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add(FirstOrder/Arith): EA
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iehality committed Mar 28, 2024
1 parent 5d5a101 commit 69a1a55
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Showing 18 changed files with 379 additions and 55 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Logic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import Logic.FirstOrder.Arith.StrictHierarchy
import Logic.FirstOrder.Arith.Theory
import Logic.FirstOrder.Arith.Model
import Logic.FirstOrder.Arith.Nonstandard
import Logic.FirstOrder.Arith.PAminus
import Logic.FirstOrder.Arith.EA.Basic

import Logic.FirstOrder.Incompleteness.FirstIncompleteness
import Logic.FirstOrder.Incompleteness.SelfReference
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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions Logic/FirstOrder/Arith/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,65 @@ def oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L where

end Language


variable {L : Language} [L.ORing]

namespace Semiterm

instance : Coe (Semiterm ℒₒᵣ ξ n) (Semiterm L ξ n) := ⟨lMap Language.oringEmb⟩

@[simp] lemma oringEmb_zero :
Semiterm.lMap (Language.oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L) ( : Semiterm ℒₒᵣ ξ n) = := by
simp [Operator.const, lMap_func, Operator.operator, Operator.Zero.term_eq, Matrix.empty_eq]

@[simp] lemma oringEmb_one :
Semiterm.lMap (Language.oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L) ( : Semiterm ℒₒᵣ ξ n) = := by
simp [Operator.const, lMap_func, Operator.operator, Operator.One.term_eq, Matrix.empty_eq]

@[simp] lemma oringEmb_add (v : Fin 2 → Semiterm ℒₒᵣ ξ n) :
Semiterm.lMap (Language.oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L) (Operator.Add.add.operator v) = Operator.Add.add.operator ![(v 0 : Semiterm L ξ n), (v 1 : Semiterm L ξ n)] := by
simp [lMap_func, Rew.func, Operator.operator, Operator.Add.term_eq, Matrix.empty_eq]
funext i; cases i using Fin.cases <;> simp [Fin.eq_zero]

@[simp] lemma oringEmb_mul (v : Fin 2 → Semiterm ℒₒᵣ ξ n) :
Semiterm.lMap (Language.oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L) (Operator.Mul.mul.operator v) = Operator.Mul.mul.operator ![(v 0 : Semiterm L ξ n), (v 1 : Semiterm L ξ n)] := by
simp [lMap_func, Rew.func, Operator.operator, Operator.Mul.term_eq, Matrix.empty_eq]
funext i; cases i using Fin.cases <;> simp [Fin.eq_zero]

@[simp] lemma oringEmb_numeral (z : ℕ) :
Semiterm.lMap (Language.oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L) ((Operator.numeral ℒₒᵣ z).const : Semiterm ℒₒᵣ ξ n) = (Operator.numeral L z).const := by
match z with
| 0 => exact oringEmb_zero
| 1 => exact oringEmb_one
| z + 2 =>
simp [Operator.numeral_add_two]
congr; funext i; cases i using Fin.cases
· exact oringEmb_numeral (z + 1)
· simp

end Semiterm

namespace Semiformula

instance : Coe (Semiformula ℒₒᵣ ξ n) (Semiformula L ξ n) := ⟨Semiformula.lMap Language.oringEmb⟩

instance : Coe (Theory ℒₒᵣ) (Theory L) := ⟨(Semiformula.lMap Language.oringEmb '' ·)⟩

@[simp] lemma oringEmb_eq (v : Fin 2 → Semiterm ℒₒᵣ ξ n) :
Semiformula.lMap (Language.oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L) (op(=).operator v) = op(=).operator ![(v 0 : Semiterm L ξ n), (v 1 : Semiterm L ξ n)] := by
simp [lMap_rel, Rew.rel, Operator.operator, Operator.Eq.sentence_eq]
funext i; cases i using Fin.cases <;> simp [Fin.eq_zero]

