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change(FirstOrder/Arith): PAminus
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iehality committed Jan 7, 2024
1 parent a798669 commit e8ce055
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 139 deletions.
143 changes: 4 additions & 139 deletions Logic/FirstOrder/Arith/PAminus.lean
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Expand Up @@ -213,8 +213,6 @@ lemma sigma_one_completeness : ∀ {n} {σ : Semisentence ℒₒᵣ n},

end Model

section sigma_one_completeness

variable {T : Theory ℒₒᵣ} [𝐄𝐪 ≾ T] [𝐏𝐀⁻ ≾ T]

theorem sigma_one_completeness {σ : Sentence ℒₒᵣ} (hσ : Hierarchy Σ 1 σ) :
Expand All @@ -223,145 +221,12 @@ theorem sigma_one_completeness {σ : Sentence ℒₒᵣ} (hσ : Hierarchy Σ 1
haveI : 𝐏𝐀⁻.Mod M := Theory.Mod.of_subtheory (T₁ := T) M (Semantics.ofSystemSubtheory _ _)
simpa[Matrix.empty_eq] using @Model.sigma_one_completeness M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hσ ![] (by simpa[models_iff] using H)))

end sigma_one_completeness

namespace Model

variable {x y z : M}

section msub

lemma msub_existsUnique (x y : M) : ∃! z, (x ≥ y → x = y + z) ∧ (x < y → z = 0) := by
have : y ≤ x ∨ x < y := le_or_lt y x
rcases this with (hxy | hxy) <;> simp[hxy]
· simp [show ¬x < y from not_lt.mpr hxy]
have : ∃ z, x = y + z := exists_add_of_le hxy
rcases this with ⟨z, rfl⟩
exact ExistsUnique.intro z rfl (fun x h => (add_left_cancel h).symm)
· simp [show ¬y ≤ x from not_le.mpr hxy]

def msub (x y : M) : M := Classical.choose! (msub_existsUnique x y)

infix:65 " -̇ " => msub

lemma msub_spec_of_ge (h : x ≥ y) : x = y + (x -̇ y) := (Classical.choose!_spec (msub_existsUnique x y)).1 h

lemma msub_spec_of_lt (h : x < y) : x -̇ y = 0 := (Classical.choose!_spec (msub_existsUnique x y)).2 h

lemma msub_eq_iff : z = x -̇ y ↔ ((x ≥ y → x = y + z) ∧ (x < y → z = 0)) := Classical.choose!_eq_iff _

lemma msub_definable : Σᴬ[0]-Function₂ (λ x y : M ↦ x -̇ y) :=
⟨“(#2 ≤ #1 → #1 = #2 + #0) ∧ (#1 < #2 → #0 = 0)”,
by simp[Hierarchy.pi_zero_iff_sigma_zero], by intro v; simp[msub_eq_iff]; rfl⟩

@[simp] lemma msub_le_self (x y : M) : x -̇ y ≤ x := by
have : y ≤ x ∨ x < y := le_or_lt y x
rcases this with (hxy | hxy) <;> simp[hxy]
· simpa [← msub_spec_of_ge hxy] using show x -̇ y ≤ y + (x -̇ y) from le_add_self
· simp[msub_spec_of_lt hxy]

lemma msub_polybounded : PolyBounded₂ (λ x y : M ↦ x -̇ y) := ⟨#0, λ _ ↦ by simp⟩

end msub

section Dvd

lemma le_mul_self_of_pos_left (hy : 0 < y) : x ≤ y * x := by
have : 1 * x ≤ y * x := mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (one_le_of_zero_lt y hy) (by simp)
simpa using this

lemma le_mul_self_of_pos_right (hy : 0 < y) : x ≤ x * y := by
simpa [mul_comm x y] using le_mul_self_of_pos_left hy

lemma dvd_iff_bounded {x y : M} : x ∣ y ↔ ∃ z ≤ y, y = x * z := by
by_cases hx : x = 0
· simp[hx]; rintro rfl; exact ⟨0, by simp⟩
· constructor
· rintro ⟨z, rfl⟩; exact ⟨z, le_mul_self_of_pos_left (pos_iff_ne_zero.mpr hx), rfl⟩
· rintro ⟨z, hz, rfl⟩; exact dvd_mul_right x z

