)

The originator of the transaction. This is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • type:
    • "self" if the transaction originates from the account itself
    • "account" if the transaction originates from another account
    • "reward" if the transaction originates as a reward (e.g. for baking)
    • "none" if the transaction has no originator (e.g. a credential deployment)
  • address: an account address; present only if type is "account".

blockHash (required)

The hash of the block in which the transaction occurs.

blockTime (required)

The nominal time at which the block was baked. The time is given in seconds since the UNIX epoch, given as a fractional number, i.e., floating point number. Note that on JSON if a float number has no decimals, it is outputted as an Int instead of having .00 or something like that.

transactionHash (optional)

This is the hash of the transaction. This is not present for special transactions, such as rewards.

subtotal (optional)

The change in the account's public balance due to this transaction, not including the transaction fee. This is only present if the origin type is "self" and the transaction involves a transfer to or from the account other than the transaction fee.

encrypted (optional)

The change in the encrypted balance of the account. This is only present if the encrypted balance was changed.

  • If the origin field is account then this field is an object with required fields
    • "encryptedAmount" which is always a hexadecimal encoding of an encrypted amount, i.e., it is a string.
    • "newIndex" which is always a non-negative integer
  • If the origin field is self then this field is an object with fields
    • "newSelfEncryptedAmount" (required) which is always a hexadecimal encoding of an encrypted amount, i.e., it is a string.
    • "newStartIndex" (optional) which, if present, is a non-negative integer that indicates which encrypted amounts were used in this transfer. This is only present if the transaction type is an encrypted amount transfer, or a transfer from secret to public balance.
    • "encryptedAmount" (optional) in case of encrypted transfer, the amount that was sent. In public to secret and secret to public transfers this field will not be present.

cost (optional)

The cost of performing the transaction, if this cost is paid by the account. This is only present if the origin type is "self" (since otherwise the account is not responsible for the cost). When present, this is always a positive value.

total (required)

The total change in the account's public balance due to the transaction and associated fees. A negative value indicates a debit from the account, while a positive value indicates a credit to the account.

energy (optional)

The energy cost (in NRG) of executing the transaction. This is not present for special transactions.

details (required)

A JSON object containing more details about the transaction. It consists of the following fields:

  • type (required): in v0 endpoint one of the following:
    • "deployModule"
    • "initContract"
    • "update"
    • "transfer"
    • "addBaker"
    • "removeBaker"
    • "updateBakerStake"
    • "updateBakerKeys"
    • "updateBakerRestakeEarnings"
    • "encryptedAmountTransfer"
    • "transferToEncrypted"
    • "transferToPublic"
    • "transferWithSchedule"
    • "registerData"
    • "bakingReward"
    • "platformDevelopmentCharge" (only returned when viewing the foundation account)
    • "finalizationReward"
    • "blockReward"
    • "paydayFoundationReward"
    • "paydayAccountReward"
    • "blockAccrueReward" (in practice, this is not possible, as the transaction does not pertain to any particular account)
    • "paydayPoolReward" (in practice, this is not possible, as the transaction does not pertain to any particular account)
    • "deployCredential"
    • "updateCredentials"
    • "updateAccountKeys"
    • "chainUpdate"
    • "Malformed account transaction"
    • in v1 endpoint type can additionally be one of
      • transferWithMemo
      • encryptedAmountTransferWithMemo
      • transferWithScheduleAndMemo
  • description (required): a brief localized description of the type of the transaction
  • outcome (required):
    • "success" if the transaction was executed successfully
    • "reject" if the transaction failed, in which case it had no effect other than charging the fee
  • rejectReason (when outcome is "reject"): a brief localized description of why the transaction was rejected
  • events (when outcome is "success"): an array of strings consisting of brief localized descriptions of the on-chain events resulting from the transaction
  • The following fields are present if the transaction is a simple transfer or a transfer with memo:
    • transferSource: account address of the source of the transfer
    • transferDestination: account address of the destination of the transfer
    • transferAmount: amount of the transfer
    • in v1 version if type = transferWithMemo then an additional field memo is present. It is a hex-encoded byte array.
  • The following fields are present if the transaction is an encrypted amount transfer or an encrypted amount transfer with memo:
    • transferSource: account address of the source of the transfer
    • transferDestination: account address of the destination of the transfer
    • encryptedAmount: the encrypted amount that is transferred in the transaction in hexadecimal encoding.
    • inputEncryptedAmount: the encrypted amount that was used by the sender as input to the transaction, i.e., consumed
    • aggregatedIndex: the index up to which incoming amounts on the sender account have been combined during this operation.
    • newIndex: the index on the receiver's incomingAmounts that will be assigned to the transferred amount.
    • newSelfEncryptedAmount: the resulting self encrypted amount in the sender's account.
    • in v1 version if type = encryptedAmountTransferWithMemo then an additional field memo is present. It is a hex-encoded byte array.
  • The following fields are present if the transaction is a transfer to public transaction:
    • transferSource: account address of the source of the transfer
    • amountAdded: the plaintext of the amount that is added to the sender's public balance.
    • aggregatedIndex: the index up to which incoming amounts on the sender account have been combined during this operation.
    • newSelfEncryptedAmount: the resulting self encrypted amount in the sender's account.
    • inputEncryptedAmount: the encrypted amount that was used by the sender as input to the transaction, i.e., consumed
  • The following fields are present if the transaction is a transfer to encrypted transaction:
    • transferSource: account address of the source of the transfer
    • amountSubtracted: the plaintext of the amount that is subtracted from the sender's public balance.
    • newSelfEncryptedAmount: the resulting self encrypted amount in the sender's account.
  • The following fields are present if the transaction is a transfer with schedule or transfer with schedule and memo:
    • transferDestination: account address of the destination of the transfer
    • transferAmount: amount of the transfer
    • in v1 version if type = transferWithScheduleAndMemo then an additional field memo is present. It is a hex-encoded byte array.
  • The following field is present if the transaction is a register data transaction:
    • registeredData: hex encoding of the data that was registered

For the purposes of the above, a simple transfer is a transaction of type "transfer" which transfers funds from one account to another. A transactions of type "transfer" is not considered a simple transfer if the destination is a smart contract instance.


$ curl -XGET http://localhost:3000/v0/accTransactions/4KYJHs49FX7tPD2pFY2whbfZ8AjupEtX8yNSLwWMFQFUZgRobL?limit=2&from=4&order=a
  "transactions": [
      "id": 5,
      "blockTime": 1587646256.25,
      "origin": {
        "type": "self"
      "energy": 59,
      "cost": 59,
      "subtotal": 0,
      "transactionHash": "84bf1e2ef8d3af3063cdb681932990f71ddb3949655f55307a266e5d687b414f",
      "blockHash": "013c6d2dd67affd6f39b9a7b255d244055b53d68fe8b0add4839a20e911d04cb",
      "details": {
        "transferAmount": "123",
        "events": [
          "Transferred 123 from 4KYJHs49FX7tPD2pFY2whbfZ8AjupEtX8yNSLwWMFQFUZgRobL to 4KYJHs49FX7tPD2pFY2whbfZ8AjupEtX8yNSLwWMFQFUZgRobL"
        "outcome": "success",
        "type": "transfer",
        "transferDestination": "4KYJHs49FX7tPD2pFY2whbfZ8AjupEtX8yNSLwWMFQFUZgRobL",
        "description": "Transfer",
        "transferSource": "4KYJHs49FX7tPD2pFY2whbfZ8AjupEtX8yNSLwWMFQFUZgRobL"
      "total": -59
      "id": 7,
      "blockTime": 1587646300.02,
      "origin": {
        "type": "reward"
      "blockHash": "7a496e01bf67ad4fe720551185cf10c05acd8d4c91e995826d0703193eeac2b4",
      "details": {
        "events": [
          "Award 6270 to baker 0 at 4KYJHs49FX7tPD2pFY2whbfZ8AjupEtX8yNSLwWMFQFUZgRobL"
        "outcome": "success",
        "type": "bakingReward",
        "description": "Baking reward for baker 0"
      "total": 6270
  "from": 4,
  "count": 2,
  "limit": 2,
  "order": "ascending"

Testnet CCD Drop

Request a CCD drop to the specified account. On success, this returns a JSON object with the field submissionId, which contains a transaction hash that may be used to query the status of the drop transaction via the /submissionStatus endpoint.