@[simp] lemma oringEmb_lt (v : Fin 2 → Semiterm ℒₒᵣ ξ n) :
Semiformula.lMap (Language.oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L) (op(<).operator v) = op(<).operator ![(v 0 : Semiterm L ξ n), (v 1 : Semiterm L ξ n)] := by
simp [lMap_rel, Rew.rel, Operator.operator, Operator.LT.sentence_eq]
funext i; cases i using Fin.cases <;> simp [Fin.eq_zero]

end Semiformula


open Semiterm Semiformula

abbrev Polynomial (n : ℕ) : Type := Semiterm ℒₒᵣ Empty n
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158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions Logic/FirstOrder/Arith/EA/Basic.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
import Logic.FirstOrder.Arith.Model

namespace LO.FirstOrder

namespace Arith

variable {L : Language} [L.ORing] (T : Theory L) [𝐄𝐪 ≾ T] [L.Exp]

instance : Language.ORing ℒₒᵣ(exp) :=

lemma consequence_of_exp (σ : Sentence L)
(H : ∀ (M : Type u)
[Zero M] [One M] [Add M] [Mul M] [Exp M] [LT M]
[Structure L M]
[Structure.ORing L M]
[Structure.Exp L M]
[Theory.Mod M T],
M ⊧ₘ σ) :
T ⊨ σ := consequence_iff_eq.mpr fun M _ _ _ hT =>
letI : Theory.Mod (Structure.Model L M) T :=
⟨((Structure.ElementaryEquiv.modelsTheory (Structure.Model.elementaryEquiv L M)).mp hT)⟩
(Structure.ElementaryEquiv.models (Structure.Model.elementaryEquiv L M)).mpr
(H (Structure.Model L M))

namespace Theory

variable (L)

notation "𝐈open(exp)" => IOpen ℒₒᵣ(exp)

notation "𝐈𝚫₀(exp)" => ISigma ℒₒᵣ(exp) 0

inductive Exponential : Theory L
| zero : Exponential “exp 0 = 1
| succ : Exponential “∀ exp (#0 + 1) = 2 * exp #0

notation "𝐄𝐗𝐏" => Exponential ℒₒᵣ(exp)

abbrev ElementaryArithmetic : Theory L := Semiformula.lMap Language.oringEmb '' 𝐏𝐀⁻ + Exponential L + ISigma L 0

notation "𝐄𝐀" => ElementaryArithmetic ℒₒᵣ(exp)

end Theory

section model

variable (M : Type*) [Zero M] [One M] [Add M] [Exp M] [Mul M] [LT M]

instance standardModelExp : Structure ℒₒᵣ(exp) M where
func := fun _ f =>
match f with
| => fun _ => 0
| => fun _ => 1
| Language.ORingExp.Func.exp => fun v => Exp.exp (v 0)
| Language.ORingExp.Func.add => fun v => v 0 + v 1
| Language.ORingExp.Func.mul => fun v => v 0 * v 1
rel := fun _ r =>
match r with
| Language.ORingExp.Rel.eq => fun v => v 0 = v 1
| => fun v => v 0 < v 1

instance : Structure.Eq ℒₒᵣ(exp) M :=
by intro a b; simp[standardModelExp, Semiformula.Operator.val, Semiformula.Operator.Eq.sentence_eq, Semiformula.eval_rel]⟩

instance : Structure.Zero ℒₒᵣ(exp) M := ⟨rfl⟩

instance : Structure.One ℒₒᵣ(exp) M := ⟨rfl⟩

instance : Structure.Add ℒₒᵣ(exp) M := ⟨fun _ _ => rfl⟩

instance : Structure.Mul ℒₒᵣ(exp) M := ⟨fun _ _ => rfl⟩

instance : Structure.Exp ℒₒᵣ(exp) M := ⟨fun _ => rfl⟩

instance : Structure.Eq ℒₒᵣ(exp) M := ⟨fun _ _ => iff_of_eq rfl⟩

instance : Structure.LT ℒₒᵣ(exp) M := ⟨fun _ _ => iff_of_eq rfl⟩

lemma standardModelExp_unique' (s : Structure ℒₒᵣ(exp) M)
(hZero : Structure.Zero ℒₒᵣ(exp) M) (hOne : Structure.One ℒₒᵣ(exp) M)
(hAdd : Structure.Add ℒₒᵣ(exp) M) (hMul : Structure.Mul ℒₒᵣ(exp) M) (hExp : Structure.Exp ℒₒᵣ(exp) M)
(hEq : Structure.Eq ℒₒᵣ(exp) M) (hLT : Structure.LT ℒₒᵣ(exp) M) : s = standardModelExp M := Structure.ext _ _
(funext₃ fun k f _ =>
match k, f with
| _, => by simp[Matrix.empty_eq]
| _, => by simp[Matrix.empty_eq]
| _, Language.Add.add => by simp
| _, Language.Mul.mul => by simp
| _, Language.Exp.exp => by simp)
(funext₃ fun k r _ =>
match k, r with
| _, Language.Eq.eq => by simp
| _, => by simp)

