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EOSC Data Transfer Service

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EOSC Future is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project that is implementing the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). EOSC will give European researchers access to a wide web of FAIR data and related services.

This project builds a generic data transfer service that can be used in EOSC to transfer large amounts of data to cloud storage, by just indicating the source and destination. The EOSC Data Transfer Service features a RESTful Application Programming Interface (REST API).

The API covers three sets of functionalities:

This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework. It requires Java 17 and Quarkus tooling.

Authentication and authorization

All three groups of API endpoints mentioned above support authorization. The generic data transfer service behind the EOSC Data Transfer API aims to be agnostic with regard to authorization, thus the HTTP header Authorization (if present) will be forwarded as received.

Note that the frontend using this API might have to supply more than one set of credentials: (1) one for the data repository (determined by the DOI used as the source), (2) one for the transfer service that is automatically selected when a destination is chosen, and (3) one for the destination storage system. Only (2) is mandatory.

The API endpoints that parse DOIs usually call APIs that are open access, however the HTTP header Authorization (if present) will be forwarded as received. This ensures that the EOSC Data Transfer API can be extended with new parsers for data repositories that require authentication.

The API endpoints that create and manage transfers, as well as the ones that manage storage elements, do require authorization, in the form of an access token passed via the HTTP header Authorization. This gets passed to the transfer service registered to handle the destination storage. The challenge is that some storage systems used as the target of the transfer may need a different authentication and/or authorization (than the one the transfer service uses). Thus, an additional set of credentials can be supplied to the endpoints in these groups via the HTTP header Authorization-Storage.

For example, for transfers to dCache, the configured transfer service that handles the transfers is EGI Data Transfer. These both can use the same EGI Check-in access token, thus no additional credentials are needed besides the access token for the transfer service, passed via the Authorization HTTP header.

When used, the HTTP header parameter Authorization-Storage receives a key value pair, separated by a colon (:), no leading or trailing whitespace, which is Base-64 encoded.

For example, to pass a username and password to the destination storage, you construct a string like username:password, then Base-64 encoded it to dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=, and finally pass this through the HTTP header Authorization-Storage when calling e.g. the endpoint GET /storage/folder/list.

Parsing DOIs

The API supports parsing digital object identifiers (DOIs) and will return a list of files in the repository indicated by the DOI. It will automatically identify the DOI type and will use the correct parser to retrieve the list of source files.

DOIs are persistent identifiers (PIDs) dedicated to identification of content over digital networks. These are registered by one of the registration agencies of the International DOI Foundation. Although in this documentation we refer to DOIs, the API endpoint that parses DOIs supports any PID registered in the global handle system of the DONA Foundation, provided it points to a data repository for which a parser is configured.

Supported data repositories

The API supports parsing DOIs to the following data repositories:

Integrating new DOI parsers

The API endpoint GET /parser that parses DOIs is extensible. All you have to do is implement the parser interface for a specific data repository, then register the Java class implementing the interface in the configuration.

1. Implement the interface for a generic DOI parser

Implement the Java interface ParserService in a class of your choice.

public interface ParserService {
    boolean init(ParserConfig config, PortConfig port);
    String getId();
    String getName();
    String sourceId();
    Uni<Tuple2<Boolean, ParserService>> canParseDOI(String auth, String doi, ParserHelper helper);
    Uni<StorageContent> parseDOI(String auth, String doi, int level);

Your class must have a constructor that receives a String id, which must be returned by the method getId().

When the API GET /parser is called to parse a DOI, all configured parsers will be tried, by calling the method canParseDOI(), until one is identified that can parse the DOI. If no parser can handle the DOI, the API fails. In case your implementation of the method canParseDOI() cannot determine if your parser can handle a DOI just from the URN, you can use the passed in ParserHelper to check if the URN redirects to the data repository you support.

After a parser is identified, the methods init() and parseDOI() are called in order.

The same ParserHelper is used when trying all parsers for a DOI. This helper caches the redirects, so you should try getRedirectedToUrl() before incurring one or more network calls by calling checkRedirect().

2. Add configuration for the new DOI parser

Add a new entry in the configuration file under eosc/parser for the new parser, with the following settings:

  • name is the human-readable name of the data repository.
  • class is the canonical Java class name that implements the interface ParserService for the data repository.
  • url is the base URL for the REST client that will be used to call the API of this data repository (optional).
  • timeout is the maximum timeout in milliseconds for calls to the data repository. If not supplied, the default value 5000 (5 seconds) is used.

Creating and managing data transfers

The API supports creation of new data transfers (aka jobs), finding data transfers, querying information about data transfers, and canceling data transfers.

