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ESP32 Smart Clock

This is my Embedded Systems Design Semester Project. I am using the ESP32 platform to make a LCD digital clock that displays local time synchronised from an NTP server and local/current weather forecasts from a JSON weather API endpoint over HTTP.

This repository contains all the subcomponents, design files, and source code for this system. It is designed to work out 'of the box'.

Demonstration Video:

worker - Copy

Demonstration Hardware

  • ESP32-DevKitC-V4 (ESP32 Based evaluation board)
  • LCD 2004 ( 4x16 LCD)
  • PCF8574 I2C Adaptor ( LCD I2C Controller)
  • 3D Printed PLA Enclosure ( Front, Rear, and Side Supports)


The 3D printed .stl design files are included in the /enclosure subdirectory. These three components are printed using the Creality CR-10S4 3D printer. Total printing time is about 6.5 hours with the following settings. The output file was generated using the Ultimaker Cura software.

Input File


  • Resolution: .28
  • Infill: 5%
  • Material: PLA





Live Weather

Weather information like Precipitation, Clouds, Pressure, Temperature, Wind are accessed for the desired City or GeoLocation via the HTTP server. This has an API which processes HTTP requests and returns a JSON response including the weather data.

API interaction

An API key is required to acceess the API. It is also appended into the query string of HTTP requests. To get a new API key for a new device, register at


To verify this key works correctly, wait 10 minutes since activation and request this URL in a browser:,pt&APPID={yourAPIkey}

The base endpoint is:

A query parameter is passed that includes the City, Country code following ISO 31666 Country codes ( In our case for New York City, USA the q-parameter is:


With both an API key, and city, a complete query will appear as:{City},pt&APPID={yourAPIkey}

NTP Synchronization

In order to synchronize time accurately, the ESP-IDF LwIP SNTP module is used. This provides time synchronizations over WiFi upon initialization. Upon reset, WiFi will be initialized and an SNTP server connection will be started with the ESP32 acting as a client.

Set Timezone

To set local timezone, use setenv and tzset POSIX functions. First, call setenv to set TZ environment variable to the correct value depending on device location. Format of the time string is described in libc documentation. Next, call tzset to update C library runtime data for the new time zone. Once these steps are done, localtime function will return correct local time, taking time zone offset and daylight saving time into account.


Once time is synchronized, ESP32 will perform timekeeping using built-in timers.

  • RTC clock is used to maintain accurate time when chip is in deep sleep mode

  • High-resolution timer is used to provide time at microsecond accuracy when ESP32 is running.

Using this application

This application is created in the esp-idf framework. The toolchain, compiler, drivers, all can be installed locally here:

This application was developed on a Windows system, and the windows installer: can be found here that automates the setup process. Upon installation and following these steps, a ESP_IDF 4.x CMD utility will be installed, which is a development environment for esp-idf based projects. Open this. I used version 4.4, but a newer version may be available upon completion of this project.

Configure ESP-IDF


Configure and build this project

cd projects
git clone
cd ESP32_Smart_Clock fullclean set-target ESP32 build

Flashing and Running

With the ESP32 connected via USB, connected to 'COMx' flash monitor 'COMx'

This will flash the application onto the system, and restart, it will then provide serial access to the application. This is not needed to use the clock, but is useful to ensure it flashed successfully.

Configure Application settings

Some configurations may need to be made when using this application. Wifi SSID, Password, and authentication mode must be set before using this app, or the defaults will be used. Generally each component will have a configuration manager that is defined in components/component/Kconfig.Projbuild . Instead of editing hard-coded values in each component source file, a menuconfig utility is provided that can edit these values via command utility: menuconfig
  • Menuconfig Main menu


  • Wifi Configuration


General Project Structure

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── components                 Developer created component sources
    |──ble-config              Bluetooth/BLE configuration functions for controlling system settings at runtime
    |──htttp                   Creates/Processes HTTP requests
    ├──i2c-lcd1602             Functions and resources to interact with an LCD display. 3rd party library (will not be tested)
    |──jsmn                    Third Party lightweight JSON parser:
    ├──esp32-smbus             smbus/i2c driver that lcd requires. 3rd party library (will not be tested)
    ├──net_ctlr                event handler, wifi config, web request functions for networking functions (May be split up into further subcomponents)
    ├──ntp_sync                NTP-RTC functions for time synchronization
    ├──weather_sync            Request/Get/Parse/Send Weather Requests over HTTP with thread safe queue implementation between tasks/timers
├── main
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├──    
│   |── Kconfig.Projbuild
│   └── Weather_Clock.c        Entry point to main application. 
├── test                       Unity based subproject for entering test application
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt   
│   ├──    
│   |── main                     
│   └── build
├── enclosure                  Design (.stl) files for 3D printed system enclosure
├── schematic                  .pdf files of circuit schematic for prototype design. TODO: Create custom PCB 
├── Makefile                   Makefile used by legacy GNU Make
└──                  This is the file you are currently reading

Component Structure

Each component contains an include directory where the component_name.h is kept, and a test subdirectory where unit tests are defined for this component. As discussed before, each component also has a KConfig.Projbuild that is used to configure some settings like pin assignments, clock rates, etc.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── component_name.c
├── KConfig.Projbuild
├── include              
├── test
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├──    
│   └── test_component_name.c  

This structure allows a clear dependency tree for our entry point at Weather_Clock.c in /main. All functions, definitions and types are brought into the main namespace by including the header file in our application. It is important to note that this inclusion also brings the components dependencies into scope as well. For example, i2c-lcd1602 component depends on the esp32-smbus component for its i2c driver, and by using #include "i2c-lcd1602.h" in Weather_Clock.c, esp32-smbus has also been included, by association.


To verify that the system components work as designed, a /test directory is created that compiles a test binary based on the Unity framework for unit testing. Each component also has a /test subdirectory, ie. /components/net_ctlr/test that has defined Test cases with the unity macro: TEST_CASE("Test_name", "[args]")