lemma standardModelExp_unique (s : Structure ℒₒᵣ(exp) M)
[hZero : Structure.Zero ℒₒᵣ(exp) M] [hOne : Structure.One ℒₒᵣ(exp) M]
[hAdd : Structure.Add ℒₒᵣ(exp) M] [hMul : Structure.Mul ℒₒᵣ(exp) M] [hExp : Structure.Exp ℒₒᵣ(exp) M]
[hEq : Structure.Eq ℒₒᵣ(exp) M] [hLT : Structure.LT ℒₒᵣ(exp) M] : s = standardModelExp M :=
standardModelExp_unique' M s hZero hOne hAdd hMul hExp hEq hLT

namespace Standard

lemma modelsTheoryExponential : ℕ ⊧ₘ* 𝐄𝐗𝐏 := by
intro σ h
rcases h <;> simp[models_def, Structure.Exp.exp, Nat.exp_succ]

lemma modelsSuccInd_exp (p : Semiformula ℒₒᵣ(exp) ℕ 1) : ℕ ⊧ₘ (∀ᶠ* succInd p) := by
simp [Empty.eq_elim, succInd, models_iff, Matrix.constant_eq_singleton, Matrix.comp_vecCons',
Semiformula.eval_substs, Semiformula.eval_rew_q Rew.toS, Function.comp]
intro e hzero hsucc x; induction' x with x ih
· exact hzero
· exact hsucc x ih

lemma modelsTheoryElementaryArithmetic : ℕ ⊧ₘ* 𝐄𝐀 := by
simp [Theory.ElementaryArithmetic, Theory.add_def, Theory.ISigma, Theory.IndScheme]
exact ⟨⟨by intro σ hσ; simpa [models_iff] using modelsTheoryPAminus hσ, modelsTheoryExponential⟩,
by rintro σ p _ rfl; exact modelsSuccInd_exp p⟩

end Standard

end model

noncomputable section

variable {M : Type} [Zero M] [One M] [Add M] [Mul M] [Exp M] [LT M] [𝐄𝐀.Mod M]

open Language

namespace Model

instance : 𝐏𝐀⁻.Mod M :=
haveI : Theory.Mod M (Semiformula.lMap Language.oringEmb '' 𝐏𝐀⁻ : Theory ℒₒᵣ(exp)) :=
Theory.Mod.of_add_left_left M (Semiformula.lMap Language.oringEmb '' 𝐏𝐀⁻) 𝐄𝐗𝐏 𝐈𝚫₀(exp)
by intro σ hσ;
simpa [models_iff] using
@Theory.Mod.models ℒₒᵣ(exp) M _ _ _ this _ (Set.mem_image_of_mem (Semiformula.lMap Language.oringEmb) hσ)⟩

instance : 𝐄𝐗𝐏.Mod M := Theory.Mod.of_add_left_right M (Semiformula.lMap Language.oringEmb '' 𝐏𝐀⁻) 𝐄𝐗𝐏 𝐈𝚫₀(exp)

instance : 𝐈𝚫₀(exp).Mod M := Theory.Mod.of_add_right M (Semiformula.lMap Language.oringEmb '' 𝐏𝐀⁻ + 𝐄𝐗𝐏) 𝐈𝚫₀(exp)

lemma ISigma₀_subset_IDelta₀Exp : (𝐈𝚺₀ : Theory ℒₒᵣ(exp)) ⊆ 𝐈𝚫₀(exp) :=

instance : 𝐈𝚺₀.Mod M := ⟨by
intro σ hσ
have : (𝐈𝚺₀ : Theory ℒₒᵣ(exp)) ⊆ 𝐈𝚫₀(exp) := Theory.coe_IHierarchy_subset_IHierarchy
have : M ⊧ₘ (σ : Sentence ℒₒᵣ(exp)) :=
Theory.Mod.models M (show (σ : Sentence ℒₒᵣ(exp)) ∈ 𝐈𝚫₀(exp) from this (Set.mem_image_of_mem _ hσ))
simpa [models_iff] using this⟩

end Model


end Arith

end LO.FirstOrder
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Logic/FirstOrder/Arith/Hierarchy.lean
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Expand Up @@ -295,6 +295,16 @@ lemma of_open {p : Semiformula L μ n} : p.Open → Hierarchy Γ s p := by
case hand ihp ihq => intro hp hq; exact ⟨ihp hp, ihq hq⟩
case hor ihp ihq => intro hp hq; exact ⟨ihp hp, ihq hq⟩

variable {L : Language} [L.ORing]