lemma dvd_definable : Σᴬ[0]-Relation (λ x y : M ↦ x ∣ y) :=
⟨∃[“#0 < #2 + 1”] “#2 = #1 * #0”, by simp,
λ v ↦ by simp[dvd_iff_bounded, Matrix.vecHead, Matrix.vecTail, le_of_lt_succ]⟩

end Dvd

@[simp] lemma lt_one_iff_eq_zero : x < 1 ↔ x = 0 := ⟨by
intro hx
have : x ≤ 0 := by exact (show x < 0 + 1 from by simpa using hx)
exact this,
by rintro rfl; exact zero_lt_one⟩

lemma le_one_iff_eq_zero_or_one : x ≤ 1 ↔ x = 0 ∨ x = 1 :=
by intro h; rcases h with (rfl | ltx)
· simp
· simp [show x = 0 from by simpa using ltx],
by rintro (rfl | rfl) <;> simp⟩

lemma le_of_dvd (h : 0 < y) : x ∣ y → x ≤ y := by
rintro ⟨z, rfl⟩
exact le_mul_self_of_pos_right
(pos_iff_ne_zero.mpr (show z ≠ 0 from by rintro rfl; simp at h))

lemma dvd_antisymm : x ∣ y → y ∣ x → x = y := by
intro hx hy
rcases show x = 00 < x from eq_zero_or_pos x with (rfl | ltx)
· simp [show y = 0 from by simpa using hx]
· rcases show y = 00 < y from eq_zero_or_pos y with (rfl | lty)
· simp [show x = 0 from by simpa using hy]
· exact le_antisymm (le_of_dvd lty hx) (le_of_dvd ltx hy)

lemma dvd_one : x ∣ 1 ↔ x = 1 := ⟨by { intro hx; exact dvd_antisymm hx (by simp) }, by rintro rfl; simp⟩

section Prime

lemma eq_one_or_eq_of_dvd_of_prime {p x : M} (pp : Prime p) (hxp : x ∣ p) : x = 1 ∨ x = p := by
have : p ∣ x ∨ x ∣ 1 := pp.left_dvd_or_dvd_right_of_dvd_mul (show x ∣ p * 1 from by simpa using hxp)
rcases this with (hx | hx)
· right; exact dvd_antisymm hxp hx
· left; exact hx

lemma prime_iff_bounded {x : M} : Prime x ↔ 1 < x ∧ ∀ y ≤ x, (y ∣ x → y = 1 ∨ y = x) := by
· intro prim
have : 1 < x := by
by_contra A; simp at A
rcases A with (rfl | rfl)
· exact not_prime_zero prim
· exact not_prime_one prim
exact ⟨this, fun y hy hyx ↦ eq_one_or_eq_of_dvd_of_prime prim hyx⟩
· intro H; constructor
· sorry
· constructor
· sorry
· intro y z h

def IsPrime (x : M) : Prop := 1 < x ∧ ∀ y ≤ x, (y ∣ x → y = 1 ∨ y = x)
-- TODO: prove IsPrime x ↔ Prime x

lemma isPrime_definable : Σᴬ[0]-Predicate (λ x : M ↦ IsPrime x) := by
have : Σᴬ[0]-Relation (λ x y : M ↦ x ∣ y) := dvd_definable
rcases this with ⟨dvd, hdvd, sdvd⟩
let prime : Semisentence ℒₒᵣ 1 := “1 < #0” ⋏ (∀[“#0 < #1 + 1”] dvd/[#0, #1] ⟶ “#0 = 1 ∨ #0 = #1”)
exact ⟨prime, by simp[prime, hdvd, Hierarchy.pi_zero_iff_sigma_zero],
fun v ↦ by
simp [Semiformula.eval_substs, Matrix.comp_vecCons', Matrix.vecHead, Matrix.constant_eq_singleton,
IsPrime, ← sdvd, le_of_lt_succ]⟩

end Prime

section Pow2

def Pow2 (x : M) : Prop := 1 < x ∧ ∀ p ≤ x, IsPrime p → p ∣ x → p = 2

end Pow2

end Model


end PAminus

end Arith

end FirstOrder

end LO

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