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Project Setup

tnield edited this page May 9, 2023 · 61 revisions

Project Setup

The page gives instructions on how to setup the 2 different environments. One for development and one for production.

Table of Contents


MySql Setup

In order for this project to work there must be a MySQL database built with values and running.

  • Run the mirror.sql file in MySQL workbench and it will build the entire database.
  • Rebuild the database
    • Drop the schema in MySQL workbench
    • Rerun the mirror.sql file
  • Run the testvalues.sql file to quickly populate the database

Dev env

The .env needs to be put in /drury_mirror_portal directory. The file needs to contain these elements below with the correct values.

Replace the values of these in .env file

SENDGRID_API_KEY= sendgrid api key
JWT_SECRET= the secret key
MYSQL_HOST= your mysql IP
MYSQL_USER= your mysql workbench username
MYSQL_PASS=your mysql workbench password
MYSQL_DB= your mysql database name
MYSQL_PORT= your mysql port


Run these commands to start the development build.

  • npm install --force (Make sure you are in the drury_mirror_portal folder)
  • npm run dev



Run this command to start the production build.

  • npm install --force (Make sure you are in the drury_mirror_portal folder)
  • npm run build


This is the configuration for Ngnix

location /mirror/ {  
    proxy_pass http://localhost:3230/;  
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;  
    proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';  
    proxy_set_header Host $host; 
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;  
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;  
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;  


  • pm2 start npm --name my-project -- run start
  • pm2 status will show the current projects, make note of the ID's
  • pm2 stop <ID> will stop that particular project


  • Navigate to the SQL folder in the project or where the mySQL scripts are.
  • Login into MySQL server
    • `mysql -u du_mirror -p
    • Enter the password
  • CREATE DATABASE du_mirror;
  • USE du_mirror;
  • SOURCE mirror.sql; Builds the database and all the tables needed
  • SOURCE testvalues.sql or SOURCE presentation.sql or SOURCE <your own script>

Prod .env

Replace the values of these in .env file

SENDGRID_API_KEY= sendgrid api key
JWT_SECRET= the secret key
MYSQL_HOST= server mysql IP
MYSQL_USER= server mysql username
MYSQL_PASS= server mysql password
MYSQL_DB= server mysql name
MYSQL_PORT= server mysql port



To start you must be in the Mobile-App-Prod branch.

  • Make sure Xcode is installed and completely updated.
  • Run ipconfig getifaddr en0 to get your IP address.
  • Copy and paste the IP address and paste it into the capacitor.config.json - url: "https://<Your IP>:3000"
  • Start the next node server (Development Steps Above).
  • Run the command npx cap -h. This command brings up the help menu and it useful to follow.
  • Run the command npx cap copy.
  • Run the command npx cap sync.
  • Run the command npx cap run ios (Home Brew & Cocoapods need to be installed)
  • Xcode and the simulator will launch, just wait for the files to be indexed.
  • Make sure a device is selected, then select the play button.

Launch on physical iPhone

  • Make sure the phone is on the same network and subnet as the computer you are using.

  • Make sure phone is in developer mode
  • Plug phone into computer
  • Select the correct device
  • Select Run


The first step in the android project setup is making sure you install a compatible emulator from the android studio device manager. If you already have a API level 33 android emulator, you may skip this step.

  • Install Android Studio
  • Open Android Studio
  • Open Device Manager device-manager
  • Click "Create Device"
  • For this example we're using Pixel 4, but you should use Pixel 4 API 33 device-manager-phone
  • Click "Next"
  • You should see a list of APIs to install. Click Tiramisu's download button, Tiramisu has an API level of 33 which is what we used for this project. API
  • Click "Done" once the API is finished installing
  • Click "Next"
  • Leave the default settings
  • Click Finish

Second, set up the project on VSCode or a similar editor.

  • Install VSCode
  • Create a folder where you can access this project
  • Open VScode, open the folder you just created for the project
  • Click Terminal then New Terminal
  • Do gh repo clone Developer-DUCS/TheDruryMirrorApp
  • Switch to the Mobile-App-Prod branch

You should now have all the project requirements for the project. Third, set up the capacitor requirements

  • In VSCode, run the following commands in your terminal:
    • Run npm install --force to install all the node modules
    • Run npm run dev to start the node server
    • Run npx cap sync to sync files with the capacitor module
    • Run npx cap add android to add the capacitor android app
    • Run npx cap open android to open Android Studio
  • On Android studio, do a cold boot on your Pixel 4 API 33 by going to device manager, click the three dots next to your install emulator, then click cold boot now Cold Boot
  • The emulator might take a while to load for the first time. Wait for it to load, you can tell when it's done once you see the home screen and wallpaper.


  • Go back to your VSCode editor, inside your terminal, run npm run dev to start the node server. The node server is required to run the app.
  • Open a new terminal in VSCode, run npx cap run android to open the application on your android emulator. Select the emulator you installed, in this case it should be Pixel_4_API_33. This setup may take a while, a white screen will appear for a few seconds.
  • You should be presented with the mobile app if everything is done correctly.


  • If your android screen is white or has a web error, try changing the capacitor.config.json file.
  • In capacitor.config.json, change your "server" "url" to your Ipv4 default gateway
  • You can find your ipv4 by typing cmd in your windows search then ipconfig