$ curl -XPUT http://localhost:3000/v0/testnetGTUDrop/3KudzzbqRPyHVFEzZnZCUdK2ixr1SFLRVRm6sTfEvQv2N3A8h6

The operation is idempotent: only one drop will be issued per account. If for some reason the drop fails, subsequent calls could return a new submissionId. (This is unlikely under normal circumstances, but could result from racing concurrent requests.)

If the account address is well-formed, but the account does not exist in a finalized state on the chain, this call fails with a 404 Not found status code.


Returns an object specifying if the information accessible from the wallet proxy is up to date. It will query the GRPC and the transaction database. Assuming both succeed it checks that the last final block is less than health-tolerance seconds old. health-tolerance is an optional parameter to the wallet-proxy. It defaults to 300 seconds if left unspecified.

Under normal conditions the health query returns:


If the queries succeeded but the last final block is too old it will return:

  "reason":"The last final block is too old.",

If one of the queries fail, it could return healthy=false with a reason, or an error.

Get CIS-2 tokens

The endpoint v0/CIS2Tokens/index/subindex retrieves a partial list of tokens that are part of the contract on the address (index, subindex).

The following parameters are supported

  • from: an id. Only tokens with an id (strictly) higher than the given are returned.
  • limit: the maximum number of tokens to return; defaults to 20; values above 1000 are treated as 1000.

The return value is an object with fields

  • count (required) ... the number of items that are returned
  • from (optional) ... the from parameter if supplied
  • limit (required) ... the limit that was used in the query
  • tokens (required) ... the list of tokens. Each token is an object with fields (all required)
    • id ... an id that may be used for pagination. This has no other meaning than to enable pagination. It should not be used by the client for anything other than this, and it is not guarantee to be stable over time.
    • token ... a hex rendering of a token id as registered by the smart contract.
    • totalSupply ... a non-negative integer (encoded in a string) that records the total supply of the token as computed by using Mint and Burn events.

Get metadata URL for a list of tokens

The endpoint v0/CIS2TokenMetadata/index/subindex retrieves a list of token metadata URLs.

The following parameters are supported and required

  • tokenId: a comma separated list of token IDs. Token IDs are hex encoded, in the same format as that returned by CIS2Tokens endpoint. An empty string is interpreted as a single token with an empty ID.

The return value is a JSON object with fields contractName which is a string (e.g., CIS2-Multi) and metadata, which is a list of objects with fields

  • metadataURL (required) ... a string value that contains a URL returned by the contract. The client should do validation that this is a usable URL, since it is purely up to the smart contract to return this value.
  • tokenId (required) ... the token ID as in the query
  • metadataChecksum (optional) ... if null then no checksum is included in the contract. Otherwise it is a hex string that contains the SHA256 hash of the data at the URL.

An example query is


and an example response is

  "contractName": "CIS2-Multi",
  "metadata": [
      "metadataChecksum": null,
      "metadataURL": "",
      "tokenId": "00"
      "metadataChecksum": null,
      "metadataURL": "",
      "tokenId": "01"
      "metadataChecksum": null,
      "metadataURL": "",
      "tokenId": "02"

The v1 version of this endpoint has the same formats, but differs in the following ways

  • only up to 20 tokens can be requested at once
  • the response will contain token metadata links only for those that could be queried. This is in contrast to v0 endpoint which will fail with invalid request error if any of the token's metadata could not be queried.

Get token balance for an account address

The endpoint v0/CIS2TokenBalance/index/subindex/accountAddress retrieves the balance of tokens for the given account address.

The following parameters are supported and required

  • tokenId: a comma separated list of token IDs. Token IDs are hex encoded, in the same format as that returned by CIS2Tokens endpoint. An empty string is interpreted as a single token with an empty ID.

