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My pet project.
This is a prototype game. Consist of two parts: client and server. Client performs requests to server and receive response. Server listerns soket and waiting to recieve a request. Powered by: Java SE, Spring Data Framework, Netty Framework over HTTP, MongoDB and JSON like a protocol for messages communication. Netty supports SEDA like highly customizable thread model: single thread, one or more thread pools and queue between them.


  • Client creates messages with text ping and sends Http Request to server by POST method; example:{ "action": "ping"}.
  • Server receives request and should creates Http Response to back client with message pong N; N is a quantity of requests from current client; example: {"action" : "pong", "content" : "pong 1", "profileid" : "8b939bb8-1faa-4d62-8b42-43d63774e1d0", "status" : "200 OK"}.
  • Server might have high load from huge number of clients.
  • profileid is a main possibility for server to know all clients: new and old. The type of profileid is an UUID receives from client or generates on server side and sent back to client.
Server JSON document: 
          "_id" : ObjectId("55510463b33e15e132620f4a"),
          "profileid" : BinData(3,"Yk2qH7ibk4vQ4XQ31kNCiw=="),
          "quantity" : 7

Example of FindAndModify query: 
          query: {"profileid" : BinData(3,"Yk2qH7ibk4vQ4XQ31kNCiw==")} ,
          update: {$inc: {"quantity" : 1}},
          new: true,
          upset: true


  • Java SE Development Kit 7 (or newer)
  • Apache Maven 3.x
  • Netty 4.0.27.Final (boundle: netty/all in one)
  • MongoDB 2.6.x (older versions might be unsupported by Java MongoDB Driver)
  • Git 1.7.x (or newer)

Project configuration:

MongoDB configuration
  • Configuration File
    • MongoDB needs a folders (data and log directory) to store its data. By default, it will store in /data/db/ and /data/log/, you should create those folders manually. MongoDB won't create it for you.
    • Create 2 new directories /data/, /log/ near with /bin/.
    • Create a file mongo.config into /bin/ directory, it’s just a YAML file:
--- #MongoDB configuration file
   port: 27017
    dbPath: "../data/"
            enabled: true
    smallFiles: true
    destination: file
    path: "../log/mongod.log"
  • Start MongoDB server:
mongodb/bin>mongod --config ./mongo.config
  • Connect to the started MongoDB server:
  • Project uses db pingpong for all actions:
> use pingpong
switched to db pingpong

> db
  • Creates a user pingponguser for the database pingpong where the method runs.
> db.createUser({user: "pingponguser", pwd: "pingponguser", roles: ["readWrite", "dbAdmin"]})
Successfully added user: { "user" : "pingponguser", "roles" : [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] }

> show dbs
admin     0.031GB
local     0.031GB
pingpong  (empty)

Server and Client configuration
# Configuration MongoDB  

# Configuration Ping Pong Server  

# Configuration Client  

  • Build project. Go to the root path /netty-client-server/ of the project and run:
netty-client-server>mvn clean package


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] client-server ...................................... SUCCESS [  8.257 s]  
[INFO] config ............................................. SUCCESS [ 11.099 s]  
[INFO] client ............................................. SUCCESS [  8.244 s]  
[INFO] server ............................................. SUCCESS [  3.089 s]  
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
[INFO] Total time: 31.024 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-05-13T09:04:35+03:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 20M/54M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
  • Build project and run tests. All tests are disabled by default. Was created a separate profile test-server for enabling tests into submodule of Server. Go to the root path /netty-client-server/ of the project and run:
netty-client-server>mvn clean package -P test-server  

... <cut> ...

 T E S T S
Running ru.shishmakov.server.test.TestHttpRequest   
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Running test "testHttp200AuthorRequest" (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Expected result: {"action":"author","content":"Dmitriy Shishmakov,","status":"200 OK"} (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Actual result: {"action":"author","content":"Dmitriy Shishmakov,","status":"200 OK"} (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Running test "testHttp400BadProtocolBody" (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Expected result: {"action":"error","content":"Ping Pong server can not parse protocol of the request","status":"400 Bad Request"} (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Actual result: {"action":"error","content":"Ping Pong server can not parse protocol of the request","status":"400 Bad Request"} (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Running test "testHttp400EmptyProtocolBody" (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Expected result: {"action":"error","content":"Ping Pong server can not parse protocol of the request","status":"400 Bad Request"} (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Actual result: {"action":"error","content":"Ping Pong server can not parse protocol of the request","status":"400 Bad Request"} (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Running test "testHttp405NotAllowedMethod" (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Expected result: {"action":"error","content":"Ping Pong server failure","status":"405 Method Not Allowed"} (  
13.05.15 09:07:48 INFO  - TestHttpRequest      - Actual result: {"action":"error","content":"Ping Pong server failure","status":"405 Method Not Allowed"} (  
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.012 sec - in ru.shishmakov.server.test.TestHttpRequest  

Results :  

Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0  

... <cut> ...


  • Go to the Server submodule path /netty-client-server/server/target/ and run:
netty-client-server/server/target>java -jar server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  

13.05.15 09:13:43 WARN  - Game                 - Check connection to MongoDB ...  (  
13.05.15 09:13:43 WARN  - Game                 - Connected to MongoDB on (  
13.05.15 09:13:43 WARN  - Game                 - Initialise server ... (  
13.05.15 09:13:43 INFO  - Game                 - Start the server: Game. Listen on: / (  

  • Go to the Client submodule path /netty-client-server/client/target/ and run:
netty-client-server/client/target>java -jar client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  

13.05.15 09:18:08 WARN  - Client               - Initialise client ... (  
13.05.15 09:18:09 WARN  - Client               - Start the client: Client. Listen on local address: /; remote address: / (  
13.05.15 09:18:09 INFO  - Client               - Send HTTP request: POST /handler HTTP/1.1; content: {"action":"ping","profileid":"8b939bb8-1faa-4d62-8b42-43d63774e1d0"} (  
13.05.15 09:18:09 INFO  - HttpClientProcessorHandler - Receive HTTP response:HTTP/1.1 200 OK; content: {"action":"pong","content":"pong 10","profileid":"8b939bb8-1faa-4d62-8b42-43d63774e1d0","status":"200 OK"} (  
13.05.15 09:18:09 WARN  - Client               - Client to close the connection: Client (  
  • Server log:
13.05.15 09:18:09 INFO  - RequestProcessor     - // ---------------- start client  (  
13.05.15 09:18:09 DEBUG - RequestProcessor     - Client localAddress: / (  
13.05.15 09:18:09 DEBUG - RequestProcessor     - Client remoteAddress: / (  
13.05.15 09:18:09 INFO  - RequestProcessor     - Client uri: /handler data: {"action":"ping","profileid":"8b939bb8-1faa-4d62-8b42-43d63774e1d0"} (  
13.05.15 09:18:09 DEBUG - ResponseSender       - Sent the data:{"action":"pong","content":"pong 10","profileid":"8b939bb8-1faa-4d62-8b42-43d63774e1d0","status":"200 OK"} (  


  • Server is terminated in response to a user interrupt, such as typing ^C (Ctrl + C), or a system-wide event of shutdown.
13.05.15 13:05:04 DEBUG - Game                 - Finalization server ... (
13.05.15 13:05:04 INFO  - Game                 - Shutdown the server: [id: 0x31c110b3, /] (
  • All resources will be closed correctly (thread pools, socket, connection to database)

The end.