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P6 Openclassrooms - Snowtricks - Erwan Carlini


Starting project


  • PHP : ⩾ 8.1.0
  • MySQL ⩾ 8.0.30
  • Composer
  • Symfony 6.2
  • Symfony CLI
  • NPM

Packages Installation

First, clone project and place the project in a new folder, then install all composer packages with command line : composer install.

Database datas

First, you will need to change the value of DATABASE_URL in the file .env to match with your database parameters, then create your database Snowtricks.

To get all necessaries datas :

  • Run symfony console doctrine:database:create in command to create your database
  • Run symfony console doctrine:migration:migrate in command to create your tables in your DB from the entities files
  • Run php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load to get the basic datas of this project
  • Run npm run watch to use node for dynamic features used in the project
  • Run symfony serve -d to use symfony CLI server

Mailer configuration settings

Then, we need to configure the .env file to start the project correctly and use the sending mail features.
You will have to change the value of MAILER_DSN in the .env file to match with your mailer parameters.

Admin features

If you want to get all access in the project, you can give yourselves the admin role by adding the value "ROLE_ADMIN" in the JSON, in the 'user' table column 'roles' on your account row.

Libraries use list

  • Symfony
  • Doctrine
  • Twig