Every API endpoint that performs operations on or queries information about data transfers or storage elements in a destination storage has to be passed the destination storage type. This selects the data transfer service that will be used to perform the data transfer, freeing the clients of the API from having to know which data transfer service to pick for each destination. Each destination storage type is mapped to exactly one data transfer service in the configuration.

Note that the API uses the concept of a storage type, instead of the protocol type, to select the transfer service. This makes the API flexible, by allowing multiple destination storages that use the same protocol to be handled by different transfer services, but at the same time it also allows an entire protocol (e.g. FTP, see below) to be handled by a specific transfer service.

If you do not supply the dest query parameter when making an API call to perform a transfer or a storage element related operation or query, the default value dcache will be supplied instead.

Supported transfer destinations

Initially, the EGI Data Transfer is integrated into the EOSC Data Transfer API, supporting the following destination storages:

Multiple instances of each supported transfer service can be configured, then you can mix and match what protocol(s) and/or storage type(s) each of them will handle.

Integrating new data transfer services

The API for creating and managing data transfers is extensible. All you have to do is implement the generic data transfer interface to wrap a specific data transfer service, then register your class implementing the interface as the handler for one or more destination storage types.

1. Implement the interface for a generic data transfer service

Implement the Java interface TransferService in a class of your choice.

public interface TransferService {
    boolean initService(TransferServiceConfig config);
    String getServiceName();
    String translateTransferInfoFieldName(String genericFieldName);
    Uni<UserInfo> getUserInfo(String tsAuth);

    // Methods for data transfers
    Uni<TransferInfo> startTransfer(String tsAuth, String storageAuth, Transfer transfer);
    Uni<TransferList> findTransfers(String tsAuth, String fields, int limit,
                                    String timeWindow, String stateIn,
                                    String srcStorageElement, String dstStorageElement,
                                    String delegationId, String voName, String userDN);
    Uni<TransferInfoExtended> getTransferInfo(String tsAuth, String jobId);
    Uni<Response> getTransferInfoField(String tsAuth, String jobId, String fieldName);
    Uni<TransferInfoExtended> cancelTransfer(String tsAuth, String jobId);

    // Methods for storage elements
    Uni<StorageContent> listFolderContent(String tsAuth, String storageAuth, String folderUrl);
    Uni<StorageElement> getStorageElementInfo(String tsAuth, String storageAuth, String seUrl);
    Uni<String> createFolder(String tsAuth, String storageAuth, String folderUrl);
    Uni<String> deleteFolder(String tsAuth, String storageAuth, String folderUrl);
    Uni<String> deleteFile(String tsAuth, String storageAuth, String fileUrl);
    Uni<String> renameStorageElement(String tsAuth, String storageAuth, String seOld, String seNew);

Your class must have a constructor with no parameters.

The methods can be split into two groups:

  • The methods for handling data transfers must be implemented
  • The methods for storage elements should only be implemented for storage types for which the method canBrowseStorage() returns true.

2. Add configuration for the new data transfer service

Add a new entry in the configuration file under eosc/transfer/service for the new transfer service, with the following settings:

  • name is the human-readable name of this transfer service.
  • class is the canonical Java class name that implements the interface TransferService for this transfer service.
  • url is the base URL for the REST client that will be used to call the API of this transfer service.
  • timeout is the maximum timeout in milliseconds for calls to the transfer service. If not supplied, the default value 5000 (5 seconds) is used.
  • trust-store-file is an optional path to a keystore file containing certificates that should be trusted when connecting to the transfer service. Use it when the CA that issued the certificate(s) of the transfer service is not one of the well known-root CAs. The path is relative to folder src/main/resources.
  • trust-store-password is the optional password to the keystore file.

3. Register new destinations serviced by the new data transfer service

Add entries in the configuration file under eosc/transfer/destination for each destination storage type you want to support, and map it to one of the registered transfer services.

The configuration of each storage type consists of:

  • service is the key of the transfer service that will handle transfers to this storage type.
  • description is the human-readable name of this storage type.
  • auth is the type of authentication required by the storage system, one of these values:
    • token means the storage uses the same OIDC auth token as the transfer service
    • password means the storage needs a username and a password for authentication
    • keys means the storage needs an access key and a secret key for authentication
  • protocol is the schema to use in URLs pointing to this storage.
  • browse signals whether the storage supports browsing (the endpoints to list and manage storage elements are available).

For storage types that are configured with either password or keys as the authentication type, you will have to supply the HTTP header parameter Authorization-Storage when calling the API endpoints. See here for details.

4. Add the new destinations in the enum of possible destination

In the enum Transfer.Destination add new values for each of the storage types you added in the previous step. Use the same values as the names of the keys.

