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kubernetes mock interview 1

Deekshith SN edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 1 revision

Kubernetes interview

  1. Was the setup is kubeadm or any cloud services like azure kubernetes or aws kubernetes service in your project?
  2. Explain the architecture of kubernetes? And what version you have used?
  3. Have you used init and side-car containers in your project?
  4. What is the basic difference between deployments and stateful sets?
  5. What are the objects you have used kubernetes?
  6. What is the use of service account?
  7. how to access your application outside the world rather than in side cluster? what is cluster ip?
  8. How would you copy files from local ( config file ) on to pod?
  9. differences between secrets and configmaps?
  10. Could you explain the concept static pods?
  11. Why deamon sets are required?
  12. How to make sure you are applications are highly available?
  13. Can we schedule a pod on master node? Why by default none of the pods won’t be scheduled?
  14. Can we make a pod deployed on particular node?
  15. If given a chance to you for upgrading kubernetes cluster how would you do that?
  16. What are the namespaces are created by default? how to specify memory utilization for pod?
  17. You mentioned kubeadm rite, do you why we will networking solutions like flannel, calico and any other
  18. how to persist data of pod?
  19. What is RBAC?
  20. difference between pv and pvc?
  21. have you worked on ingress controller?
  22. Have you created a monitoring solution for kubernetes cluster?
  23. issues while working on kubernetes?
  24. issues while creating service to the pods?
  25. by which method is used to deploy k8s objects easily?
  26. what k8s service is better aks, eks, gke or kubeadm?