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feat(Normal Modal): Strength of Logics Part.1 (iehality#23)
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* feat(Normal Modal): semantics lemmata and explicit soundness proof

* refactor(Normal Modal): satisfy notation

* feat(Normal Modal): Logic equivalence, `𝐒𝟓 = 𝐊𝐓𝟒𝐁`

* refactor(Normal Modal):FrameClassDefinability

* refactor(Normal Modal):

* feat(wip): string soundness wip

* feat(Normal Modal): StrictLogicalStrong, `𝐒𝟒 <ᴸ 𝐒𝟓`

* refactor(Normal Modal): consequence and remove nonempty

* fix(Normal Modal)

* fix(Normal Modal)

* refactor(Normal Modal): remove Proof/Provable

* feat(Normal Modal): DeducibleEquivalent wip

* strict sounds

* fix for review

* rebase fix
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SnO2WMaN committed Mar 21, 2024
1 parent f9915c1 commit c3911b1
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Showing 8 changed files with 433 additions and 204 deletions.
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion Logic/Logic/Deduction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ def neg_iff' {Γ p q} (d : Bew Γ (p ⟷ q)) : Bew Γ (~p ⟷ ~q) := by
. apply contra₀';
apply iff_mp' d

def trans' {Γ p q r} (h₁ : Bew Γ (p ⟶ q)) (h₂ : Bew Γ (q ⟶ r)) : Bew Γ (p ⟶ r) := by
def imp_trans' {Γ p q r} (h₁ : Bew Γ (p ⟶ q)) (h₂ : Bew Γ (q ⟶ r)) : Bew Γ (p ⟶ r) := by
apply dtr;
have : Bew (insert p Γ) p := axm (by simp);
have : Bew (insert p Γ) q := modus_ponens' (weakening' (by simp) h₁) this;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,6 +265,14 @@ def conj_symm (Γ p q) : Bew Γ ((p ⋏ q) ⟶ (q ⋏ p)) := by

def conj_symm_iff (Γ p q) : Bew Γ ((p ⋏ q) ⟷ (q ⋏ p)) := iff_intro (by apply conj_symm) (by apply conj_symm)

def iff_id (Γ p) : Bew Γ (p ⟷ p) := iff_intro (by apply imp_id) (by apply imp_id)

def imp_top {Γ p} (d : Bew Γ (⊤ ⟶ p)) : Bew Γ p := d ⨀ (verum Γ)

def iff_left_top {Γ p} (d : Bew Γ (⊤ ⟷ p)) : Bew Γ p := imp_top (iff_mp' d)

def iff_right_top {Γ p} (d : Bew Γ (p ⟷ ⊤)) : Bew Γ p := imp_top (iff_mpr' d)

end Minimal

section Classical
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,6 +396,15 @@ lemma dtl_not! {Γ : Set F} {p q : F} : ((insert p Γ) ⊬! q) → (Γ ⊬! (p
intro d;
exact ⟨dtl d⟩

lemma imp_id! (Γ : Set F) (p : F) : Γ ⊢! (p ⟶ p) := ⟨imp_id Γ p⟩

lemma imp_top! {Γ : Set F} {p : F} (d : Γ ⊢! (⊤ ⟶ p)) : Γ ⊢! p := ⟨imp_top d.some⟩

lemma iff_left_top! {Γ : Set F} {p : F} (d : Γ ⊢! (⊤ ⟷ p)) : Γ ⊢! p := ⟨iff_left_top d.some⟩
lemma iff_right_top! {Γ : Set F} {p : F} (d : Γ ⊢! (p ⟷ ⊤)) : Γ ⊢! p := ⟨iff_right_top d.some⟩

lemma imp_trans'! {Γ : Set F} {p q r : F} (h₁ : Γ ⊢! (p ⟶ q)) (h₂ : Γ ⊢! (q ⟶ r)) : Γ ⊢! (p ⟶ r) := ⟨imp_trans' h₁.some h₂.some⟩

end Deducible

section Consistency
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Logic/Modal/Normal.lean
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Logic.Modal.Normal.Deduction
import Logic.Modal.Normal.Semantics
import Logic.Modal.Normal.Soundness
import Logic.Modal.Normal.Completeness
-- import Logic.Modal.Normal.ModalCube
import Logic.Modal.Normal.ModalCube