The return value is a JSON list of objects with fields

  • balance (required) ... a string that contains the balance as a decimal number. The balance is always non-negative, but can be very large, and will not fit into a 64-bit integer in general. The value should always fit into a 256-bit unsigned integer though. Generally unbounded integral type should be used for parsing. The metadata contains information on how to display this amount, i.e., with how many decimals.
  • tokenId (required) ... the token ID as in the query

An example query is


and an example response is

    "balance": "188848148218418242823213123123123",
    "tokenId": "0b5000b73a53f0916c93c68f4b9b6ba8af5a10978634ae4f2237e1f3fbe324fa"
    "balance": "0",
    "tokenId": "1209fe3bc3497e47376dfbd9df0600a17c63384c85f859671956d8289e5a0be8"
    "balance": "1",
    "tokenId": "1209fe3bc3497e47376dfbd9df0600a17c63384c85f859671956d8289e5a0be8"

The v1 version of this endpoint has the same formats, but differs in the following ways

  • only up to 20 tokens can be requested at once
  • the response will contain token balances only for those that could be queried. This is in contrast to v0 endpoint which will fail with invalid request error if any of the token's balance could not be queried.

Notes on account balances.

Suppose that at time tâ‚€ you query the account balance and get a structure

   "selfAmount": sâ‚€
   "startIndex": iâ‚€
   "numAggregated": nâ‚€
   "incomingAmounts": a_{iâ‚€} .. a_{iâ‚™}

This implies that the amount a_{iâ‚€} is not an incoming amount directly, i.e., it is not on any of the incoming transactions, but it is an aggregate of incoming amounts iâ‚€ + 1 - nâ‚€, ..., up to iâ‚€. All of the rest of the amounts are pure incoming amounts, as sent by other accounts.

Next time we query we get the account balance like

   "selfAmount": tâ‚€
   "startIndex": jâ‚€
   "numAggregated": mâ‚€
   "incomingAmounts": b_{jâ‚€} .. b_{jâ‚™}

The first amounts in the respective lists are aggregation of nâ‚€ (respectively mâ‚€) amounts. They are amounts with indices a_{iâ‚€+1-m},..,a_{iâ‚€}

Case where selfAmounts are the same

The only change then would have been the arrival of new incoming encrypted amounts. In this case then j₀ ≥ i₀ and m₀ ≥ i₀.

The amount b_{jâ‚€} might not yet be seen, however we know that it is the aggregation of amounts with indices b_{jâ‚€+1-m},..,a_{jâ‚€}, which we already have (partially) decrypted, and then we can count those towards the public balance already, while continuing to decrypt the remaining ones.

Case when selfAmount are different

In this case the wallet must have made some action to cause this (or the user has used account externally), in both of these cases you can do a similar analysis with indices to determine the partial balance that you have already decrypted, but of course in this case it will change.

Baker Pool Status

A GET request to /v0/bakerPool/n returns a JSON object containing various information about the baker pool with ID n. On success, the response is of the following form:

    "poolType": "BakerPool",
    "bakerId": 0,
    "bakerEquityCapital": "3000000000000",
    "delegatedCapitalCap": "1000500230710",
    "poolInfo": {
        "commissionRates": {
            "transactionCommission": 5.0e-2,
            "finalizationCommission": 1.0,
            "bakingCommission": 5.0e-2
        "openStatus": "openForAll",
        "metadataUrl": "http://example"
    "bakerStakePendingChange": {
        "pendingChangeType": "NoChange"
    "bakerAddress": "2zmRFpd7g12oBAZHSDqnbJ3Eg5HGr2sE9aFCL6mD3pyUSsiDSJ",
    "delegatedCapital": "1500480508",
    "currentPaydayStatus": {
        "finalizationLive": true,
        "effectiveStake": "3001500480508",
        "transactionFeesEarned": "0",
        "bakerEquityCapital": "3000000000000",
        "lotteryPower": 0.20008001762276778,
        "blocksBaked": 27,
        "delegatedCapital": "1500480508"

