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Yii 2 API Template [WIP]


The minimum requirement by this project template that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0. Also it is recommended that your php installation has the following modules enabled:

  • intl: to use advanced parameters formatting in Yii::t()


Install from an Archive File

Extract the archive file downloaded from to a directory named api that is directly under the Web root.

Set cookie validation key in config/web.php file to some random secret string:

'request' => [
    // !!! insert a secret key in the following (if it is empty) - this is required by cookie validation
    'cookieValidationKey' => '<secret random string goes here>',

You can then access the application through the following URL:


Install via Composer

If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at

You can then install this project template using the following command:

php composer.phar global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1.1"
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev ethercreative/yii2-app-api api

Now you should be able to access the application through the following URL, assuming api is the directory directly under the Web root.




Edit the file config/db.php with real data, for example:

return [
    'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yii2basic',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => '1234',
    'charset' => 'utf8',


  • Yii won't create the database for you, this has to be done manually before you can access it.
  • Check and edit the other files in the config/ directory to customize your application as required.
  • Refer to the README in the tests directory for information specific to basic application tests.

Running in Apache

Edit the Apache configuration file, this can be found in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Inside the security model section make sure to change the AllowOverride option from None to All so it looks like this

<Directory /var/www/>
   	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   	AllowOverride All
   	Require all granted


    config/              contains shared configurations
    mail/                contains view files for e-mails
    models/              contains model classes used in both backend and frontend
    tests/               contains tests for common classes    
    config/              contains console configurations
    controllers/         contains console controllers (commands)
    migrations/          contains database migrations
    models/              contains console-specific model classes
    runtime/             contains files generated during runtime
    config/              contains api configurations
    modules/             contains Web controller classes
    runtime/             contains files generated during runtime
    tests/               contains tests for api application    
    web/                 contains the entry script and Web resources
vendor/                  contains dependent 3rd-party packages
environments/            contains environment-based overrides


i18n - Translating App Messages

The i18n configuration is set up using the instructions found at Yii2 i18n. The i18n configuration file is located at <ProjectRoot>/messages/config-messages.php

To extract your app messages you can do so using the message command.

./yii message messages/config-messages.php

To scan the tree 'sourcePath' to generate files default for labels used in the code execute the following command ./yii message/extract @app/messages/config-messages.php

To change target lenguage for example to spanish use Yii::$app->language = 'es';

Applying migrations

The migrations can be found in @console/migrations . The initial migration named m130524_201442_init.php contains the user table creation script, including the following aditions to yii2 base user table:

id              string(36) - v4 UUID
access_token    string(32) - user access token
refresh_token   string(32) - used to refresh the access token
created_at      int(13) - Time of creation
updated_at      int(13) - Time of creation
created_by      string(13) - id of the user that created the record
updated_by      string(13) - id of the last user that updated the record

To apply the migrations execute the command ./yii migrate

To revert the migrations execute the command ./yii migrate/down

Congiguration of tests

install codeception composer require codeception/codeception --dev

create folder named tests in your project after execute follow command ./vendor/bin/codecept bootstrap

to active test to api execute ./vendor/bin/codecept generate:suite api

for create a new test of api execute ./vendor/bin/codecept generate:cest api CreateUser

create unit test execute the follow command ./vendor/bin/codecept generate:test unit Example

create advanced tests execute ./vendor/bin/codecept generate:cest suitename CestName

for execute all tests execute ./vendor/bin/codecept run

for execute only the unit test execute ./vendor/bin/codecept run unit

run test of only file ./vendor/bin/codecept run tests/api/UserCest.php