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mySchool is an app I am creating for Android, IOS, and Windows phones for my school to show if it is a blue or gold day, what clubs are going on that day, and add your homework to your calendar. Currently it is only for Glenbrook South but I have written my code so it can easily be ported to other schools.

Letter From Dean

As of 1/20/17 I will be discontinuing development of mySchool there are many reasons behind this but the main one is I no longer have time to work on this project and I want to move on to bigger and better things so keep your eyes open for future projects. You can keep up to date on my projects on, that is where I am going to be posting news and updates to work. I had a lot of fun creating mySchool and I hope it served you well, it will still be hosted on my website and I will be fixing bugs but no new features will be added.

Current Features

  • Shows what day it is (Blue or Gold for Glenbrook South)
  • Shows Month and Day of year
  • Login to Google Account (for api and homework feature)
  • Add your Homework!
  • Add Clubs!
  • Shows Upcoming Homework and Upcoming Clubs on Home Page

Planned Features

  • Show Clubs for the day (Added in Commit 23402a7)
  • Add your Homework (Added in Commit 8015ab0)
  • Add Notes to Homework (Added in Commit f9aff59)
  • Push Notifications for clubs and homework
  • Find school by an id (to help with porting to other schools)

Want this for your school?

Because this is currently open source feel free to fork it and modify it to your liking. But know that I am not responsible for any of these builds and will not offer support to unofficial builds. All I ask if you fork this for your own project is you give me credit in your version of the app.

I am also willing to port it to your school so please do not hesitate to send me an email at So we can discuss this app coming to your school.

How to Help Develop this App


you will need both of these in order to help run the app on your computer.

After you install these open command prompt and navigate to the project. After you get to your project type in this line of code.

ws -p 9000

This will start a local webserver on port 9000 (if you do not know what this means do no worry about all the details just know it works). Now to actually test the app go to localhost:9000 on your prefered webbrowser and you will be seeing your current build of the app.

Note that when you save you will have to refresh the page in order for the changes to be processed.

If this does not work please submit a issue and I will assist you as soon as possible.


Dean Sellas: Lead Programmer and Designer

Mr. Macfadden: for the idea

And everyone who is helping by offering feedback, suggestions, and testing the app!