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My pet project.
This is a prototype of small and not very smart simulator of elevator in multithreaded execution. The elevator simulator has a set of commands and users can interact with it from the shell of terminal.
Powered by: Java SE and Guice. Project uses blocking queues in case of threading model: incoming commands help to connect different threads.


  • Java SE Development Kit 8 (or newer)
  • Gradle 2.x (or you could use Gradle wrapper)
  • Git 1.7.x (or newer)


  • Run program (use ./scripts/
$ java -jar elevator-simulator-all-*.jar -n 15 -h 4 -v 2 -d 5
-n = max number of floors [5..20]
-h = height of floor [1..10]
-v = Velocity of elevator [1..10] m/sec
-d = Duration of time between the opening and closing elevator door [2..20] sec
  • Choose command: (/h - help).
	h - help
	You see current message

	b - button [1..20]
	Press the button to select the floor

	e - elevator
	Invoke the elevator on the 1st floor (main lobby)

	q - quit
	End session and quit

Start your command with slash symbol '/'
Author: Dmitriy Shishmakov  
  • Use commands /b <number> or /e to communicate with elevator.
	1 floor, elevator open doors
	1 floor, elevator close doors
/b 7
	2 floor
	3 floor
	4 floor
	5 floor
	6 floor
	7 floor
	7 floor, elevator open doors
	7 floor, elevator close doors

	6 floor
	5 floor
	4 floor
	3 floor
	2 floor
	1 floor
	1 floor, elevator open doors
	1 floor, elevator close doors

/b seven
Your floor number is not valid. Please try again...
  • Elevator simulator has a set of states and each of them has own rules to process the commands.
       |                                            ↓
    ---------        -----------------         -------------
    IdleState   -->  MoveUpOrDownState   -->   StopOpenState
    ---------        -----------------         -------------
       ↑                    ↑                       ↓
       ↑                    ↑                       ↓ 
       ↑                    ↑                  --------------  
       -------------------  ---------------    StopCloseState
  • Use command /q or ^C (Ctrl + C) to end the session.

  • Elevator simulator writes a separate log file client.log.

elevator-simulator/scripts$ tree --charset unicode
|-- logs
|   `-- client.log

1 directory, 2 files


  • Build project. Go to the root path /elevator-simulator/ of the project and run:
elevator-simulator$ ./gradlew clean build

> Configure project :
Version 0.1

6 actionable tasks: 6 executed
  • Run server:
elevator-simulator/scripts$ ./
----- // -----    ServiceController START 2017-08-07T05:55:37.724    ----- // -----
ServiceController starting...
ConsoleService starting...
ConsoleService started
ConsoleService get ready, choose command: (/h - help)
ElevatorService starting...
ElevatorService started
ServiceController started, state: RUN


  • Elevator simulator is terminated by command /q or response to a user interrupt, such as typing ^C (Ctrl + C), or a system-wide event of shutdown.
ServiceController stopping...
ConsoleService stopping...
ConsoleService waiting for shutdown...
ConsoleService stopped
ElevatorService stopping...
ElevatorService waiting for shutdown...
ElevatorService stopped
Executor service stopping...
Executor service stopped
ServiceController stopped, state: IDLE
----- // -----    ServiceController STOP 2017-08-07T05:56:58.906    ----- // -----
Thread[service-main-hook-thread,5,main] was interrupted by hook
ServiceController stopping...
Warning! ServiceController already stopped, state: IDLE