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Dooez edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the LibCustomGlow wiki!


Updated Pixel Glow:

Updated Pixel Glow

Added new glow:

New Glow

Added bling:


Too many options!

For ease of use options are passed as a table. All fields are optional, missing fields will be used from default template GetGlows() - returns table with all glow parameters, containing:

  • name - Localised name,
  • desc - Localised description,
  • default - table with default argument values,
  • start - start function,
  • stop - stop function,
  • args - table with input arguments for glow.

    Most glow arguments are presented in a AceConfig style with the only exception of gradient.

Updated Pixel Glow

Pixel Glow

GradientPixelGlow_Start(region, options) Options for updated Pixel Glow (function name is temporary)

  • template -- string, name of template (at the moment only default)
  • N -- Number of lines
  • th -- Thickness of lines
  • length -- length of lines, it can change depending on region size and is restricted by shortest side
  • frequency --Frequency of pulsations
  • color = {r, g, b, a} --Color of lines
  • gradient {color1, color2, ... colorN} --Sets gradient along the perimeter starting from topright corner
  • gradientFrequency --Gradient rotation frequency
  • startBling --Show bling at start, boolean
  • repeatBling --Repeat bling when glow is reapplyed, boolean
  • forceEnd --End without waiting for the period, boolean
  • fadeDuration --duration to fade if not forcefully ended
  • blingOptions --Options for bling, table, look bling options
  • key --Key, allows to apply multiple glows
  • xOffset
  • yOffset
  • frameLevel

PixelGlow_Stop(region, key, force)

  • force stops the glow without waiting for the period

Border Pulse Glow

Border Pulse Glow

BorderPulse_Start(region, options) Options for new glow:

  • template -- string, name of template (at the moment only default)
  • N -- Number of lines, one, two or four
  • th -- Thickness of lines
  • startPoint --Any of 8 points except "CENTER", string
  • clockwise --Direction of rotation, boolean
  • mirror -- Mirror the lines, boolean
  • frequency --Frequency of pulsations
  • sine --Changes lin movement to be sinusoidal
  • color = {r, g, b, a} --Color of lines
  • gradient {color1, color2, ... colorN} --Sets gradient along the perimeter starting from topright corner
  • gradientFrequency --Gradient rotation frequency
  • startBling --Show bling at start, boolean
  • repeatBling --Repeat bling when glow is reapplyed, boolean
  • forceEnd --End without waiting for the period, boolean
  • blingOptions --Options for bling, table, look bling options
  • key --Key, allows to apply multiple glows
  • xOffset
  • yOffset
  • frameLevel

BorderPulse_Stop(region, key, force)

  • force stops the glow without waiting for the period



Bling(region, options) Options for bling:

  • template -- string, name of template (at the moment only default)
  • flash --string, type of flash, currently only "split" and "shutter"
  • startPoint --string, any of the 8 points besides "CENTER"
  • color = {r, g, b, a} --Color of flash and tails
  • gradient {color1, color2, ... colorN} --Sets gradient of tails along the perimeter starting from topright corner
  • gradientFrequency --Gradient rotation frequency
  • noTails --boolean, removes the tails after flash
  • sine --Changes progress to be sinusoidal
  • tails = { --table of options for tails, for similarly to new glow
  • th --thinkess of tails
  • N -- number of lines, 1, 2 or 4
  • color = {r, g, b, a} --changes color of tails only
  • startPoint --string, any of 8 points besides "CENTER"
  • clockwise -- boolean, direction of movement
  • mirror, --boolean, mirrors lines }
  • reverse --boolean, reverses the progress of bling, by default starts from flash, then tails
  • duration --total duration of bling in seconds
  • midCallback --called when flash fully appears
  • endCallback --called when bling is finished
  • key --Key, allows to apply multiple glows
  • xOffset
  • yOffset
  • frameLevel
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