import Logic.Modal.Normal.GL.Semantics
import Logic.Modal.Normal.GL.Soundness
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions Logic/Modal/Normal/Completeness.lean
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import Logic.Modal.Normal.Deduction
import Logic.Modal.Normal.Semantics
import Logic.Modal.Normal.Soundness

namespace LO.Modal.Normal

Expand All @@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ variable (Λ : AxiomSet β) (Γ : Theory β)

def Theory.Maximal := ∀ p, (p ∈ Γ) ∨ (~p ∈ Γ)

def WeakCompleteness := ∀ (p : Formula β), (⊧ᴹ[(𝔽(Λ) : FrameClass α)] p) → (⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p)
-- def WeakCompleteness := ∀ (p : Formula β), (⊧ᴹ[(𝔽(Λ) : FrameClass α)] p) → (⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p)

def Completeness (𝔽 : FrameClass α) := ∀ (Γ : Theory β) (p : Formula β), (Γ ⊨ᴹ[𝔽] p) → (Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,9 +301,15 @@ lemma exists_maximal_consistent_theory : ∃ (Ω : MaximalConsistentTheory Λ),

end Lindenbaum

variable (hK : 𝐊 ⊆ Λ)

open MaximalConsistentTheory

variable (hK : 𝐊 ⊆ Λ)
lemma MaximalConsistentTheory.inhabited (h : AxiomSet.Consistent Λ) : Inhabited (MaximalConsistentTheory Λ) := ⟨
exists_maximal_consistent_theory (by simp only [Theory.Consistent, Theory.Inconsistent];) |>.choose

lemma mct_mem_box_iff {Ω : MaximalConsistentTheory Λ} {p : Formula β} : (□p ∈ Ω) ↔ (∀ (Ω' : MaximalConsistentTheory Λ), (□⁻¹Ω ⊆ Ω'.theory) → (p ∈ Ω')) := by
have := Deduction.instBoxedNecessitation hK;
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193 changes: 138 additions & 55 deletions Logic/Modal/Normal/Deduction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -42,15 +42,6 @@ notation:45 Γ " ⊢ᴹ[" Λ "]! " p => Deducible Λ Γ p
abbrev Undeducible := ¬(Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p)
notation:45 Γ " ⊬ᴹ[" Λ "]! " p => Undeducible Λ Γ p

abbrev Proof := ∅ ⊢ᴹ[Λ] p
notation:45 "⊢ᴹ[" Λ "] " p => Proof Λ p

abbrev Provable := Nonempty (⊢ᴹ[Λ] p)
notation:45 "⊢ᴹ[" Λ "]! " p => Provable Λ p

abbrev Unprovable := IsEmpty (⊢ᴹ[Λ] p)
notation:45 "⊬ᴹ[" Λ "]! " p => Unprovable Λ p

abbrev Theory.Consistent := Deduction.Consistent (@Deduction α Λ) Γ
abbrev Theory.Inconsistent := Deduction.Inconsistent (@Deduction α Λ) Γ

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,52 +201,6 @@ lemma compact {Γ p} (d : Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p) : ∃ (Δ : Context α), ↑Δ ⊆

end Deducible

def Proof.length (d : ⊢ᴹ[Λ] p) : ℕ := Deduction.length (by simpa using d)

lemma Provable.dne : (⊢ᴹ[Λ]! ~~p) → (⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p) := by
intro d;
have h₁ : ⊢ᴹ[Λ] ~~p ⟶ p := Deduction.dne ∅ p;
have h₂ := d.some; simp [Proof, Deduction] at h₂;
simp_all [Provable, Proof, Deduction];
exact ⟨(Deduction.modus_ponens' h₁ h₂)⟩

lemma Provable.consistent_no_bot : (⊬ᴹ[Λ]! ⊥) → (⊥ ∉ Λ) := by
intro h; by_contra hC;
have : ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! ⊥ := ⟨Deduction.maxm hC⟩;

