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Working Groups

marinaado edited this page Nov 30, 2023 · 14 revisions

From time-to-time, EWC will establish a working group aimed at facilitating technical discussion on topics which are brought up by the EWC Technical coordinator or arise from the participants in EWC.


The process for EWC Working Groups

  • A request for a Working Group can be proposed to T4.1 (Marina Adomeit and Esther Makaay), who will take this up with the Technical coordinator (Peter Altmann).
    • Send an e-mail to request a working group, specifying the topic, describing the issue(s) and the proposed outcome or goal of the work.
    • It is helpful to discuss this proposal in one of the Friday meetings. Contact Esther Makaay if you want to schedule this (but you are welcome to propose it at any Techtalk).
  • Participants to this group are EWC project members that are actively contributing to the issue at hand. This group is NOT to be used for information sharing, the #expert-dialogue slack channel and Friday meetings will be used as venues for this. To ensure such participation, the potential participants should write a short statement about their position to the topic of the working group.
  • If it adds value, participants external to EWC can be invited, for example to foster the interoperability with other LSPs, standard developments, et cetera.
  • Working Groups should ideally be small in size so that discussion can be driven and consensus can be achieved quickly between participants.
  • Working Groups will run for as long as they are deemed necessary but will ideally be short-term and issue focused.
  • A chair for the group is chosen from the working group members.
    • It is responsibility of the chair to drive to work and discussion within the working group and to deliver the anticipated results.
  • Support to run the group will be done by WP4.1 (meeting organisation, taking and publishing notes, communication etc.).
  • The number of active Working Groups will be limited because of available resources (both in active participants and support from T4.1).
  • An appropriate output from the group is produced, typically a report, white paper, set of recommendations, demo etc. This output by default will be public information.
  • Progress and intermediary results can be discussed in the EWC Friday meetings.
  • When the Working Group is in agreement, the chair shares the outputs with the EWC consortium.

How to propose a Working Group

  • Send a request for an new Working Group to Marina Adomeit(marina'at' with Esther Makaay (esther.makaay'at' on cc.
    • This request should contain all the information needed to evaluate your proposal. You can find the information you need to include listed in "Proposing a Working Group".
    • You can copy/paste the information in the e-mail, add a filled-out document as an attachment, or put the document on NextCloud and link to it in your mail.
  • Try to design your proposal in a narrow, specific and short-lived way.
    • We have limited resources for support (and probably also in participation). We prefer supporting several short-time Working Groups (max 2-3 months) with a tightly scoped output (even in sketch/draft) over elaborate plans that drag on for half a year.
    • If you have bigger plans, break it down in smaller chunks (think "sprints") and propose them as separate Working Groups.
    • Be very clear about what the outcome will be of your proposed Working Group. It doesn't need to be a full-blown professional deliverable. It can be a sketch/draft or a first outcome of something you want to explore further.
    • We expect all outcomes of a Working Group to be public information. If there's a good reason to limit the outcome, your topic might not be suitable for handling in a Working Group.
  • Ask for help in designing and setting up your proposal if you are unsure how to scope or phrase it. (Ask Marina and Esther)
  • You can always discuss any ideas on a proposal for a Working Group in the Friday meetings.

What happens next?

  • After sending a proposal for a new Working Group, it will be evaluated (T4.1 with Technical Coordinator).
    • If there are any further questions, the evaluation group will reach out to the requestor.
  • The outcome and status will be communicated (to the requestor and on this page).
    • Depending on the work-load and active Working Groups, a start date will be determined.
    • T4.1 will reach out to the Chair on the need for support.
  • New Working Groups will be announced to EWC.
    • Communication (and a call for action) depend on the topic, scope and what's needed.
    • All Working Groups are listed on this page, but some might be announced through the mailinglist.
  • The actual work will start, supported by T4.1.

Active Working Groups

Proposed Working Groups

  1. SD-JWT/VCDM issues
  • Goals:
  • Timeframe:
  • Planned deliverables:
  1. ODI definition
  • Goals:
  • Timeframe:
  • Planned deliverables:
  1. QR-code standardisation
  • Goals:
  • Timeframe:
  • Planned deliverables:

Working Groups that have finished