lemma oringEmb {p : Semiformula ℒₒᵣ μ n} : Hierarchy Γ s p → Hierarchy Γ s (Semiformula.lMap (Language.oringEmb : ℒₒᵣ →ᵥ L) p) := by
intro h; induction h <;> try simp [*, Semiformula.lMap_rel, Semiformula.lMap_nrel]
case sigma ih => exact ih.accum _
case pi ih => exact ih.accum _
case dummy_pi ih => exact ih.dummy_pi
case dummy_sigma ih => exact ih.dummy_sigma

end Hierarchy

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Logic/FirstOrder/Arith/Model.lean
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Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ variable {μ : Type v} (e : Fin n → ℕ) (ε : μ → ℕ)

lemma modelsTheoryPAminus : ℕ ⊧ₘ* 𝐏𝐀⁻ := by
intro σ h
rcases h <;> simp[models_def, ←le_iff_eq_or_lt]
rcases h <;> simp [models_def, ←le_iff_eq_or_lt]
case addAssoc => intro l m n; exact add_assoc l m n
case addComm => intro m n; exact add_comm m n
case mulAssoc => intro l m n; exact mul_assoc l m n
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Logic/FirstOrder/Arith/Nonstandard.lean
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Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ lemma trueArith : ℕ⋆ ⊧ₘ* 𝐓𝐀 := by

instance : Theory.Mod ℕ⋆ 𝐓𝐀 := ⟨trueArith⟩

instance : Theory.Mod ℕ⋆ (Theory.PAminus ℒₒᵣ) :=
instance : Theory.Mod ℕ⋆ 𝐏𝐀⁻ :=
Theory.Mod.of_ss (T₁ := 𝐓𝐀) _ (Structure.subset_of_models.mpr $ Arith.Standard.modelsTheoryPAminus)

lemma star_unbounded (n : ℕ) : n < ⋆ := by
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34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions Logic/FirstOrder/Arith/PAminus.lean
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Expand Up @@ -23,55 +23,55 @@ instance : LE M := ⟨fun x y => x = y ∨ x < y⟩
lemma le_def {x y : M} : x ≤ y ↔ x = y ∨ x < y := iff_of_eq rfl

protected lemma add_zero : ∀ x : M, x + 0 = x := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.addZero oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.addZero

protected lemma add_assoc : ∀ x y z : M, (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.addAssoc oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.addAssoc

protected lemma add_comm : ∀ x y : M, x + y = y + x := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.addComm oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.addComm

lemma add_eq_of_lt : ∀ x y : M, x < y → ∃ z, x + z = y := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.addEqOfLt oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.addEqOfLt

@[simp] lemma zero_le : ∀ x : M, 0 ≤ x := by
simpa[models_iff, Structure.le_iff_of_eq_of_lt] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.zeroLe oRing _)
simpa[models_iff, Structure.le_iff_of_eq_of_lt] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.zeroLe

lemma zero_lt_one : (0 : M) < 1 := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.zeroLtOne oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.zeroLtOne

lemma one_le_of_zero_lt : ∀ x : M, 0 < x → 1 ≤ x := by
simpa[models_iff, Structure.le_iff_of_eq_of_lt] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.oneLeOfZeroLt oRing _)
simpa[models_iff, Structure.le_iff_of_eq_of_lt] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.oneLeOfZeroLt

lemma add_lt_add : ∀ x y z : M, x < y → x + z < y + z := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.addLtAdd oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.addLtAdd

protected lemma mul_zero : ∀ x : M, x * 0 = 0 := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.mulZero oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.mulZero

protected lemma mul_one : ∀ x : M, x * 1 = x := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.mulOne oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.mulOne

protected lemma mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : M, (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.mulAssoc oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.mulAssoc

protected lemma mul_comm : ∀ x y : M, x * y = y * x := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.mulComm oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.mulComm

lemma mul_lt_mul : ∀ x y z : M, x < y → 0 < z → x * z < y * z := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.mulLtMul oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.mulLtMul

lemma distr : ∀ x y z : M, x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.distr oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.distr

lemma lt_irrefl : ∀ x : M, ¬x < x := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.ltIrrefl oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.ltIrrefl

lemma lt_trans : ∀ x y z : M, x < y → y < z → x < z := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.ltTrans oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.ltTrans

lemma lt_tri : ∀ x y : M, x < y ∨ x = y ∨ y < x := by
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M (@Theory.PAminus.ltTri oRing _)
simpa[models_iff] using Theory.Mod.models M Theory.PAminus.ltTri

instance : AddCommMonoid M where
add_assoc := Model.add_assoc
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