-- TODO: 直接有限モデルを構成する方法(鹿島『コンピュータサイエンスにおける様相論理』2.8参照)で必要になる筈の定義だが,使わないかも知れない.
variable [IsCommutative _ (λ (p q : Formula α) => p ⋏ q)]
[IsCommutative _ (λ (p q : Formula α) => p ⋎ q)]
[IsAssociative _ (λ (p q : Formula α) => p ⋏ q)]
[IsAssociative _ (λ (p q : Formula α) => p ⋎ q)]
def Sequent (Γ Δ : (Theory α)) : Formula α := ((Γ.fold (· ⋏ ·) ⊤ id) ⟶ (Δ.fold (· ⋎ ·) ⊥ id))
notation "⟪" Γ "⟹" Δ "⟫" => Sequent Γ Δ
notation "⟪" "⟹" Δ "⟫" => Sequent ∅ Δ
notation "⟪" Γ "⟹" "⟫" => Sequent Γ ∅
def ProofS (Γ Δ : (Theory α)) := ⊢ᴹ[Λ] ⟪Γ ⟹ Δ⟫
variable [Union ((Theory α))] [Inter ((Theory α))]
variable (Γ₁ Γ₂ Δ : (Theory α))
structure Partial where
union : (Γ₁ ∪ Γ₂) = Δ
inter : (Γ₁ ∩ Γ₂) = ∅
structure UnprovablePartial extends Partial Γ₁ Γ₂ Δ where
unprovable := ⊬ᴹ[Λ]! ⟪Γ₁ ⟹ Γ₂⟫

variable [DecidableEq α]

open Deduction Hilbert
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,6 +273,144 @@ def Deduction.ofS5Subset (_ : 𝐒𝟓 ⊆ Λ) : (Hilbert.S5 (Deduction (Λ : Ax
instance : Hilbert.S5 (Deduction (𝐒𝟓 : AxiomSet α)) := Deduction.ofS5Subset 𝐒𝟓 (by rfl)

namespace Formula

open LO.Hilbert

def DeducibleEquivalent (Λ : AxiomSet α) (Γ : Theory α) (p q : Formula α) : Prop := Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! (p ⟷ q)
notation p:80 " ⟷[" Λ "," Γ "] " q:80 => DeducibleEquivalent Λ Γ p q

namespace DeducibleEquivalent

variable {Λ : AxiomSet α} {Γ : Theory α} {p q r : Formula α}

protected lemma refl : p ⟷[Λ, Γ] p := by
simp [DeducibleEquivalent];
apply iff_intro!;
all_goals apply imp_id!

protected lemma symm : (p ⟷[Λ, Γ] q) → (q ⟷[Λ, Γ] p) := by
simp only [DeducibleEquivalent];
intro dpq;
exact iff_symm'! dpq;

protected lemma trans : (p ⟷[Λ, Γ] q) → (q ⟷[Λ, Γ] r) → (p ⟷[Λ, Γ] r) := by
simp only [DeducibleEquivalent];
intro dpq dqr;
apply iff_intro!;
. exact imp_trans'! (iff_mp'! dpq) (iff_mp'! dqr);
. exact imp_trans'! (iff_mpr'! dqr) (iff_mpr'! dpq);

instance : IsEquiv (Formula α) (· ⟷[Λ, Γ] ·) where
refl := by apply DeducibleEquivalent.refl
symm := by apply DeducibleEquivalent.symm
trans := by apply DeducibleEquivalent.trans

lemma tauto : p ⟷[Λ, Γ] p := by simp [DeducibleEquivalent]; apply iff_intro!; all_goals apply imp_id!

lemma _root_.Set.subset_insert_insert {α} {s : Set α} {a b} : s ⊆ insert a (insert b s) := by
have h₁ := Set.subset_insert a s;
have h₂ : (insert a s) ⊆ (insert a (insert b s)) := Set.insert_subset_insert (by simp);
exact subset_trans h₁ h₂