In the above, the value "bakerStakePendingChange" is either of the form

    "pendingChangeType": "NoChange"

in the case that the baker is NOT in a cooldown period, or

    "bakerEquityCapital": "1000000000",
    "pendingChangeType": "ReduceBakerCapital",
    "effectiveTime": "2022-03-30T16:43:53.5Z",
    "estimatedChangeTime": "2022-03-30T17:00:00.0Z"

in case that the baker's stake is reduced, or

    "pendingChangeType": "RemovePool",
    "effectiveTime": "2022-03-31T23:54:48.25Z",
    "estimatedChangeTime": "2022-04-01T06:00:00.0Z"

in case that the baker pool is removed. The value of "openStatus" is either "openForAll", "closedForNew" or "closedForAll".

The "currentPaydayStatus" can be null when the baker pool is open, but the baker is not yet eligible to participate in consensus. This is the case from the point at which the baker first registers until it is in the committee for the current payday.

This returns a 404 error status (with error code 2) if there is no active baker with the given ID.

Chain Parameters

A GET request to /v0/chainParameters returns a JSON object containing the chain parameters.

The format depends on the protocol version.

In protocol version <= 3, on success, the response is of the following form:

    "minimumThresholdForBaking": "14000000000",
    "rewardParameters": {
        "mintDistribution": {
            "mintPerSlot": 7.55567831e-10,
            "bakingReward": 0.6,
            "finalizationReward": 0.3
        "transactionFeeDistribution": {
            "gasAccount": 0.45,
            "baker": 0.45
        "gASRewards": {
            "chainUpdate": 5.0e-3,
            "accountCreation": 2.0e-2,
            "baker": 0.25,
            "finalizationProof": 5.0e-3
    "microGTUPerEuro": {
        "denominator": 459103742749,
        "numerator": 13805735799344988160
    "foundationAccountIndex": 10,
    "accountCreationLimit": 10,
    "bakerCooldownEpochs": 166,
    "electionDifficulty": 2.5e-2,
    "euroPerEnergy": {
        "denominator": 50000,
        "numerator": 1

In protocol version > 3, on success, the response is of the following form:

    "mintPerPayday": 1.088e-5,
    "rewardParameters": {
        "mintDistribution": {
            "bakingReward": 0.6,
            "finalizationReward": 0.3
        "transactionFeeDistribution": {
            "gasAccount": 0.45,
            "baker": 0.45
        "gASRewards": {
            "chainUpdate": 5.0e-3,
            "accountCreation": 2.0e-3,
            "baker": 0.25,
            "finalizationProof": 5.0e-3
    "poolOwnerCooldown": 10800,
    "capitalBound": 0.25,
    "microGTUPerEuro": {
        "denominator": 520665778663,
        "numerator": 15680480332915073024
    "rewardPeriodLength": 4,
    "passiveTransactionCommission": 0.1,
    "leverageBound": {
        "denominator": 1,
        "numerator": 3
    "foundationAccountIndex": 5,
    "passiveFinalizationCommission": 1.0,
    "delegatorCooldown": 7200,
    "bakingCommissionRange": {
        "max": 5.0e-2,
        "min": 5.0e-2
    "passiveBakingCommission": 0.1,
    "accountCreationLimit": 10,
    "finalizationCommissionRange": {
        "max": 5.0e-2,
        "min": 5.0e-2
    "electionDifficulty": 2.5e-2,
    "euroPerEnergy": {
        "denominator": 1000000,
        "numerator": 1
    "transactionCommissionRange": {
        "max": 5.0e-2,
        "min": 5.0e-2
    "minimumEquityCapital": "14000000000"

Next Payday

A GET request to /v0/nextPayday returns the timestamp of the next payday. Example:


Passive Delegation

A GET request to /v0/passiveDelegation returns a JSON object containing various information about passive delegation. On success, the response is of the following form:

    "commissionRates": {
        "transactionCommission": 0.1,
        "finalizationCommission": 0.0,
        "bakingCommission": 0.1
    "poolType": "PassiveDelegation",
    "currentPaydayDelegatedCapital": "0",
    "allPoolTotalCapital": "15098889000938",
    "currentPaydayTransactionFeesEarned": "0",
    "delegatedCapital": "0"

Up-to-date status of the mobile apps

A GET request to v0/appSettings or v1/appSettings is intended to convey the information about the current version of the app, and whether the version that requests the information is up to date.

