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Ethereum Gasstation Server

This is the server component of a GasStation


npm install ethereumgasstationserver


Setup your accounts and deploy the gasstation contract

See the repo for instructions on how to deploy your gasstation contracts and create the neccesary Ethereum accounts.

Option 1 : Environment variables

You can set a number of environment variables to configure the script:


Option 2 : .ENV file

Check / modify the settings in the enclosed .env-dist file

The Ethereum node connects through a websocket on localhost port 8546

Option 3 : command line parameters

ethereumgasstationserver \
 --web3hostws "wss://" \
 --port 8887 \
 --contractaddress 0x0000 \
 --privatekey abc

Type ethereumgasstationserver -h for more info about the available parameters.


Just type ethereumgasstationserver to start it up.

It will start a REST server that implements the following API:



GET /info/<address>

Returns the configuration of this gasstation & the tokens that you could use this gasstation API with. It checks if the address fits the criteria, and has a balance of the given token. It returns all the neccesary info to start using the gasstation with this token.

If you want to get generic info on the gasstation - don't provide the address parameter

Request parameters

  • address : (String) the pubkey you want to get info for.

Response format

Without parameter

GET /info

Response code : 200

  "uplift": 66,
  "netid": 3,
  "gasstationaddress": "0x5f0f9749192eee39978f14a0fef0e960cce45f50",
  "maxgas": "100000000",
  "availablegas": "1000000000000000000",
  "tokens": [
      "ticker": "swarm-city",
      "address": "0x7932236cc4e5dbd840d9a52b009fed3582d4bf4f"
  • uplift : (Number) The uplift in percent that this gasstation takes on the market price
  • netid : (Number> the network ID this gasstation is connected to
  • gasstationaddress : (String) the address of the accompanying gasstation smart contract
  • availablegas : (String) The amount of gas still present in this gassttion
  • maxgas : the max amount of gas you can request in a request to fill up your account
  • tokens : An array containing the ticker + Ethereum token => address pairs that this gasstation accepts.

With parameter - OK

Example: GET /info/0x702029796b00f50BcFCE9b0Bb0C402bc453595D8

Response code : 200

	"uplift": 66,
	"netid": 3,
	"gasstationaddress": "0x5f0f9749192eee39978f14a0fef0e960cce45f50",
	"maxgas": "100000000",
	"availablegas": "1000000000000000000",
	"tokens": [{
		"ticker": "swarm-city",
		"address": "0x7932236cc4e5dbd840d9a52b009fed3582d4bf4f",
		"balance": "1000000000100000000"

In the case that the address is good for using the gasstation, the tokens array will be decorated with the token balance of the specific address.

With parameter - error

Example: GET /info/0x5f0f9749192eee39978f14a0fef0e960cce45f50

Response code : 403

	"uplift": 66,
	"netid": 3,
	"gasstationaddress": "0x5f0f9749192eee39978f14a0fef0e960cce45f50",
	"maxgas": "100000000",
	"availablegas": "1000000000000000000",
	"accountbalance": "1000000000000000000",
	"error": {
		"code": 1,
		"message": "account is a contract"

error.code can be one of the following:

  • 1 : ACCOUNT_IS_CONTRACT The given account is a smart contract. This hinders the correct calculation of the cas cost to do the exchange - so the gasstation does not allow smart contracts to be filled-up.
  • 2 : ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_EMPTY The given account already has an ETH balance. It does not need gas.
  • 3 : ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_UNUSED The nonce of the account must be 1


POST /fillrequest

Request a quote from the gasstation to exchange your token for gas. The service will reply with an offer that is cryptographically signed by the gasstation maintainer.

Request parameters

 'address' : '0x1234.......5678',
 'gasrequested' : '100000000000',
 'tokenoffered' : 'swarm-city'
  • address : (String) The address you want gas for
  • gasrequested : (String) The amount of gas you want to receive
  • tokenoffered : (String) a ticker of a token you want to send in return.

Response format

 'gas' : '100000000000',
 'tokens' : '4455666',
 'validuntil' : 2304556,
 'serversig' : {
   'r' : '0x...',
   's' : '0x...'
   'v' : 12,
  • gas : (String) The amount of gas you will receive
  • tokens : (String) The amount of tokens that this will cost
  • validuntil : blocknumber until when this offer remains valid
  • serversig : The gastank parameters , signed by the gastank signer account


POST /fill

Executes the fillup.


 'allowancetx' : '0x.... ....',
 'address' : '0x1234.......5678',
 'tokenoffered' : 'swarm-city'
 'gas' : '100000000000',
 'tokens' : '445566',
 'validuntil' : 2304556,
 'serversig' : {
   'r' : '0x...',
   's' : '0x...'
   'v' : 12,
 'clientsig' : {
   'r' : '0x...',
   's' : '0x...'
   'v' : 12,
  • allowancetx : a signed transaction giving an allowance to the gasstation for tokensoffered tokens.
  • address : the address requesting gas
  • tokenoffered : ticker of token offered
  • gas tokens validuntil : the response from your previous /fillrequest query.
  • serversig : The gastank parameters , signed by the gastank signer account - as received from your previous /fillrequest query.
  • serversig : The gastank parameters , signed by the client (you) to allow the server to execute the exchange through the smart contract.

Get in touch


API server for the Ethereum Gasstation






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