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Godot IRC For Twitch addon

Below is a working example of this plugin, which is included in this project. A replication of the twitch chat.



The following code is also included in this repository.

extends Gift

func _ready() -> void:
  connect("cmd_no_permission", self, "no_permission")
  yield(self, "twitch_connected")

  # Login using your username and an oauth token.
  # You will have to either get a oauth token yourself or use
  # to generate a token with custom scopes.
  authenticate_oauth(<account_name>, <oauth_token>)
  if(yield(self, "login_attempt") == false):
    print("Invalid username or token.")

  # Adds a command with a specified permission flag.
  # All implementations must take at least one arg for the command info.
  # Implementations that recieve args requrires two args,
  # the second arg will contain all params in a PoolStringArray
  # This command can only be executed by VIPS/MODS/SUBS/STREAMER
  add_command("test", self, "command_test", 0, 0, PermissionFlag.NON_REGULAR)

  # These two commands can be executed by everyone
  add_command("helloworld", self, "hello_world")
  add_command("greetme", self, "greet_me")

  # This command can only be executed by the streamer
  add_command("streamer_only", self, "streamer_only", 0, 0, PermissionFlag.STREAMER)

  # Command that requires exactly 1 arg.
  add_command("greet", self, "greet", 1, 1)

  # Command that prints every arg seperated by a comma (infinite args allowed), at least 2 required
  add_command("list", self, "list", -1, 2)

  # Adds a command alias
  # Or do it in a single line
  # add_aliases("test", ["test1", "test2", "test3"])

  # Remove a single command

  # Now only knows commands "test", "test1" and "test3"
  # Now only knows commands "test1" and "test3"

  # Remove all commands that call the same function as the specified command
  # Now no "test" command is known

  # Send a chat message to the only connected channel (<channel_name>)
  # Fails, if connected to more than one channel.

  # Send a chat message to channel <channel_name>
  chat("TEST", <channel_name>)

  # Send a whisper to target user
  whisper("TEST", <target_name>)

# Check the CommandInfo class for the available info of the cmd_info.
func command_test(cmd_info : CommandInfo) -> void:

func hello_world(cmd_info : CommandInfo) -> void:
  chat("HELLO WORLD!")

func streamer_only(cmd_info : CommandInfo) -> void:
  chat("Streamer command executed")

func no_permission(cmd_info : CommandInfo) -> void:
  chat("NO PERMISSION!")

func greet(cmd_info : CommandInfo, arg_ary : PoolStringArray) -> void:
  chat("Greetings, " + arg_ary[0])

func greet_me(cmd_info : CommandInfo) -> void:
  chat("Greetings, " + cmd_info.sender_data.tags["display-name"] + "!")

func list(cmd_info : CommandInfo, arg_ary : PoolStringArray) -> void:
  chat(arg_ary.join(", "))


Exported Variables

  • command_prefix: PoolStringArray - Prefixes for commands. Every message that starts with one of these will be interpreted as one.
  • chat_timeout : float - Time to wait before sending the next chat message. Values below ~0.31 will lead to a disconnect at 100 messages in the queue.
  • get_badges : bool - Wether or not badges should be downloaded and cached in RAM.
  • get_emotes : bool - Wether or not emotes should be downloaded and cached in RAM.
  • disk_cache : bool - If true, badges and emotes will be cached on the disk instead.
  • disk_cache_path : String - Path to the cache folder on the hard drive.


Signal Params Description
twitch_connected - The underlying websocket successfully connected to Twitch.
twitch_disconnected - The connection has been closed. Not emitted if Twitch announced a reconnect.
twitch_unavailbale - Could not establish a connection to Twitch.
twitch_reconnect - Twitch requested the client to reconnect. (Will be unavailable until next connect)
login_attempt success(bool) - wether or not the login attempt was successful The client tried to login.
chat_message sender_data(SenderData), message(String), channel(String) User sent a message in chat.
whisper_message sender_data(SenderData), message(String), channel(String) User sent a whisper message.
unhandled message message(String), tags(Dictionary) Unhandled message from Twitch.
cmd_invalid_argcount cmd_name(String), sender_data(SenderData), cmd_data(CommandData), arg_ary(PoolStringArray) A command has been called by a chatter with an invalid amount of args.
cmd_no_permission cmd_name(String), sender_data(SenderData), cmd_data(CommandData), arg_ary(PoolStringArray) A command has been called by a chater without having the required permissions.
pong - A ping from Twitch has been answered with a pong.


Function Params Description
authenticate_oauth nick(String) - the accoutns username, token(String) - your oauth token Authenticate yourself to use the Twitch API. Check out to generate a token.
send text(string) - the UTF8-String that should be sent to Twitch Sends a UTF8-String to Twitch over the websocket.
chat message(String), channel(String) - DEFAULT: Only connected channel Sends a chat message to a channel.
whisper message(String), target(String) Sends a whisper message to the specified user.
add_command cmd_name(String), instance(Object), instance_func(String), max_args(int), min_args(int), permission_level(int), where(int) Registers a command with a function to call on a specified object. You can also set min/max args allowed and where (whisper or chat) the command execution should be allowed to be requested.
remove_command cmd_name(String) Removes a single command or alias from the command registry.
purge_command cmd_name(String) Removes all commands that call the same function on the same object as the specified command.
add_alias cmd_name(String), alias(String) Registers a command alias.
add_aliases cmd_name(String), aliases(PoolStringArray) Registers all command aliases in the array.
join_channel channel(String) Joins a channel.
leave_channel channel(String) Leaves a channel.

Utility Classes


Data required to store, execute and handle commands properly.
  • func_ref : FuncRef - Function that is called by the command.
  • permission_level : int - Permission level required by the command.
  • max_args : int - Maximum number of arguments this command accepts. cmd_invalid_argcount is emitted if above this number.
  • min_args : int - Minimum number of arguments this command accepts. cmd_invalid_argcount is emitted if below this number.
  • where : int - Where the command should be received (0 = Chat, 1 = Whisper)


Info about the command that was executed.
  • sender_data : SenderData - Associated data with the sender.
  • command : String - Name of the command that has been called.
  • whisper : bool - true if the command was sent as a whisper message.


Data of the sender
  • user : String - The lowercase username of the sender. Use tags["display-name"] for the case sensitive name.
  • channel : String - The channel in which the data was sent.
  • tags : Dictionary - Refer to the Tags documentation;


Godot IRC For Twitch addon







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  • GDScript 94.2%
  • Shell 5.8%