This request has two mandatory parameters

  • platform must be either ios or android
  • appVersion must be a non-negative integer

In case the parameters are not present or readable the response is a standard JSON error response with status code 400.

In case of success the response is a JSON object with fields

  • status (mandatory) is a string that has value either ok, warning or needsUpdate
  • url (optional) is present exactly if the status is warning or needsUpdate. It is a string that will contain a URL where the updated version of the app can be found.

Epoch Length

A GET request to /v0/epochLength returns epoch length in milliseconds. Example where the epoch length is 3600 seconds (1 hour):



The wallet proxy must have access to

  • a running node via its GRPC interface
  • a transaction outcome database, a postgres database
  • when it starts it needs to be given a file with the list of identity providers and anonymity revokers, and their public keys and metadata.
  • optionally, private keys of the CCD drop account. If this is not provided then the gtu drop functionality will be disabled.
  • optionally, the configuration file for the v0/appSettings endpoint. See Forced update configuration file for the format of the file.

An example invocation is

wallet-proxy --grpc-ip\
             --grpc-port 10000\
             --db "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=transaction-outcome user=postgres password=postgres"\
             --ip-data identity-providers-with-metadata.json\
             --ip-data-v1 identity-providers-with-metadata-v1.json\
             --ip-data-v2 identity-providers-with-metadata-v2.json\
             --drop-account gtu-drop-account-0.json\
             --forced-update-config-v0 forced-update-config-v0.json\
             --forced-update-config-v1 forced-update-config-v1.json\
             --health-tolerance 30
             --log-level debug
             --grpc-timeout 15


  • --grpc-ip specifies the IP of the node
  • --grpc-port 10000 specifies the GRPC port the node is listening on
  • --db "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=transaction-outcome user=postgres password=postgres" is the transaction outcome database connection string
  • --ip-data identity-providers-with-metadata.json JSON file with identity providers, anonymity revokers and metadata needed for the version 0 identity flow
  • --ip-data-v1 identity-providers-with-metadata.json JSON file with identity providers and anonymity revokers and metadata needed for the version 1 identity flow
  • --ip-data-v2 identity-providers-with-metadata.json JSON file with identity providers (including company ID providers) and anonymity revokers and metadata needed for the version 1 identity flow
  • --drop-account gtu-drop-account-0.json keys of the gtu drop account
  • --forced-update-config-v0 forced-update-config-v0.json file with app update configuration for the old mobile wallet
  • --forced-update-config-v1 forced-update-config-v1.json file with app update configuration for the new mobile wallet
  • --health-tolerance 30 tolerated age of last final block in seconds before the health query returns false
  • --log-level debug means all logs above debug will be printed. Options are off, warning, error, info, debug, trace.
  • --grpc-timeout 15 means that all requests to the node must terminate in at most 15s, otherwise they will be cancelled.

If the node only supports TLS connections then the wallet-proxy must be started with the --secure flag to enable its use.

Identity providers metadata files

For the version 0 identity issuance flow

This must be a valid JSON file which contains an array of JSON objects of the following form

  "metadata": {
    "issuanceStart": "https://identity.provider/issuance-start",
    "icon": "base 64 encoded png image",
    "support": "<>"
  "ipInfo": {
    "ipIdentity": 0,
    "ipDescription": {
      "name": "Short name as it appears on the chain.",
      "url": "http/identity.provider",
      "description": "Free form description"
    "ipVerifyKey": "...",
    "ipCdiVerifyKey": "74e905294a9377408d87ab4ddc4202731c4f971561eeaf423e82ae9509b8d057"
  "arsInfos": {
    "1": {
      "arIdentity": 1,
      "arDescription": {
        "name": "AR-1",
        "url": "",
        "description": ""
      "arPublicKey": "93fdc40bb8af4cb75caf8a53928d247be6285784b29578a06df312c28854c1bfac2fd0183967338b578772398d41201886a215138ec53d870e2878bbe731381927e08eaafe97003f6f4831f18e47c9ee8913c5f806064b57341785f0376af"
    "2": {
      "arIdentity": 2,
      "arDescription": {
        "name": "AR-2",
        "url": "",
        "description": ""
      "arPublicKey": "93fdc40bb8af4cb75caf8a53928d247be6285784b29578a06df312c28854c1bfac2fd0183967338b578772398d41201ac7295a21c3c687112f454c1d222d74e0d9cc9249b3c1eef58eb66a8a039c0decf3ea413a656f6f2dbebb497b7a527"