lemma or (hp : p₁ ⟷[Λ, Γ] p₂) (hq : q₁ ⟷[Λ, Γ] q₂) : ((p₁ ⋎ q₁) ⟷[Λ, Γ] (p₂ ⋎ q₂)) := by
simp_all only [DeducibleEquivalent];
apply iff_intro!
. apply dtr!;
exact disj₃'!
apply dtr!;
have d₁ : (insert p₁ (insert (p₁ ⋎ q₁) Γ)) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p₁ := axm! (by simp);
have d₂ : (insert p₁ (insert (p₁ ⋎ q₁) Γ)) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p₁ ⟶ p₂ := weakening! Set.subset_insert_insert (iff_mp'! hp);
exact disj₁'! $ modus_ponens'! d₂ d₁;
apply dtr!;
have d₁ : (insert q₁ (insert (p₁ ⋎ q₁) Γ)) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! q₁ := axm! (by simp);
have d₂ : (insert q₁ (insert (p₁ ⋎ q₁) Γ)) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! q₁ ⟶ q₂ := weakening! Set.subset_insert_insert (iff_mp'! hq);
exact disj₂'! $ modus_ponens'! d₂ d₁;
(show insert (p₁ ⋎ q₁) Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! (p₁ ⋎ q₁) by exact axm! (by simp));
. apply dtr!;
exact disj₃'!
apply dtr!;
have d₁ : (insert p₂ (insert (p₂ ⋎ q₂) Γ)) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p₂ := axm! (by simp);
have d₂ : (insert p₂ (insert (p₂ ⋎ q₂) Γ)) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p₂ ⟶ p₁ := weakening! Set.subset_insert_insert (iff_mpr'! hp);
exact disj₁'! $ modus_ponens'! d₂ d₁;
apply dtr!;
have d₁ : (insert q₂ (insert (p₂ ⋎ q₂) Γ)) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! q₂ := axm! (by simp);
have d₂ : (insert q₂ (insert (p₂ ⋎ q₂) Γ)) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! q₂ ⟶ q₁ := weakening! Set.subset_insert_insert (iff_mpr'! hq);
exact disj₂'! $ modus_ponens'! d₂ d₁;
(show insert (p₂ ⋎ q₂) Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! (p₂ ⋎ q₂) by exact axm! (by simp));

lemma and (hp : p₁ ⟷[Λ, Γ] p₂) (hq : q₁ ⟷[Λ, Γ] q₂) : ((p₁ ⋏ q₁) ⟷[Λ, Γ] (p₂ ⋏ q₂)) := by
simp_all only [DeducibleEquivalent];
apply iff_intro!;
. apply dtr!;
have d : insert (p₁ ⋏ q₁) Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]!(p₁ ⋏ q₁) := axm! (by simp)
exact conj₃'!
(modus_ponens'! (weakening! (by simp) $ iff_mp'! hp) (conj₁'! d))
(modus_ponens'! (weakening! (by simp) $ iff_mp'! hq) (conj₂'! d));
. apply dtr!;
have d : insert (p₂ ⋏ q₂) Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]!(p₂ ⋏ q₂) := axm! (by simp)
exact conj₃'!
(modus_ponens'! (weakening! (by simp) $ iff_mpr'! hp) (conj₁'! d))
(modus_ponens'! (weakening! (by simp) $ iff_mpr'! hq) (conj₂'! d));

lemma and_comm (p q : Formula α) : ((p ⋏ q) ⟷[Λ, Γ] (q ⋏ p)) := by
simp_all only [DeducibleEquivalent];
apply iff_intro!;
. apply dtr!;
have d₁ : insert (p ⋏ q) Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! (p ⋏ q) := axm! (by simp);
exact conj₃'! (conj₂'! d₁) (conj₁'! d₁);
. apply dtr!;
have d₁ : insert (q ⋏ p) Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! (q ⋏ p) := axm! (by simp);
exact conj₃'! (conj₂'! d₁) (conj₁'! d₁);

lemma imp (hp : p₁ ⟷[Λ, Γ] p₂) (hq : q₁ ⟷[Λ, Γ] q₂) : ((p₁ ⟶ q₁) ⟷[Λ, Γ] (p₂ ⟶ q₂)) := by
simp_all only [DeducibleEquivalent];
apply iff_intro!;
. apply dtr!;
apply dtr!;
have d₁ : insert p₂ (insert (p₁ ⟶ q₁) Γ) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! (p₁ ⟶ q₁) := axm! (by simp)
have d₂ : insert p₂ (insert (p₁ ⟶ q₁) Γ) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p₂ := axm! (by simp)
have d₃ : insert p₂ (insert (p₁ ⟶ q₁) Γ) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! q₁ := modus_ponens'! d₁ $ modus_ponens'! (weakening! Set.subset_insert_insert (iff_mpr'! hp)) d₂;
exact modus_ponens'! (weakening! Set.subset_insert_insert (iff_mp'! hq)) d₃;
. apply dtr!;
apply dtr!;
have d₁ : insert p₁ (insert (p₂ ⟶ q₂) Γ) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! (p₂ ⟶ q₂) := axm! (by simp)
have d₂ : insert p₁ (insert (p₂ ⟶ q₂) Γ) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p₁ := axm! (by simp)
have d₃ : insert p₁ (insert (p₂ ⟶ q₂) Γ) ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! q₂ := modus_ponens'! d₁ $ modus_ponens'! (weakening! Set.subset_insert_insert (iff_mp'! hp)) d₂;
exact modus_ponens'! (weakening! Set.subset_insert_insert (iff_mpr'! hq)) d₃;

