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Dooez edited this page Aug 2, 2020 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the LibCustomGlow wiki!


Updated Pixel Glow:

Updated Pixel Glow

Added new glow:

New Glow

Added bling:


Too many options!

For ease of use options are passed as a table. All fields are optional, missing fields will be used from default template If you have desire you can suggest possible templates. And better names for new stuff

Updated Pixel Glow

Pixel Glow

GradientPixelGlow_Start(region, options) Options for updated Pixel Glow (function name is temporary)

  • template -- string, name of template (at the moment only default)
  • N -- Number of lines
  • th -- Thickness of lines
  • length -- length of lines, it can change depending on region size and is restricted by shortest side
  • frequency --Frequency of pulsations
  • color = {r, g, b, a} --Color of lines
  • gradient {color1, color2, ... colorN} --Sets gradient along the perimeter starting from topright corner
  • gradientFrequency --Gradient rotation frequency
  • startBling --Show bling at start, boolean
  • repeatBling --Repeat bling when glow is reapplyed, boolean
  • forceEnd --End without waiting for the period, boolean
  • fadeDuration --duration to fade if not forcefully ended
  • blingOptions --Options for bling, table, look bling options
  • key --Key, allows to apply multiple glows
  • xOffset
  • yOffset
  • frameLevel = nil

PixelGlow_Stop(region, key, force)

  • force stops the glow without waiting for the period

New Glow

New Glow

BorderPulse_Start(region, options) Options for new glow (BorderPulse temporary name):

  • template -- string, name of template (at the moment only default)
  • N -- Number of lines, one, two or four
  • th -- Thickness of lines
  • startPoint --Any of 8 points except "CENTER", string
  • clockwise --Direction of rotation, boolean
  • mirror -- Mirror the lines, boolean
  • frequency --Frequency of pulsations
  • sine --Changes lin movement to be sinusoidal
  • color = {r, g, b, a} --Color of lines
  • gradient {color1, color2, ... colorN} --Sets gradient along the perimeter starting from topright corner
  • gradientFrequency --Gradient rotation frequency
  • startBling --Show bling at start, boolean
  • repeatBling --Repeat bling when glow is reapplyed, boolean
  • forceEnd --End without waiting for the period, boolean
  • blingOptions --Options for bling, table, look bling options
  • key --Key, allows to apply multiple glows
  • xOffset
  • yOffset
  • frameLevel BorderPulse_Stop(region, key, force)
  • force stops the glow without waiting for the period



Bling(r, options) Options for bling (name temporary(?)):

  • template -- string, name of template (at the moment only default)
  • flash --string, type of flash, currently only "split" and "shutter"
  • startPoint --string, any of the 8 points besides "CENTER"
  • color = {r, g, b, a} --Color of flash and tails
  • gradient {color1, color2, ... colorN} --Sets gradient of tails along the perimeter starting from topright corner
  • gradientFrequency --Gradient rotation frequency
  • noTails --boolean, removes the tails after flash
  • sine --Changes progress to be sinusoidal
  • tails = { --table of options for tails, for similarly to new glow
  • th --thinkess of tails
  • N -- number of lines, 1, 2 or 4
  • color = {r, g, b, a} --changes color of tails only
  • startPoint --string, any of 8 points besides "CENTER"
  • clockwise -- boolean, direction of movement
  • mirror, --boolean, mirrors lines }
  • reverse --boolean, reverses the progress of bling, by default starts from flash, then tails
  • duration --total duration of bling in seconds
  • midCallback --called when flash fully appears
  • endCallback --called when bling is finished
  • key --Key, allows to apply multiple glows
  • xOffset
  • yOffset
  • frameLevel
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