  • the ipInfo field is the contents of the identity-provider-*.pub.json files generated by the genesis tool, minus the outer versioning.
  • the arsInfos field has the same format (minus the versioning) as the anonymity_revokers.json file generated by the genesis tool.
  • the metadata field needs to be constructed manually based on the desired setup and in communication with partners.
    • the issuanceStart link is where the wallet submits the initial identity creation request.
    • the icon needs to be a base64 encoded png image that should be obtained from the relevant identity provider.
    • the support field must contain a valid support email of the identity provider.

For the version 1 identity issuance flow

This must be a valid JSON file which contains an array of JSON objects of the following form

  "metadata": {
    "issuanceStart": "https://identity.provider/issuance-start",
    "recoveryStart": "https://identity.provider/recovery-start",
    "icon": "base 64 encoded png image",
    "support": "<>"
  "ipInfo": {
    "ipIdentity": 0,
    "ipDescription": {
      "name": "Short name as it appears on the chain.",
      "url": "http/identity.provider",
      "description": "Free form description"
    "ipVerifyKey": "...",
    "ipCdiVerifyKey": "74e905294a9377408d87ab4ddc4202731c4f971561eeaf423e82ae9509b8d057"
  "arsInfos": {
    "1": {
      "arIdentity": 1,
      "arDescription": {
        "name": "AR-1",
        "url": "",
        "description": ""
      "arPublicKey": "93fdc40bb8af4cb75caf8a53928d247be6285784b29578a06df312c28854c1bfac2fd0183967338b578772398d41201886a215138ec53d870e2878bbe731381927e08eaafe97003f6f4831f18e47c9ee8913c5f806064b57341785f0376af"
    "2": {
      "arIdentity": 2,
      "arDescription": {
        "name": "AR-2",
        "url": "",
        "description": ""
      "arPublicKey": "93fdc40bb8af4cb75caf8a53928d247be6285784b29578a06df312c28854c1bfac2fd0183967338b578772398d41201ac7295a21c3c687112f454c1d222d74e0d9cc9249b3c1eef58eb66a8a039c0decf3ea413a656f6f2dbebb497b7a527"


  • the ipInfo field is the contents of the identity-provider-*.pub.json files generated by the genesis tool, minus the outer versioning.
  • the arsInfos field has the same format (minus the versioning) as the anonymity_revokers.json file generated by the genesis tool.
  • the metadata field needs to be constructed manually based on the desired setup and in communication with partners.
    • the issuanceStart link is where the wallet submits the initial identity creation request.
    • the issuanceRecovery link is where the wallet submits the identity recovery request.
    • the icon needs to be a base64 encoded png image that should be obtained from the relevant identity provider.
    • the support field must contain a valid support email of the identity provider.

NB: It is OK to have the same identity provider listed multiple times in this file, i.e., the same identity provider could have two verification backends, in which case they would be listed twice in the list, the difference between the two instances being the issuanceStart and icon fields.