lemma neg (h : p ⟷[Λ, Γ] q) : ((~p) ⟷[Λ, Γ] (~q)) := by
simp [DeducibleEquivalent];
exact imp h (by simp);

variable [Hilbert.K (Deduction Λ)]

lemma box (h : p ⟷[Λ, ∅] q) : ((□p) ⟷[Λ, Γ] (□q)) := by
simp_all only [DeducibleEquivalent];
apply iff_intro!;
. have d₁ : Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! □(p ⟶ q) := necessitation! (iff_mp'! h);
have d₂ : Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! □(p ⟶ q) ⟶ (□p ⟶ □q) := Hilbert.axiomK! Γ p q;
exact modus_ponens'! d₂ d₁;
. have d₁ : Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! □(q ⟶ p) := necessitation! (iff_mpr'! h);
have d₂ : Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! □(q ⟶ p) ⟶ (□q ⟶ □p) := Hilbert.axiomK! Γ q p;
exact modus_ponens'! d₂ d₁;

end DeducibleEquivalent

end Formula

end Modal.Normal

end LO
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions Logic/Modal/Normal/HilbertStyle.lean
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Expand Up @@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ variable [Classical Bew]

open HasNecessitation

def necessitation {Γ : Set F} {p} (d : Bew ∅ p) : Γ ⊢ □p := HasNecessitation.necessitation d
def necessitation {Γ : Set F} {p} (d : (∅ : Set F) ⊢ p) : Γ ⊢ □p := HasNecessitation.necessitation d

def necessitation! {Γ : Set F} {p} (d : Bew ∅ p) : Γ ⊢! □p := ⟨necessitation d⟩
def necessitation! {Γ : Set F} {p} (d : (∅ : Set F) ⊢! p) : Γ ⊢! □p := ⟨necessitation d.some

open HasBoxedNecessitation

Expand All @@ -85,17 +85,19 @@ def preboxed_necessitation! {Γ : Set F} {p} (d : Γ.prebox ⊢! p) : Γ ⊢!

open HasAxiomK

def AxiomK (Γ : Set F) (p q) : Γ ⊢ (AxiomK p q) := HasAxiomK.K Γ p q
def AxiomK' {Γ : Set F} {p q} (d₁ : Γ ⊢ (□(p ⟶ q))) (d₂ : Γ ⊢ □p) : Γ ⊢ □q := ((AxiomK Γ p q) ⨀ d₁) ⨀ d₂
protected def axiomK (Γ : Set F) (p q) : Γ ⊢ (AxiomK p q) := HasAxiomK.K Γ p q
def axiomK' {Γ : Set F} {p q} (d₁ : Γ ⊢ (□(p ⟶ q))) (d₂ : Γ ⊢ □p) : Γ ⊢ □q := ((Hilbert.axiomK Γ p q) ⨀ d₁) ⨀ d₂

lemma axiomK! (Γ : Set F) (p q) : Γ ⊢! (AxiomK p q) := ⟨Hilbert.axiomK Γ p q⟩

def boxverum (Γ : Set F) : Γ ⊢ □⊤ := necessitation (verum _)
lemma boxverum! (Γ : Set F) : Γ ⊢! □⊤ := ⟨boxverum Γ⟩

def box_iff' {Γ : Set F} {p q : F} (d : ∅ ⊢ p ⟷ q) : Γ ⊢ (□p ⟷ □q) := by
have dp₁ : ∅ ⊢ (□(p ⟶ q) ⟶ (□p ⟶ □q)) := AxiomK ∅ p q;
have dp₁ : ∅ ⊢ (□(p ⟶ q) ⟶ (□p ⟶ □q)) := Hilbert.axiomK ∅ p q;
have dp₂ : ∅ ⊢ (□(p ⟶ q)) := necessitation $ iff_mp' d;

have dq₁ : ∅ ⊢ (□(q ⟶ p) ⟶ (□q ⟶ □p)) := AxiomK ∅ q p;
have dq₁ : ∅ ⊢ (□(q ⟶ p) ⟶ (□q ⟶ □p)) := Hilbert.axiomK ∅ q p;
have dq₂ : ∅ ⊢ (□(q ⟶ p)) := necessitation $ iff_mpr' d;

exact iff_intro
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