This way each entry under the node eosc/transfer/destination in the configuration file becomes one possible value for the destination storage parameter dest of the API endpoints.

Managing storage elements

A storage element is where user's data is stored. It is a generic term meant to hide the complexity of different types of storage technologies. It can mean both an element of the storage system's hierarchy (directory, folder, container, bucket, etc.) and the entity that stores the data (file, object, etc.).

The API supports managing storage elements in a destination storage. Each data transfer service that gets integrated can optionally implement this functionality. Moreover, data transfer services that support multiple storage types can selectively implement this functionality for just a subset of the supported storage types (see the method TransferService::canBrowseStorage() above).

Clients can query if this functionality is implemented for a storage type by using the endpoint GET /storage/info.

This functionality covers:

  • listing the content of a storage element
  • query information about a storage element
  • rename a storage element (including its path, which means to move it)
  • delete a storage element
  • create a hierarchical storage element (folder/container/bucket)

Storage elements that store data (files/objects) can only be created by a data transfer, not by the API endpoints in this group.


The application configuration file is in src/main/resources/application.yml.

See here for how to configure the data repository parsers used by the API and here for how to extend the API with new transfer services and storage types.

The API automatically generates metrics for the calls to the endpoints. You can also enable histogram buckets for these metrics, to support quantiles in the telemetry dashboards (e.g. the 0.95-quantile aka the 95th percentile of a metric). List the quantiles you want to generate under the setting eosc/qos/quantiles. Similarly, you can also enable buckets for service level objectives (SLOs) by listing all SLOs for call duration, expressed in milliseconds, under the setting eosc/qos/slos.

You can review the metrics generated by the API at http://localhost:8081/metrics

The API needs a certificate for an EGI service account to register and configure S3 storage systems with the wrapped EGI Data Transfer service. Such a certificate is included in the file src/main/resources/fts-keystore.jks, but the password for this certificate is not included. Contact EGI to obtain a service account and a new certificate (together with its password) when deploying this API.

Running the API in dev mode

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

Then open the Dev UI, which is available in dev mode only, at http://localhost:8081/q/dev/.

Packaging and running the API

The application can be packaged using:

./mvnw package

It produces the quarkus-run.jar file in the target/quarkus-app/ directory. Be aware that it’s not an über-jar as the dependencies are copied into the target/quarkus-app/lib/ directory.

The application is now runnable using java -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar.

If you want to build an über-jar, execute the following command:

./mvnw package -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar

The application, packaged as an über-jar, is now runnable using java -jar target/*-runner.jar.

Running the API with telemetry using Docker Compose

You can use Docker Compose to easily deploy and run the EOSC Data Transfer API. This will run multiple containers:

  • This application that implements the REST API and serves it over HTTP
  • SSL terminator - decrypts HTTPS traffic and forwards requests to the API
  • OpenTelemetry collector - collects, batch processes, and forwards traces/metrics
  • Jaeger - receives traces
  • Loki - receives logs
  • Prometheus - scrapes metrics
  • Grafana - visualization of the telemetry dashboard

The architecture and interaction between these containers is illustrated below:

Container architecture

Steps to run the API in a container:

  1. Copy the file src/main/docker/.env.template to src/main/docker/.env, then:

    • Provide the domain name and port where you will deploy the API in the environment variables SERVICE_DOMAIN and SERVICE_PORT, respectively.
    • Provide an email address in the environment variable SERVICE_EMAIL to be used, together with the domain name, to automatically request a SSL certificate for the SSL terminator.
    • In the environment variable FTS_KEY_STORE_FILE provide a path to a Java keystore file containing a new EGI service account certificate, and in the environment variable FTS_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD provide the password for it.
    • In the environment variable TELEMETRY_PORT provide the port on which to publish the Grafana telemetry dashboard. This will be available on the same domain name as the API itself.
  2. Run the command (or build.cmd on Windows) to build and run the containers that implement the EOSC Data Transfer API.

  3. The SSL terminator will automatically use Let's Encrypt to request an SSL certificate for HTTPS.

After the SSL terminator container is deployed and working properly, connect to it and make sure it is requesting an actual HTTPS certificate. By default, it will use a self-signed certificate and will only do dry runs for requesting a certificate to avoid the rate limits of Let's Encrypt. To do this:

  • Run the command sudo docker exec -it data-transfer-ssl /bin/sh then
  • In the container change directory cd /opt
  • Edit the file and remove the certbot parameter --dry-run

In case you remove the containers of the EOSC Data Transfer API, retain the volume certificates, which contains the SSL certificate. This will avoid requesting a new one for the same domain, in case you redeploy the API (prevents exceeding Let's Encrypt rate limit).

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