For the version 2 identity issuance flow

This must be a valid JSON file which contains an array of JSON objects of the following form

  "metadata": {
    "display": "Alternative display name",
    "issuanceStart": "https://identity.provider/issuance-start",
    "recoveryStart": "https://identity.provider/recovery-start",
    "icon": "base 64 encoded png image",
    "support": "<>"
  "ipInfo": {
    "ipIdentity": 0,
    "ipDescription": {
      "name": "Short name as it appears on the chain.",
      "url": "http/identity.provider",
      "description": "Free form description"
    "ipVerifyKey": "...",
    "ipCdiVerifyKey": "74e905294a9377408d87ab4ddc4202731c4f971561eeaf423e82ae9509b8d057"
  "arsInfos": {
    "1": {
      "arIdentity": 1,
      "arDescription": {
        "name": "AR-1",
        "url": "",
        "description": ""
      "arPublicKey": "93fdc40bb8af4cb75caf8a53928d247be6285784b29578a06df312c28854c1bfac2fd0183967338b578772398d41201886a215138ec53d870e2878bbe731381927e08eaafe97003f6f4831f18e47c9ee8913c5f806064b57341785f0376af"
    "2": {
      "arIdentity": 2,
      "arDescription": {
        "name": "AR-2",
        "url": "",
        "description": ""
      "arPublicKey": "93fdc40bb8af4cb75caf8a53928d247be6285784b29578a06df312c28854c1bfac2fd0183967338b578772398d41201ac7295a21c3c687112f454c1d222d74e0d9cc9249b3c1eef58eb66a8a039c0decf3ea413a656f6f2dbebb497b7a527"


  • the ipInfo field is the contents of the identity-provider-*.pub.json files generated by the genesis tool, minus the outer versioning.
  • the arsInfos field has the same format (minus the versioning) as the anonymity_revokers.json file generated by the genesis tool.
  • the metadata field needs to be constructed manually based on the desired setup and in communication with partners.
    • the issuanceStart link is where the wallet submits the initial identity creation request.
    • the issuanceRecovery link is where the wallet submits the identity recovery request.
    • the icon needs to be a base64 encoded png image that should be obtained from the relevant identity provider.
    • the support field must contain a valid support email of the identity provider.
    • the display field is optional and is the name to display for this identity provider, this is useful for when the same ID provider is listed twice, to allow them to be distinguished.

NB: It is OK to have the same identity provider listed multiple times in this file, i.e., the same identity provider could have two verification backends, in which case they would be listed twice in the list, the difference between the two instances being the issuanceStart and icon fields.

Database setup

The wallet-proxy needs access to the transaction logging database in the form of a PostgreSQL database. It assumes the layout and semantics is as described in the transaction logging notes. The wallet-proxy queries the database in specific patterns. Every query filters by a single account/contract and narrows down by id. Some queries additionally filter out per transaction type or by time. To support efficient retrieval in the common cases it is necessary that the ati and cti tables have a primary key index on the joint (account, id) columns (and analogous columns (index, subindex, id) for the cti table). The order of columns matters, since PostgreSQL will make best use of these indices if the queries have an equality constraint on the leading columns and a relational constraint on the remaining ones.

Forced update configuration file

If the update configuration file for version i is not present then the /v{i}/appSettings endpoint will always return ok. If the file is present it must be a valid JSON file in the following format

    "ios": {
        "forceUpdateVersions": "5,8,10-17",
        "suggestUpdateVersions": "9",
        "url": "link to app store",
        "suggestUrl": "link to the app store"
    "android": {
        "forceUpdateVersions": "-64",
        "suggestUpdateVersions": "65-80",
        "url": "link to app store",
        "suggestUrl": "link to the app store"

where both ios and android are optional and default to empty ranges if not present.

The field

  • forceUpdateVersions must be a string that denotes ranges of app versions that should be forced to update.
  • suggestUpdateVersions must be a string that denotes ranges of app versions where the users should upgrade, but are not required to.

The forceUpdateVersions is matched first, so overlapping ranges are biased towards the needsUpdate outcome.

The range format is fairly standard, e.g., 5,8,10-17 denotes app versions 5, 8, and 10 to 17, inclusive. Infinite ranges are also supported, e.g., -64 denotes the range of versions <= 64, and 64- denotes the range of versions >= 64.

The suggestUrl field is optional, and if not present the default is taken to be url. The suggestUrl value is used if the version mathches the suggested update, but not the forced update.


There is a release job that will build and push a docker image to dockerhub. It can be run manually via a trigger, or it runs automatically when a release tag of the form ..- is pushed. The job needs approval since it accesses secrets.